Fitness: Infant, Avent

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31 answers

Would You Use Avent Bottles Knowing They Contain BPA?

I have some Avent bottles from 2005 that were used by my first daughter. She was breastfed, but I used the Avent bottles for frozen milk storage. She never drank out of them, the nipple was the wrong shape for her. Anyway, I'm pregnant with baby #2 and I don't know if I should use the bottles again for storage knowing as much as I do now about the effect of BPA. This was never a problem until 2008 when we parents found out about it. I've been on the Avent website and they believe that BPA isn't harmful, but have still made some BPA free...


Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early...


When to Exercise?

I am about 20 pounds overweight, due to having 3 kids and lack of self...