Financial Problems: Myself, Weight Watchers

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46 answers

Invasion of the Health Insurance Carriers

We have medical insurance through my husband's employer. We renewed our policy last month as we have for many years.. One of the changes in the policy requests that my husband and I have a vitality check. A vitality check begins by opening an online account with the insurance company, answering a whole bunch of questions about our lives, and lastly, going to a doctor to have a physical and blood work done to check glucose levels, cholesterol, BMI, etc. Some of the questions about our lives are as follows: Do you smoke or drink...


401K & Foreclosure

My husband and I are having a lot of financial struggles... since I started...

Job Loss

See all 289 articles
19 answers

Weight Do~or Not~to Do???

Hello everyone, I'm looking for honest opinions about the weight watchers program. I'm trying to loose about 50-60 pounds gradually(not a fad diet or anything unhealthy). Lately I"ve seen many weight watchers commercials showing good results, but I'm not sure if there real or not. Has anyone joined weight watchers or know someone who has? Thanks in advance for the advice.


Weight Watchers ...

I'm having a real tough time controlling my eating habits lately. I know I...


I Lost the New Job

So - I haven't been on here in a while and one of the reasons was I got a...