Will Soon Go Crazy!!!!

Updated on February 11, 2008
Q.P. asks from Fort Worth, TX
5 answers

I am a city girl just trying to adapt to a new way of life.I relocated to this area to give my kids a better way of life which is great for them but it seems that I am now doing nothing more than going to work for 5 hours 4 days a week and coming home. After homework and game pratices and my husband I am left with nothing to do especially on weekends when the boys are out doing their thing and I am home alone. I guess what I am looking for is an outlet or somone to talk to from time to time. I do drink from time to time and I am not looking to find a new church home.I am just "girldfriend sick" and looking to meet new people.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi there :)

Try www.yapclub.com - tons of fun stuff, easy to meet people, great locations where they go, etc.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

i think this is common for a lot of us. i was so there a year ago. now i sew, i'm learning guitar, i'm in a bible study at church. last year i took jewery making classes from the community center in burleson. i'll go out with you sometime, but i don't drink at all so i'd have to be bowling or putt putt or something like that.



answers from Dallas on

There's so much to do here. You may have to leave your comfort zone. If you like to drink (you had mentioned)
Lower Greenville Ave in Dallas has great restaurants and bars. Deep Ellum has music venues and restaurants. There is always live music if you are into that. You can also take the train (Trinity Rail Express) into Dallas from the Centreport Station if you are not comfortable driving in Dallas yet. There are musiums, concerts, bars, clubs, great food etc. Or you can hit Sundance Square in Ft. Worth for restaurants and bars. Also Ft. Worth has an old area that is coming up called Magnolia with restaurants and bars. You should pick up the Ft. Worth Weekly for Tarrant County or Dallas Observer for Dallas. If you are in Arlington, there is My Martini in North Arlington that has food and good drinks. Gaylord Resort has added the Glass Cactus club in Grapevine. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi Q.,

I am a mom of 3 and just recently moved in with my bf. I have a 18 year old daughter that is in the army (it kills me to be away from her b/c I am close to her) 17 year old son that lives with me and getting ready to go into army, and a 14 year old son that lives with his dad. I know what you mean. 4 years ago all three of my children along with my newphew lived with me and I never had time to do any thing not even on weekends. I was always driven one of 3 to work or picking them up from work on weekends. So I almost had a break down. Any way I made changes in my life and now I am pretty much stress free for the most part. I like to hang out with friends on weekends but have not been able to much lately b/c of the moving thing. Hopefully next weekend will be relaxing. You can email me any time you want to talk or any thing. Maybe we can get together and have lunch or something. Let me know. Oh and welcome to TX!




answers from Dallas on

Look for a moms group, a lot of them have moms night outs & activities your pre-schooler might like too! Try checking on yahoo groups & matchingmoms.com

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