Booster Seat: Toddler, Puppets

Results 1-10 from 17 articles

16 Month Old First Flight

N.L. asks from Chicago

HI Moms, My husband and I are going to Florida on Friday. We're taking our 16 month old son with us and it'll be his first flight. He's our only child so far so i...


Flying with a 2 Year Old!

T.C. asks from Dallas

I am taking my 2 year old son on his first trip that will require a plane ride. I'm not really sure what to expect and I was hoping someone would have some advice. ...


Front-facing Car Seat That Is FAA Approved for Planes

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

hi Moms, In her first year my daughter has already ridden on several plane trips, but never in her own seat. she has just been in my lap each time. She's getting...


Sick of This Rain, Need Indoor Activities for a 29 Month Old

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Hi ladies ARRRGG I hate all of these rainy days. I normally do not mind as long as I have 1 weekend day where I can be outside. It also doesnt help that daddy works...


Seeking Advice Regarding Traveling on a Plane with My Toddler Son.

M.B. asks from Austin

HI to all moms and moms to be. I would like to seek some advice for anyone who had the experience of traveling with their toddler on a plane.I was given an opportunit...


Traveling Light, What Toys to Bring for a 2 Year Old

J.W. asks from Chicago

I'm looking for suggestions on toys to bring for my 2yr old to play with while we are on vacation. We are flying and trying to keep things light. During the day I ...


Flying with a 4 Year Old

A.C. asks from Syracuse

I'm flying next week with my 4 year old. I am bringing her car seat for the rental car. Should I bring her car seat to use during the flight or should I check it?


Toddler on a 10 Hour flight...HELP Traveling Mommies :)

D.C. asks from Honolulu

Okay, so for toddlers under 2 years of age they are not required to have their own seat, and on one hand thats an awesome thing (not having to pay another $800). Well...


Traveling with Two in Car Seats

C.C. asks from Chicago

Hi. I have found lots of great tips on the site from moms who have traveled alone with 2+ kids (which has really boosted my confidence) but I have a few more questio...


Need Air Travel Tips for Traveling with 4 Year Old

S.H. asks from Dallas

My husband and I are traveling to Washington D.C. with our 4 year old daughter to see his mother for Thanksgiving. I haven't flown since '94 and this is my daughter'...