Dating & Relationships: A&D

57 answers

Dry Skin Behind 5 Month Olds Ears?

at 3 weeks old, i notice some thick crusty skin behind my daughters ears. to be honest, i thought it was just left mucous from birth since it was only her 2nd bath. i rubbed it away and thought it was fine. well a few weeks after, it was there again. i rubbed it away again in the bath and started checking daily. well it comes back in about 3-4 days. its thick, yellowy, rough skin in the fold behind each ear. the skin below seems very red. she did cry one time when my husband rubbed at it without being wet(what was he thinking!) and...


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6 answers

Could Low Estrigen in a Nursing Mother Contribute to Labial Adhesions?

My two month old daughter was diagnosed with a full labial adhesion at her last check up. Her doctor said it was from excessive vaginal driness and we should apply vaseline with every diaper change and avoid powder and other drying agents. My internet research has indicated that the driness could be caused by low estrigen levels as the mother's hormones leave the child. I have PCOS and have low estrigen levels. She has been exclusively nursed since birth. Could the low levels of estrigen in my body cause her levels to be low also and...


Prickly Heat Rash

My one month old has a terrible heat rash on both cheeks and now she is...


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33 answers

Redness in Neck Fold

I've noticed that my three month old has some redness in one of her neck folds. She doesn't have very many folds as she's an average size baby, but she does occasionally get breast milk dripping down her chin and pooling there. It doesn't look dry or like a rash, just red. I'm not sure if it's the milk that is irritating her skin or if it's just chaffing because of the fold. Has anyone else experienced this and is there anything I should be putting on it...lotion, baby powder, etc?