Breast Milk Supply & Production: Medela

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22 answers

Ideas to Increase Milk Production ...

I just returned to work after 6 wonderful weeks with my son. I'm pumping on a regular basis while at work and breastfeeding when at home. (When pumping, I'm getting about 2 oz -- total.) However, I don't know if I can keep up on the supply for while I'm away from him. Any ideas/suggestions of how I can increase my milk production is appreciated? Thanks in advance!


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24 answers

Domperidone and Milk Supply

I have been struggling to get my milk supply up- my baby is about 7 weeks old and not a great nurser, plus I think my supply is just low to begin with. I'm seeing a lactation consultant (we're working on improving his latch) and am taking some supplements (fenugreek, More Milk Plus) and pumping with a rented hospital grade pump but my supply is still very low (I do think that pumping and the fenugreek have helped a little, and his latch is improving, but I'm not satisfied with the results yet). I also rented a scale to see how much he's...

Mother's Milk Tea

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17 answers

Could My Baby Be Having an Adverse Reaction to Mother's Milk Tea?

I have been breastfeeding exclusivly for 5 months. I work full time and pump during the day. Recently I saw a decrease in my output when pumping so I started drinking the Mother's Milk Tea. It has been great and I have definitely seen an increase when pumping. Coicidentally (or not) my son has started spitting up much more frequently and isn't sleeping well. He is only 5 months old so I am not sure what is typical, changes for a baby or if it could be a reaction/allergy to the herbs in the tea. When we try to put him down for naps...


Where's My Milk?

Recently I was sick with a stomach thing so for two days I barely ate two...