Gifts: Infant, Trumpette

4 articles

What Was Your Best Baby Shower Gift?

D.F. asks from New York

I have a shower to go to for a very good friend who is having her first girl! My daughter is 12 so I have no idea about any of the new stuff that is out. I'm not th...


Baby Gear Advice

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. I gave most of my baby gear away 6 months ago(after my 4th child). Now surprise...I am e...


Mommy and Baby Products

M.M. asks from Las Vegas

I just had a quick question. I have several family members who are going to be having babies here really soon. I have my ideas of what to get them but I am requesting...


BIL And SIL Just Had 1St baby...what to Buy for the Picky Couple?

K.I. asks from Los Angeles

Hi guys, My BIL and his wife just had their 1st baby, a boy. A little about them: They are both in their mid-late 30's (she is 35, he is almost 40), very yuppie, ver...