Diaper Rash: Infant, Burt Bees

Results 1-10 from 324 articles

Burt's Bees Baby...

A.D. asks from Visalia

Does anyone use Burt's Bees baby products on their children? How do you like them and where do you get the deal on them? Does anyone use it on children with skin pr...


Diaper Rash

R.P. asks from Chicago

Hello All~ Funny, I just posted a response to another mom about using Boudreaux's Butt Paste for diaper rash and now it's not working for us. Our 7 wk old has diap...


Diaper Rash

C.R. asks from Dallas

What is the best way to deal with diaper rash? How and when should i transition to a sippy cup.


Diaper Rash

A.W. asks from Fort Wayne

my 2wk old son has really bad diaper rash what can i use? desitin it not working?


Diaper Rash

M.B. asks from New York

My son has a bad diaper rash. Desitin is not working. I've been using A&D ointment. Is there anything else I can use or do?


Diaper Rash

E.G. asks from Houston

My 1 1/2 year old son has had a diaper rash around his genital area for about a month now. I have taken him to the Doctor and got a prescription ointmet finished it a...


Diaper Rash

A.B. asks from Tulsa

My daughter has a diaper rash from having diarrhea, every time i put her rash cream on her she screams in pain like it is burning her.. i have tried so may different ...


Diaper Rash

S.S. asks from Omaha

My son typically has 1 poopy diaper per day. Yesterday he had 5 poopy diapers and 3 today. Not quite diarrhea but really mushy (sorry if thats gross) which started to...


Diaper Rash

K.T. asks from New York

My 2 year old daughter has developed a horrible diaper rash and is extremely uncomfortable. It is painful to look at so I could only imagine how she feels. She has ...


Diaper Rash

M.E. asks from Miami

my babyboy has his first BAD diaper rash... when we wipe his butt, he cries and he is in definate pain and disconfort. we are using Disatin but he appears to be in p...