Games & Activities: Tween

Results 1-10 from 389 articles

Baby Shower for a Minor

C.D. asks from Indianapolis

I have a request to do a baby shower for a 14 year old. I'm not to quick on this idea I don't want to come off as the mother that I am, but what does a 14 year old ne...


My 10 Year Old

B.M. asks from Houston

My 10 year old son is getting to where he screams at me, he won't do anything i ask him to do. He tells me all the time i am mean because i wan't him to do his homewo...


Baby Shower for a Mom Who Has Everything

M.G. asks from Ocala

I have a very close coworker who is expecting her first child in september. she had a baby shower a couple of weeks ago that I was unable to attend. She got mostly ...


Shower for a Second Baby?

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

My sister-in-law is having a baby girl in a few months, she has a 3 year old boy, is it tacky to throw a shower or do you do something after the baby is born?


Help with a 12 Year Old's Attitude...

S.D. asks from Savannah

My oldest daughter turned 12 on St. Patrick's Day and for about the past several months, her attitude is completely horrible. If I get on her for something she screa...


How Do You Feel About a Baby Shower for 2Nd, 3Rd, 4Th, Pregnancy?

A.M. asks from Cleveland

My sister is pregnant with her second child, her first is only 3 years old and she wants a family member to throw her another baby shower. I have 3 kids and I only h...


How Often Does Your Kid Bathe/ Shower?

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Our DS is 2.5. Until recently, I'd been puting him through the shower with me in the morning, and giving him a shower/ bath at night. He can follow...


12 Year Old Daughter Having Self Esteem Issues Because of Boys

E.J. asks from Washington DC

My daughter has been very emotional recently. She stayed up to 11:30 to nights in a row, screaming she was ugly and none of the boys like her at school. I know that ...


Slumber Party Ideas for 11 Year Old

M.C. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, Well, I've seen tons of questions and responses about birthday parties, but none about slumber parties. I promised my soon to be 11 year old a slumber pa...


HELP!!! 12 Year Old That Doesn't Want to Wake up for School

M.T. asks from St. Louis

I have tried everything. About 6 months ago, I put a similar request on here and got what I thought were some good ideas. My son is very stubborn. I have tried giv...