Where to Go with One Year Old in Vegas?

Updated on February 18, 2011
I.T. asks from Van Nuys, CA
6 answers

we are going to vegas and i dont know were to go with my one year old and what to do with her there? any suggestions please?

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answers from Honolulu on

Well, we took my daughter there when she was 2 years old.
I don't know the area well, but there are not a lot of places to take a baby.
Many hotel areas are casinos, and for adults only.
Or, there is walking around.
Or sightseeing, the aquarium/zoos etc.
But at that age, a baby won't be really sightseeing... per say. Like an older child would.

Maybe there are kiddie shows there, I don't know.
Most of the kid venues... are for older kids.

But every State, has a Tourism website.
Just Google Search "Las Vegas tourism website."

Here is another good link about traveling there with a child:

Bear in mind, that "You" will probably be the one, who minds her in Vegas... and in the stroller. While the others or whomever you are going with... goes to the Casinos. Where kids cannot go.
That is what I did, when we went with my daughter and my Husband and a friend joined us there. I didn't mind though.

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answers from La Crosse on

She's one...she won't remember anything you do or see, anyway. Go for yourself...and do what you want as long as it isn't inappropriate for a child. The only thing she is going to really enjoy (most likely) is the pool.

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answers from Las Vegas on

If you have your car available, then I suggest that you check out the following:

* Red Rock Canyon (30 minutes from the strip on the west side of town) for the visitors center and children's discovery trail. www.redrockdcanyonlv.org

* Ethel M Chocolate Factory has a beautiful botantical cactus garden and tour for you to check out. www.ethelm.com

* Springs Preserve is a nice place to walk around and has some interesting exhibits and classes going on. www.springspreserve.org

* Town Square is a really great outdoor mall just south of the strip. They have a lot of great shops, restaurants and a movie theater there as well as a really great children's playground.

* And, of course, you can always spend some of your time hanging out at the pool.

Hope this helps give you some ideas.

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answers from Philadelphia on

How about hanging out and swimming at the hotel pool?


answers from Modesto on

We always stayed at Circus Circus. One year olds in vegas is really not a fun thing tho for mom. I'd bring a nanny if I could.



answers from Las Vegas on

Take her to see Sigfried and Roy's Secret Garden at the Mirage. It has dolphins and a zoo. Also, there is the shark reef at Mandalay Bay. There is the water show outside the Bellagio. There are a ton of parks here to go too. Hope this helps a little.

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