Bottle & Breastfeeding: Lotrimin

9 articles

Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...


What to Do About Diaper Rash

M.D. asks from Chicago

my daugher is 12 months and for some reason gets a rash every other week. it gets bad and she cries. i try to keep her dry and have tried new diapers. is there some...



A.M. asks from Peoria

Moms, has anyone had a baby with a rash that just would not go away? My son has been battling a rash since Feb. and the doctors cant seem to figure out what is going...


Daughters Diaper Rash

S.C. asks from Bakersfield

my daughter has now gotten this nasty rash on her vagina twice. i always change her diaper as soon as it's soiled (she goes the longest without a change at night) and...


I Have Been Using Nystatin for a Horrible Diaper Rash

C.W. asks from Tampa

Has anyone had any problems with the Nystatin? The dr said to use it 2-3 times a day. She has blister like red blemishes near her private. It's right along the diaper...


We Have a Pooping Problem! 4 Months

K.K. asks from Austin

My almost 4 month old is BF only so I expect loose stools...I just thought it would start to be less frequent???? He has a BM about 7 to 8 times a day, for a younger...


Severe Diaper Rash - 18 Month Old Boy

C.J. asks from Detroit

My son has a severe diaper rash. He is 18 months old. It seems to get worse every day for over a week now. His skin is bleeding in several places. I have put diap...


Natural Remedies for Red, Itchy Rash

S.R. asks from Sacramento

My 21 month old boy has this large red rash on his bum/lower back. It started out small and didn't bother him and it was getting better but just this morning I got h...


Help with Diaper Rash.

S. asks from Birmingham

My 5 month old daughter has a horrible diaper rash. It is blood red and has what looks to be blisters that bleed. I have done everything I know to treat it, I have us...