Where Should I Be Looking for Mold??

Updated on November 30, 2011
T.S. asks from South Weymouth, MA
6 answers

I am suspecting my husband has a mold allergy and I noticed some mold growing in the window panes so I cleaned them with bleach. Then I noticed it in the dishwasher and was horrified at how much was growing beneath the grate. Now cleaned. Any other ideas on usual places that mold grows where I should be checking? Holy cow, no wonder we're all sick all the time!!

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answers from Washington DC on


Mold can grow anywhere....you live in a moist climate during the summer. dry winters and you most likely use a humidifier, right?

Vents. Window sills. bathroom. bathroom fans (you would have to pull them down) but you would be amazed at what grows behind the fan that pulls the wet and stinky air out of your bathroom.

Yeah - the dishwasher - surprising, isn't? Sinks. especially if you have dual sinks and really only use one side. Drains - the overflow holes? it can grow there too.

Carpeting. This is why I prefer hardwood. Mold grows in the padding if something isn't dried properly.

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answers from St. Louis on

Anywhere there is moisture. Cheryl gave you a pretty good list. My washing machine will get it if I don't keep the door open.

All you need is moisture and no air flow. Believe it or not mold doesn't do well where air is circulating, if it did you would probably have it on walls and such.

I am very allergic so I can find an outbreak in my house in minutes. I assure you not a good skill to have. :(

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answers from Richmond on

If you're house is like mine, go straight to the basement :p

Mold can grow anywhere, mostly in the spots you don't think about, like IN the walls and IN the ceiling/floor (mostly along floor boards)... your best bet is to get an inspector out there.

Also, dust mites are a huge problem right now here in VA. I bought my whole family the anti-allergen pillow case covers and mattress covers and noticed a HUGE difference!

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answers from Houston on

Sometimes, it can be behind the walls and ceiling if there is a water leak, so look for damp/water stained areas that could have been caused by a leak, such as behind the washing machine/toilet/fridge. Also, the air ducts/vents are a good place to check.

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answers from Boston on

Shower drains, kitchen sink, bathroom exhaust fans, air conditioner filters, room air purifiers and humidifiers, behind the toilet tank (always wet from condensation back there), and a zillion other places. A big one is if there is a crack or space in the tub or shower grout, then the water gets back behind the tile or tub surround, and mold grows on the sheetrock behind it. That's a killer to remove. Attic insulation - especially if a shower vents through the attic or there has been any seepage from the rain. Rotted leaves and pine needles in your gutters - leaf mold is nasty, and those gutters are near enough to your windows that the mold spores, which are airborne, can get into your home. You can buy mold test kits in any big home improvement store (Home Depot, etc.) and send them off for analysis. A lot of mold can't be seen and there are services who will come in and test/remove. Depends on the money you want to spend and how bad the situation is. Service Master and ServePro are some of the big companies - there's a franchise every few towns.



answers from Chicago on

Air purifiers seem to help, too....

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