Eating Habits & Schedule: Toddler, Snugli

Results 1-10 from 42 articles

Brand New 3 Month Old to My Family Daycare---unusual Feeding Schedule

R.F. asks from Syracuse

First three days of caring for precious 3 month old baby boy. He is happy, loves stimulation and children being around. LOVES to be held and especially talked to. ...


Weekend Schedule of Siblings with Big Age Differences

A.F. asks from New York

My oldest is almost five and a half and I just had a baby four months ago. I would like to know what a typical weekend looks like for the age gap of a five year old a...


First Time Flight for 8 Month Old

R.N. asks from Albuquerque

My husband and I will be taking our 8 month old on a plane for the first time in a couple of weeks and I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to make t...


Traveling with 4-Month Old

M.K. asks from San Francisco

We are flying across the country at the end of this month with our 4-month old daughter and are looking for any advice or tips you may have. Any must-haves for the ca...


Advice on Traveling with a 2.5 Month Old?

C.Z. asks from New York

Thanks in advance! My husband and I are flying from NY to LA at the end of the month and bringing our baby boy for his first flight. He will be 2.5 months old then. I...


What Can I Do for My 4 1/2 Month Old???? I'm Losing It!

K.B. asks from New York

My daughter is driving me crazy & I don't know what to do. For the month she has been super fussy~ crying & not being easy to handle. She doesn't want to go to any...


Two Month Old Twins and a 2 1/2 Year Old

M.H. asks from Buffalo

I was wondering if anyone has/had twins with an older toddler sibling. My daughter was the "princess" before her twin brothers came along and it's so hard to divide t...


3 Month Old That Hardly Sleeps!

A.L. asks from Chicago

My son just turned 3 months old and has been having trouble sleep for the past 10 weeks. The 1st 2 weeks we were home from the hospital he was an angel! He slept all ...


Seeking Advice on How to Travel Overseas with 6 Month Old

M.A. asks from Miami

Hello. I will be traveling with my six month old daughter to South America and the flight is pretty long. What advice does anyone have for me and how to avoid her hav...


Almost 7 Month Old Sleep and Eating Issues

A.D. asks from Sacramento

My baby girl is about a week shy of 7 months old,she is very healthy(21Lb),breastfed, and just got her first tooth. My first question is about sleep. Her schedul...