Diet & Exercise: Curves

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30 answers

Pregnancy Leg Cramps

I am recently pregnant with baby #3 and am already having terrible leg cramps....mostly at night. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to help prevent them. I was thinking yoga might help, but I haven't ever tried it so I wasn't sure if I should start while I'm pregnant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Weight Loss HELP

I'm just curious.....I'm at my wits end with my weight....I have done...


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4 answers

Curves During Pregnancy

I was curious if anyone does or has done Curves during pregnancy? I just started going back because of having a HORRIBLE first trimester with feeling sick 24/7. I'm 16 weeks and finally feeling better. My doctor gave me the go ahead to work out, with no further instruction. I went to the Curves yesterday and the women there didn't really have any guidance on what is or isn't safe during pregnancy. Does anyone have any idea? I thought I read somewhere not all of the machines are safe during pregnancy, but perhaps I'm wrong? Thank you in advance!


Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to...

Vitamins & Supplements

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35 answers

Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to be thin and trim without trying, was very active in sports, aerobics, etc. Then kids came. I've slowly put on weight for the past 10 years. I've tried several "life style changes" (aka - diets). W.W. worked for a while several years ago, I've tried that recently and I just can't seem to stick to it. Also did Thin & Healthy, once again worked for a short while, couldn't handle it in the long run. Prism and I didn't work well together at all. We have a local Curves,...