What to Put in 2 I/2 Year Old Girl's Stocking or Where to Find Stuff?

Updated on December 08, 2006
M.M. asks from Wheeling, IL
6 answers

Hi, can anyone help me out? I have no idea what to put in her Christmas stocking or where to find stuff.Anybody have any ideas??? Please help me, I am lost at doing this, and does anybody have any suggestions as gift ideas for her too..Thank you so much everyone!

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answers from Chicago on

i also have a 2 1/2 yr old, so far for her stocking i have little hair pony holder, i have one of those travel doodle pro's (writing thing) i got her little coind that are chocolate, that is the only candy, i am weird about candy, she will get an orange (family tradition) also she will get some goldfish crackers and some animal crackers. maybe another little toy if i can find one. hopefully that will fill up her stocking. we will see. i hope this helps a little bit. Happy Holiday's

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answers from Chicago on

Hey Natalia,

I have a 2 year old daughter, so I understand where you are coming from they are at a hard age to buy for. My daughter is very into baby dolls, books and anything girlie she loves. We got her the disney princess kitchen set at Aldis, it is musical and 1/2 the price of ones at toys r us. We also got her accessories to go with the kitchen, a new baby doll stroller, a set of triplet baby dolls, some books, princess dress up set, 2 books for her baby leap pad(the baby leap pad is great helps them learn alot of new things), we also bought her a vaccumm, but stocking stuffers are more difficult. They have to be smaller so we got her a little kit of baby doll accessories, i was thinking of also getting her crayons and a coloring book, and a few of her favorite snacks. Well ok these are things i think are great for little girls but every child is different, every mothers opinion is different and it also depends on how much money you want to spend. Good luck and if you'd like to talk to me more feel free to email me at ____@____.com. Happy Holidays~M.

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answers from Tampa on

I also have a 2 year old. I also like the dollar section at Target. I think right now they still have little mickey mouse books and stickers. Also I bought some Fisher Price Little People - they sell the people seperate from the sets and they are small enought to fit in the stocking. My daughter loves playing make believe with those and her Little People Doll house. Also Crayons would fit in a stocking.

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answers from Chicago on

ever since I was a kid, our stockings have included a new toothbrush (something fabulous, like one with a favorite character). Other ideas could include a small stuffed animal, party favor sized play doh container or other small toys. Target has a great dollar section with little toys. I don't know what your position on candy is, but we allow it with limits and my sons really look forward to their M&M character filled with mini M&Ms on Christmas morning. It's become a bit of a tradition. Chocolate for breakfast 1 day a year....oh well.

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answers from Chicago on

Like someone else said...depending on how much you want to spend....I go to the Disney store for some stocking stuffers. They have some cute things like pretend phones, watches, play cameras, etc with the different characters on them. Also, what about a kids dvd or cd/tape of kids music.

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answers from Youngstown on

last year my girls were just a few months past 2, it is hard to find little toys that are geared for under 4 so what i did was get some playdough, cookie cutters,little rolling pins , coloring books and washable crayons and markers(crayola makes a toddler sized washable marker called pip squeeks they are great for little hands)and then i put an apple and an orange in thier stockings too-those are their fav fruits-they had a great time and they got to snack on healthy fruit while they opened their presents too!

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