Birthday: Infant, LL Bean

Results 1-10 from 18 articles

How to Dress Infant for Cold Weather

M.H. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 6 months old and the recent cool weather made me realize we'll need some warm outerwear for the winter months ahead. I'm wondering if other moms can t...


Mom Seeking 30Th Birthday Gift for New Mom

A.L. asks from Washington DC

I have a fried who is turning 30 this week. She also just had her first baby a month ago. She has everything she needs and wants...goes right out and gets it if she...


Need Lots of Advice! New Pregnancy

C.B. asks from Cleveland

We just found out we are pregnant with #3!! A few things I'd like to ask for some advice on are, 1)What types of slings did any of you use that you loved? My 2nd baby...


3 Questions on 9 Month Old

H.G. asks from Minneapolis

alrighty moms. I have three questions about my 9 month old daughter. 1. My daughter has always been a horrible sleeper. Usually she is up 3-5 times a night. She ha...


Need Cozy Pj's for My 1 Yr Old & When to Introduce Blanket...

A.N. asks from New York

Moms, My daughter is coming up on her 1st birthday. She is almost off the charts on height/weight (my husband is extremely tall), so it's very tough finding comforta...


Where Do You Shop for Kids Clothes?

J.L. asks from Pittsburgh

I tried to go clothes shopping today for my kids (daughter is 4, son is 2) and left so frustrated! I went to Kohl's because I had a coupon and they usually have great...


Your Favorite Toys & Books for a 1 Year-old

G.C. asks from New York

Hi moms, what are your favorite toys and board books for a 1 year-old? We have some Karen Katz books that my DD destroyed so I'm looking for some titles of sturdier l...


What Is with All the Skulls on Boys' Clothing?

K.J. asks from Chicago

I went to Target to buy some new clothes for my 4.5 yr old. I'm buying sizes 5-6, so he's crossed from toddler into little boy. It was so hard to find cute clothes ...


Family Vacation Dilemma, What Would You Do?

J.B. asks from Boston

Sorry this got longer than I intended. My husband and I have 4 kids - 2 are 16, one is 10, the other is 8. The last time we did a fly-away vacation was 9 years ago...


Preparing for Kindergarten

A.S. asks from Dallas

My oldest daughter will be starting kindergarten in a few weeks and I'm in a flurry trying to get everything ready. Gathering school supplies, clothes, making after ...