Eating In: Tween

Results 1-10 from 4,332 articles

Seeking Kind Words and Support While Parenting a 12 Year Old

D.R. asks from Austin

I have written before about my 12 year old son. He will start middle school next year. He has always been kind, loving, and helpful. He does well in school, has a f...


What Chores Do You Require of a 12 Year Old?

S.L. asks from Des Moines

My dd is busy outside of school with sports practice 3 days/week and we are usually gone on the weekends. I haven't required a whole lot of chores of my kids because...


11 Year Old Allowance and Chores

F.P. asks from Phoenix

I will have an 11 year old daughter in a few days and was wondering what are appropriate chores? She's an only child and a very helpful one at that. She currently hel...


Throwing a Birthday Party for a 13 Year Old Girl!?!?

C.S. asks from Phoenix

Hello All! My boss just called and he wants me to put together a birthday party for his daughter who is turning 13. He is a single dad, and is at a loss to what she ...


Dealing with 12 Year Old Son's Behavior Problems

L.C. asks from St. Louis

Hello, I'm looking for suggestions for disciplining my 12 year old son with ADHD. He's usually a good kid but he's been having problems latly at home and at school. T...


What Chores Do You Expect from Your 10 Year Old and What Discipline Do You Use

G.G. asks from San Antonio

My 10 year old daughter is uncooperative when asked to assist around the house. There is a power struggle and attitude when asked to perform even simple tasks. Then ...


Age Appropriate "Chores" for My 11 Year Old Son

S.G. asks from Kansas City

My 11 year old son wants allowance. I would like to make a "chore" list for him. What are appropriate chores for him and what is the going rate per week for allowan...


11 Year Old Boy Who Sleeps Too Much

L.T. asks from Lexington

I am worried about my 11 year old who gets his almost 9 hours of sleep every night and doses off the whole day, especially in class during teaching hours. He also dos...


12 Year Old Loosing Her Mind?!?!?

J.N. asks from Portland

I have a 12 year old daughter and I'm not kidding you since the day she turned 12 I have had soo many problems with her! She is a natural leader and a sweetheart. E...


13 Year Old Son Refuse to Eat

S.G. asks from Lakeland

My son goes thur these phase's were he doesn't want to eat. He will go all day without eating. He is not depressed or has any issues. This doesn't go on for days. It ...