Feeding Accessories: Evenflo

Results 1-10 from 32 articles

Nursing Vs. Formula

J.S. asks from Tampa

Ok, so here's my dilemma. I would love to be able to breastfeed my son (who will be here in about 6wks) for more than just a few weeks. But unfortunately, I have to g...


What to Buy

M.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

Hi. I'm expecting my second baby in a few months. I still have all the basics from my first, but I want to get a few things I wish I had gotten the first time, as ...


The Dreaded Spit Up

M.S. asks from Tulsa

I have an 8 week old son who has been on 2 different types of medicines for over 2 weeks now. He is still spitting up and vomiting profusely all throughout the day. T...


A Few Breastfeeding Questions

A.S. asks from Montgomery

Hi Mommies, I am expecting my first baby in June and I plan on breastfeeding, but had a couple of questions first. I come from a family of formula feeders and so ...



C.S. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello Moms!! I am seeking advice on a couple of things. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and I am expecting my second around the first of April. I breastfed my first so...


Chosing a Bottle for a Breastfed Baby

K.P. asks from Fayetteville

Hi moms! I'm expecting my second child and there will be a 5 1/2 years age difference between the two. With my son, I breastfed him and used bottles when I went back ...


Questions About Breastfeeding Supplies

B.V. asks from Portland

Many of you on here have helped me in the past regarding my son's hydrocephalus condition and I am looking to guidance again. I am scheduled for a c-section on Janua...


Baby Shower Questions

J.B. asks from Milwaukee

Hello! I am 20 weeks pregnant and am starting to think about registering for my shower. I will probably register at Babys R Us and Target or Walmart. I really need ...


I'm Trying to Register for My Baby Shower and I Don't Know What I Need...

R.R. asks from San Francisco

There are so many "must-have" baby things out there that I have no idea what is really helpful vs. what is not as important. If you could respond with baby products ...


3 Month Old HATES Her Car Seat, and Riding in the Car...

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

I would love some advice/suggestions: My 3 month old wails and screams whenever we put her in her Graco SnugRide carseat. I have tried putting up dark film on the sid...