Adult Sleep Issues: Miracle Blanket


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25 answers

Co - Sleeping

Hello my name is K., I'm a first time new mommy to a now, WONDERFUL 3 month old little boy. I believe that he had Colic until about a few weeks ago. He would cry every night from 4- 10 pm with breaks only to feed, NOTHING we did worked. Until the magical age of 2 1/2 months it was like one day EVERYTHING changed and now he hardly is fussy at all. My question is evern since he was born when we would try to place him in the bassinet to sleep he would startle himself awake and it would be impossible to get him back to sleep, so my husband and...

Pregnancy Sleep Issues

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17 answers

5 Month Old Breastfed Baby, Sleep Issues, Formula and Miracle Blanket

I think I may have a unique problem that is a combination of breastfeeding, swaddling, sleep, and sanity... My 5 month old daughter Isabella was never a great sleeper. She cluster fed from the beginning and if it wasn't for the pump I think I would have either given up breastfeeding or jumped off a bridge! A friend of mine highly recommended the miracle blanket which is sort of like a baby straightjacket. It worked in extending her sleep by an hour or two (when she only slept a couple of hours, it was very helpful) and it became...