Bowel Movements: Infant, Similac

Results 1-10 from 458 articles

Bowel Movements

D.M. asks from Savannah

thanks for all the help with my bassinet dilema! we put it back in the box ready for the next grand. new problem - hold up with paper work on the custody on our new g...


Similac Advance Early Shield and Very Loose Explosive Bowel Movements

A.B. asks from New York

Hi, my 4 month old daughter has been on similac early shield since the end of november. First she was on the premixed and now(for about 2-3 weeks) has been on the ...


Newborn Bowel Movements

C.R. asks from Kansas City

I have a one month old who is having trouble with her bowel movements. I have addressed this with her doctor and I've been using karo syrup in her bottles. My issue...


23 Week Old, Daughter, Is Having Painful Bowel Movements, What Do I Do?

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

My 23 WEEK old has had 3 bowel movements today where she is screaming in pain and crying.. The poops are not very big (relatively speaking) but are very hard.. Probab...


Trouble with Bowel Movements

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

Hey my 7 week baby is having problems pooping he pushes and pushes until he cries and only like a soft pellet comes out more like playdo never bigger than a lime!!! H...


Enfamil Vs. Similac

J.F. asks from Philadelphia

I was wondering how important it is to keep your baby on the same formula or is it ok to switch. When my baby was born she wasn't able to nurse and my milk hadn't co...


Newborn Poop

J.K. asks from Austin

So, my 4-week old had yellowish poop while I was giving him breastmilk and supplementing with formule. I stopped the breastmilk and went completely to formula. The po...


6 Month Old Having 6-9 Bowel Movements a Day for at Least 7 Weeks

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hi there--I am looking any suggestions or even similar experiences. I have a 6 month old that has had GI trouble since he was born. He has a sensitivity to dairy (w...


We Switched Her from Similac to Isomil, Now She Has Diahrrea. Is This Normal?

J.T. asks from Altoona

My daughter is 5 days old. We switched her from the milk-based similac advance to the soy-based Isomil Advance. Before the switch she was projectile vomiting, extreme...


Powder vs Liquid Soy Similac - Any Difference?

J.A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, our doctor recommended soy for our son as he was not digesting the rgular similac. He spit up quite a bit and had a bm during/after each bottle. Although ...