Entertaining: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 1-10 from 56 articles

Travel Crib or Solution for Toddler Too Big for Pack-n-Play?

K.H. asks from Des Moines

My 15 m/o is large for her age (95th %) and so has a heck of a time sleeping in her pack n play. We've travelled the past two weekends and no one has gotten much sle...


Advice for Air Travel with Infant

M.D. asks from San Francisco

Hello all!! I have a question regarding air travel and sleep on vacation for other mom's out there. I am planning to take my 8 month old on two vacations in Febru...


Overseas Travel Advice?

K.G. asks from Chicago

My husband, daughter, mother-in-law and I will be traveling to the U.K. soon. We used to live there and are seasoned travelers...but this will be our first visit wit...


Car Travel and Camping with One Year Old

N.L. asks from Los Angeles

Does anyone have suggestions for car travel of approx. 5 hours, and camping with a one year old. How difficult is it? Does their schedule get completly thrown off? ...


Traveling with Almost 2 Year Old- Travel and Mattress Question

A.G. asks from Boca Raton

So I think I have mustered up the courage to drive from Florida to New york for 4-5 weeks this summer and visit with my parents. Questions 1: Any tips for managin...


Traveling with 2 Year Old

H.H. asks from Washington DC

I'm not even sure where to begin with my question since it's really questions, but here it goes. My husband and I will be flying with our son for the first time. We...


Need Travel Advice for 6 Month Old

E.G. asks from Shreveport

I need advice on traveling with our 6 month old son. My husband and I will both be in a wedding in May, and we will have to drive 15 hours by car back to our hometown...


Hotel Travel with Kids - Any Tips!!!!!!

S.O. asks from Miami

I am traveling next week to Orlando with 2 kids (16 months and 2 1/2 years), we are staying in a hotel for a few nights, I would welcome any ideas or tips to make the...


Airplane Travel for a Toddler

C.F. asks from Pittsburgh

My sister-in-law, my nephew, my son, my mother, and I are going to the beach this summer. Because of a wedding, I have to fly down to AL with my son. I've been lookin...


Travelling with a 2 Year Old

C.A. asks from New York

I am planning on flying to Florida next week. This is the first time I will be travelling with my two year old son. He is going to have his own seat on the plane, and...