Carriers & Slings: Child, Schwinn

Results 1-10 from 39 articles

Seeking Advice on Tag-along/trailer Bikes for 5 Year Old

J.K. asks from Chicago

We're thinking of getting a tag-along bike for our 5 year old. Does anyone have advice about what to look for or can recommend (or not recommend!) a brand and model?...


Recommendations on a Jogger

S.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I run about 3 times per week about 3 miles a time and am looking for a good middle-priced jogger that will fit my needs. My son is 6 months old so comfort for...


Which Stroller Will Work Best for a 19 Month Old and Newborn?

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering if any other moms who have had two children close in age could give me a suggestion on which stroller worked best for them. I have the opportunity to...


Double Stroller Recommendations

A.J. asks from Chicago

Help, my daughter is 2 and I'm expecting our second child (probably before) 8/12/09. I've been hunting for a good double stroller and cannot seem to find one I like....


Which Type of Double Stroller Is Best?

E.A. asks from Eau Claire

I'm throwing a baby shower for my best friend who is having her third child in May. She has a 6 1/2 and a 3 year old boy already, and this one is (finally) her girl!...


Seeking Honest Advice on Jogging Strollers

T.M. asks from Jackson

I have been looking for a jogging stroller for some time now. I for sure want a swivel front wheel with locking ability. The highest I would spend would be $200 but...


Jogging Stollers

B.L. asks from Omaha

I want to get back into running and need to upgrade my jogging stroller. I currently have a Schwinn but am not happy -- it seems to veer to the right no matter what I...


How Long Did Your Child Use a Stroller?

T.K. asks from Chicago

Hello, Parents! At 16 months, 25 lbs, and 30-some inches, my son is growing out of his Graco stroller and his umbrella stroller. I'm thinking of "upgrading" but do...


Seeking Double Stroller... Need Recommendations

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

I am debating on whether to get a new stroller... I have a 3.75 year old and a 16 month old. I have an old "Sit and Stand" but it is so hard to maneuver and it has p...


Recommendations for Double Strollers for 3 Year Old and Newborn

A.Z. asks from Boston

Hi Moms, If all goes well, our second baby will be born around the time our son is 2.9 or 3 years old. I know I am way early in shopping around for a double strol...