Why Are Bums Funny?!

Updated on January 11, 2012
G.B. asks from Miamisburg, OH
17 answers

I have 4 boys and the oldest 3 feed off each other (the baby will soon enough I'm sure!). Why do they think their bums are so funny? The 5 year old put a sticker on his tonight to gales of laughs from the other two. Please tell me your boys do this stuff too!! Am I doomed to butt humor forever? (My real question is how much of this do I crack down on?) Turning these 4 ruffians into gentlemen is proving to be quite a job!

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So What Happened?

Oh they're normal!! Whoohoo!!! Apparently they do get their butt humor from me - I completely missed the "crack" down thing. Thanks everyone - now we just have to work on "time and place"!

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answers from Bellingham on

Crack down on it!!! Ha ha ha!!! Maybe they get their bum-humor from Mom!

Bottoms are quite literally the funniest thing on this planet to my three boys. Good luck with the crack down!


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answers from San Diego on

My girl, who is such a sweet flower in public, will in private sit right on me and "toot." When she came across the word tutor or tutoring in some reading, she couldn't control the giggles. She still has no idea what it means, couldn't listen at that point, but she believes she is a tutor.

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answers from Houston on

You never know what you're gonna get at Mamapedia. I actually thought this was going to be a question about humorous homeless people....now that's funny.

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answers from Seattle on

I wish this affliction was particular to boys...but my girls are the same way. Off the top of my head I can count at least five "hilarious" fart/bum incidents from today alone.

My littlest one (3) usually gets the hiccups from laughing so hard. Today, for example, she was running towards the playground when she stopped abruptly and turned to me with an *enormous* grin on her face. "MAMA!!! I just FAHTED and it was weally, WEALLY STINKY!!!" I said, "Okay, just say excuse me". So she did and then called to my other little, "HEY SIS! Did you HEAH THAT!!! I just FARTED". Both laughed and laughed and laughed. They are really impressed and amused with themselves, those two.

I try not to let them see it, but I think it's pretty funny too ;-)

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answers from Seattle on


Just be grateful you don't have them shouting "Testicles!" yet.

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answers from Kansas City on

omg this question has my laughing so hard i'm crying lol.

cute story for you. (and yes, btw, you are doomed lol) my son broke his arm over the summer. 4 years old, my lil baby was sitting on the ER bed in SO much pain, holding his broken arm like such a little champ, being SO brave. my husband and i were freaking out inside of course, trying to distract him and telling him how amazing he was being and how much we loved him and were so proud of him....

suddenly the conversation turned to "poots" as we call them at our house. if ever was a time to pull out all the stops to make my little boy smile it was right then. i told him the rhyme, "beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you TOOT". that was such a success that my husband told him the "beans beans they're good for your heart, the more you eat the more you FART." well since mom and dad never say "fart", but always "poot" or "toot", my son LOST IT with giggles. SOOO stinking cute. i have a picture of him, laying in that hospital bed with a broken arm, no cast yet, no meds or anything, LAUGHING HIS BUTT OFF at a "poot" joke.

that memory will always be special to me. but yes, it kinda illustrates the point - BOYS!! (and apparently according to some of these answers...girls too! lol) gotta love 'em.

SO as far as your actual question - i would crack down (haha) on it in public. at home or playing with friends, no biggie. even participate (i do, obviously lol) but we go to church, and we have church manners, we have going grocery shopping manners, and we have visiting sweet old grandma manners...its all about time and place. they are old enough to know.

our job never ends does it? :o) lol!

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answers from Dallas on

My husband is pretty much the biggest gentleman you could meet. Really, it's one of the reasons I fell for him. It's so rare. He still laughs hard at a good butt joke ;)

So long as it's not at inappropriate times, or in a public place that's not appropriate...I don't see a reason to crack down.

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answers from Charlotte on

Do you have a man in your life? They ALL think bums are funny. They are males. Need I say more?

4 boys? Yes, you are doomed...

Laugh it off - it's the only way!


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answers from Chicago on

Do they make them talk yet? Honestly, I think the key is teaching them WHERE/WHEN not that it is not ok or not funny. Boys are boys and that stuff is always going to be funny. I accidentally got sent a text of poop by my nephew who meant t send it to his friend Kristoff but sent to me instead. I think the size was "special" and he had to share. Butt humor will always be there for boys/men.

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answers from New York on

My problem is I'm a kid at heart, and I can't help but crack up sometimes at the ridiculous humor so how the heck can I punish my son for it? Sometimes, as you have pointed out, the funniest part for me is WHY they think it is so funny? He will be 3 in a few days and a few weeks ago we were at the dinner table at our friends house, when he and his best friend (same age) started up with, "PEEPEE!!!" [bursts of laughter]. Then, "POOPOO!!!" [harder laughter] then, "PEEPEEPOOPOO!" [hysterical laughter], etc. This is just the beginning for me.

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answers from Las Vegas on

My oldest shared a high school story...During class with a sub, one of the kids in the front would wait until the sub turned her back and wrote on the board to moon the entire class. She said everyone was cracking up laughing. When the sub would turn around to see what they were laughing at he would already be seated like nothing happened. She said he did this several times and never got caught.

I know I was suppose to compose myself and tell her it wasn't funny...right. I laughed along with her while telling her how wrong it was.

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answers from Minneapolis on

LOL I have a 7 year old boy and 4.5 year old girl and butts, farts, poop & burps are the funniest thing in the world.

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answers from New York on

Mom withcamera, I had the same situation when I was an ESL teacher. An adorable funny boy, would drop his pants and moon all the children in the class. The kids would laugh a quiet laugh. When I turned, the kids would be so quiet and well behaved. As soon as I turned he'd do it again. I knew something was going on, but luckily I got saved by the bell and didn't have to right him up, as I didn't catch him. Overall the children were a wonderful bunch, they just clowned around once in a while.

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answers from Seattle on

I think the more males there are together, the raunchier it can get. I have 4 brothers....just wait till they start exclaiming from the back seat of the car..."So and so has a h*** o*..." They can be sooo clueless about what's appropriate humor when around their family.

Which means....you can smirk and laugh along, but should always end with a good reminder of how that's not appropriate, ever, outside the house.

BTW, did it hurt to remove the sticker from the bare butt?

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answers from Indianapolis on

I think that this is right up there with the other " mysteries of life"!
My daughter has two boys 12 and10, and it never stops....I consider mothers of all boy families to be saints.....knew two in my life that each had six boys!
So, you have a monumental task ahead of you!
It helped my daughter to read RAISING BOYS by Dr. James Dobson...



answers from Cleveland on

The funniest things in the world to my five year old son is butts, pee and poop. I don't get it. I also catch my husband giggling at these things too. I think it is just boys. They are strange creatures. My daughter who is 3 is following her big brothers examples and will laugh hysterically over the work poopy. I think I am also doomed to butt humor and potty word humor for the rest of my life. They are very good about keeping it in the house so as not to offend someone else. If it makes them happy and it is not hurting anyone, I let it go.



answers from Muncie on

I'm 31 and even I giggle when someone says "duty". Hehe, I dare you to say it.

Potty humor is ages old and universally funny. I don't know why.

My 5 year old girl still love to inform us when she "poots". Honestly, I always know, since her birth that's been the one thing about her that isn't adorable. Sheesh.

Good luck!!

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