Electronics: Toddler, Gerber

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29 answers

How to Survive a 13 Hour Plane Trip with a 17 Month Old??

My husband and I are flying from West coast US to Australia next month with our 17 month old son. His favorite word is down and he is NOT a cuddler!!! I am starting to collect a few ideas on how to get through this flight (plus the 2 3-hour flights on either side of it). My pediatricians only advice was to not do it... this is not an option!! We will be there for 3 weeks and then have the same flight pattern home. Has anyone been in the same spot? What about using benadryl or something to help him sleep? (mind you, I am NOT a fan of...

Cell Phones

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20 answers

Baby Doesn't like Gerber 3Rd Foods (Texture)

My daughter is 9 1/2 month old and I've been trying to give her the 3rd foods meals that are chunkier and she doesn't like it at all and gags. Tonite I attempted to give her pasta primavera flavor (it has tiny pearl pastas) and she made the gagging face and I kept trying but gave her small spoonfuls and she ended up throwing it up. No big deal for her. I opened up a jar of 2nd foods and she was fine and continued to eat the new food choice. She is doing well with other solid food, so far she's had banana, cheerios, Gerber crunchies, egg...