Acting Up: First Response

Results 1-10 from 80 articles

6 Year Old Acting Out

S.M. asks from Portland

My 6 and 1/2 year old has been acting out severly over the past few months, I just gave birth to her first sibiling on April 13th. Celeste is great with her sister, b...


Attitude and Boss

J.L. asks from Chicago

Ok I've been overwhelmed and burned out for awhile...No one's fault. I've sensed I'ave had an "attitude" but hoped no one would notice ha. I didn't think it was com...


4 Year Old Behavior

J.K. asks from Phoenix

My daughter just turned 4 is out of control, from the moment she wakes up she has this attitude and doesn't listen at all. it is so frustrating, i put her in time ou...


Seeking Advice Concerning Behavior

N.H. asks from San Diego

I have a wonderful little boy who'll be 4 in June who has been having a lot of difficulty with acting out at preschool. His teachers have had to spend a lot of time a...


My 4Yr Old Is Behind the Other 4 Year Olds in Her Pre K Class!! HELP!

M.A. asks from San Francisco

First I must start off by excepting full responsibility for my daughter being behind the other 4 yr old kids in her Pre K class. Since my daughter was 3yrs old she wa...


Can You Teach a Man How to Take Care of himself...or What?

M.M. asks from Chicago

My situation is as follows: I have been a SAHM for about 4 years now. It started with a relocation (my husband's job), I had to quit my job, when we moved, with all t...


My 3 1/2 Year Old Son Laughs at Time Outs...... Need Help!!!!

J.S. asks from Sacramento

My son is 3 1/2 and is out of control. I have ready many books and done some research amd have not been able to get his bad behavior under control. He constantly is g...


6 Year Old Mean to Grandpa

I.:. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 year old can be crabby, but she always seems to cop an attitude with my dad. He is a wonderful grandpa and very involved. He actually plays with them, reads to t...


Well, I Tried...based on Some Not Be Passive Open

F.O. asks from Boston

This is more of a vent post, I guess. As it stands there's no reasoning with hubby as far as our child and his mother is concerned. This weekend I am scheduled to h...


Witnessing Neglect Within Family PLEASE Help

M.B. asks from Washington DC

My sister in law is fifteen and lives with her mother 4 hours away. Her mother works over 50 hours a week, and is going to school way beyond the regular full-time sc...