Formula: Epi

Results 1-10 from 35 articles

Switching off of Formula>> HELP!!

H.W. asks from New York

My son turned 1yr old 3 weeks ago. We tried whole milk, no good, soy, no good, today I started lactose free and tonight again just like all the other times he is up ...


Confused by My Son's Allergists Advice

E.B. asks from Chicago

I am confused by my son's allergist advice. My son had bad eczema since 2 months old, and he was diagnosed with milk and egg allergy (by skin prick test and blood tes...


Food Suggestions for Possible Milk Allergy

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 11 months old. I March I transitioned him from breastmilk to a milk based formula. At this time is started to develop a rash but I did not link i...


10 Month Old Allergic to Dairy

A.C. asks from Jacksonville

I have recently discovered my 10 month old daughter has a milk allergy. Whenever she has anything dairy (yogurt, cheese, formula, cheese puffs, etc.) she breaks out ...


Almost 2 Year Old Feeding Problems

D.M. asks from Detroit

my 20 month old is very small. i need him to gain weight but he just does not want to eat any meat or veggies. he is also allergic to eggs milk and cod fish. so i do...


Products for Sensitive Face

M.L. asks from Houston

I hate to wear make-up because it makes my face and my eyes burn. I've tried so many products out there for 'sensitive skin' and just can't find one to work. Well, my...


Peanut Allergy

T.R. asks from New York

We just found out that my daughter has a high level of peanut allergy. Her egezema is out of control (her back feels like alligator skin). We have medicine to contr...


Milk Protein Allergy

M.S. asks from Lansing

My son was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy when he was only three months old. We've been on Similac Alimentum since then. He just turned one last week so we t...


Gestational Diabetes at 18 Weeks

R.F. asks from Detroit

I am 18 weeks pregnant and found out today that I have gestational diabetes. I have a 2.5 year old, and when he was 6 months old I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, w...


Good Recipes/tricks/hints for Wheat, Dairy, Soy, Corn, Oat, and Peanut Allergy

V.J. asks from Phoenix

I just found out that my 9 month old son is allergic (he took the blood test) to wheat, milk, eggs, soy, oats, corn, and peanuts. He is breastfed and up until I found...