What Kind of Milk Does Your Family Drink?

Updated on March 12, 2012
M.L. asks from Portland, OR
43 answers

what kind of milk does your family drink? im thinking its time to switch it up for us. with all the hormones and antibiotics in cows milk, arsenic now found in rice, making rice milk a no no, ingredients in soy mimicking estrogen, i find myself with my arms up in the air! whats afe for us to drink anymore thats not contaminated with one thing or the other. our family likes to drink milk, so im trying to find something thats healthy and safe to drink but isnt going to cost a fortune..any ideas? thanks moms!

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answers from Chicago on

Honestly, I just drink regular 1% milk and have given up on trying to keep up with what is what, I eat what I eat and drink what I drink. I pay attention to recalled items and make accomodations for that but honestly, I am tired of hearing what is bad for me because if I pay attention to all of it then I am just going to give myself a mental disorder.

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answers from Santa Fe on

We drink organic, hormone/antibiotic free whole milk. It costs more but I think it's worth it. If you add up what you spend extra per month you realize it really is not that much money in life. To me it is worth it.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Well, the world is a big scary place. If you don't get this or that in milk you'll get it in veggies from the dirt, if it doesn't get you over here it will get you over there.

To me, you're way over-thinking this. We buy Walmart brand 2% milk since all the kids are over 2 years old.

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answers from Washington DC on

We drink Whole Milk. It's not organic. Don't feel like spending $6 a gallon on milk.

I don't drink or give soy based products to my family. I read labels.

I don't worry about arsenic as it's a NATURALLY occurring chemical. I believe in moderation. Not living in fear.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My mom was allergic to cow's milk and she drank goat's milk. I have a grand daughter and grandson that is allergic to milk, and they drink soy milk.

We lived out in the country for a while and made the acquaintance of a man that had a cow. This cow gave more milk than he could use and we bought raw cows milk from him. He just pastured his one cow and so there weren't any hormones to worry about. The cow gave milk that was 28% cream so instead of the four percent "whole milk" you get in the stores we got 28%. We made ice cream with real cream. We also made butter and drank real buttermilk.

If you live on the outskirts of Portland I'd recommend you go to a feed store and ask around for someone that has a cow or a goat and buy the milk from.them.

Good luck to you and yours.

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answers from Seattle on

Just regular ol' 1% milk from the grocery store. You do know that arsenic has been found in breast milk, right? If you keep reading all these "studies" you will find something unhealthy in just about everything you eat. I say, if it's recalled then stop eating it. or, if you are so worried about what you are eating you could plant your crops, harvest, and raise your animals. Then you will know exactly where all of your food comes from! (you are in Portland as a fellow tree hugger...you could probably do it no problem!)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I grew up on a dairy farm. I buy and drink regular 2% milk. Hormones occur naturally in milk, because it is milk. AND "a person would have to drink 95 quarts of milk to equal the amount of IGF-1 we make daily in our saliva and digestive tract secretions." because these same hormones are being produced in our and our children's bodies, naturally.

The manufactured totally made up, not scientifically supported, scares about milk are a great way to get people to spend double for "special" milk that can't be told from "regular" milk in ANY scientific lab tests. Milk is milk period.


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answers from Seattle on

Generally 1% bovine variety from the grocery store. We've tried rice milk and soy milk and even coconut milk for kicks, and I'm really not fond of any of those. But I've recently discovered that I *really* like almond milk, and my 4-year-old drank a vanilla almond milk yesterday w/o comment. And i'll also add that the dark chocolate almond milk is far and away the best chocolate milk I've ever had - smooth, rich, creamy, high in calcium and low-fat! Wow!

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answers from Dallas on

I am not a milk drinker but my 17 yr old daughter loves 2%.

I don't buy into all the media hype and marketing ploys to instill fear and increase pricing.

We don't live in fear. We believe in moderation.

If you have your hands tested, you'll find out that you probably have arsenic on them. It is NATURAL.

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answers from Chicago on

We drink organic whole milk. It costs a small fortune, but it's super yummy!

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answers from Atlanta on

Walmart sells Stoneyfield Farms milk. It gets a 4/5 cow rating from the Cornucopia Institute, is organic, and cheaper than a lot of other organic milks.

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answers from Dallas on

I only buy organic milk because I worry about all the hormones and antibiotics in regular milk. I've read a few studies that link the hormones in milk to early puberty in girls. I think it's worth the extra cost.

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answers from Norfolk on

We drink regular %1 cows milk.
It's not organic - too expensive.
My husband and son drink it like there's no tomorrow.
I can't stand drinking milk (unless it's in soup or cereal) but I like drinking butter milk.
I cook with canned goat milk sometimes - I wish I could get it fresh locally (I'd like it pasteurized - don't need it raw).

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answers from Los Angeles on

We drink Stremicks Heritage Foods Organic Milk. It's free of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. I've tried a lot of different organic milk brands and this one is so delicious, very creamy. Even the fat free milk tastes creamy, which is pretty hard to find. I pay about $5 for a gallon. Here in So Cal, it's in all of our healthier markets and is starting to be carried by the conventional markets. Here is a rating of organic milks by the Cornucopia Inst. You can click on each brand to find out more info.


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answers from Augusta on

We buy kroger brand 2% milk.
Read labels , many store brand milks don't have the add hormones in them.
Kroger is one of these, and I'm pretty sure walmart is as well.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

Whole, hormone-free cow's milk. I like my butterfat in my milk. 2% tastes thin and skim tastes like cloudy water.
I also like goat's milk, but no one else does, so I sometimes buy it for myself.
I can't drink soy milk - it does NOT taste like milk and it gives me gas that peels paint off the walls. I've tried almond milk and rice milk, and didn't like them either.

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answers from Fargo on

Son and husband drink organic 2% and daughter drinks organic goat's milk. Both of my kids prefer dairy keifer, though. We don't use much milk, except for cereal.

Soy milk screwed up my body so I won't ever feed it to my family. Have you tried coconut milk? YUM!!! My friend even makes coconut milk ice cream and it's amazing and super easy.



answers from Missoula on

We drink hormone and antibiotic-free 1% cow's milk. It is not organic. I will only buy milk in the cardboard cartons, because I hate how milk tastes out of plastic.



answers from Minneapolis on

Non fat, no hormones or antibiotics cow's milk. I don't pay extra for organic though. My oldest son was on goat's milk for years because of a dairy allergy, but he is on regular milk now.



answers from Minneapolis on

Almond, coconut, organic rice, and oat milk. I make my own rice milk and oat milk. We buy the others. My son and I both have dairy intolerances. Question... why are we not supposed to make our own rice milk?



answers from Denver on

I don't know if you have this in OR but we drink Royal Crest, which is delivered to our house and it is hormone and antibiotic free. More expensive for sure! But it is worth it!



answers from Seattle on

Almond milk is a go to in this house.



answers from Portland on

During the summer (Farmer's market) months, we buy 2% milk from a local dairy farmer who actually lives about 3 miles away from my parents. Their milk is pasteurized, but it's vat pasteurized, which means its heated slowly and to a lower temp than regular or ultra-pasteurized milk. This leaves more of the good fats intact and makes it easier for your body to digest. He was slipping us raw milk a couple years ago, but it's illegal here in Oregon, and he got spooked and quit.

In the off season, we buy 1% organic from Costco.



answers from Dallas on

My family has lots of preferences so we have lots of alternative milk at my house:

Hubby, me and 5yo like Almond milk or 7-grain
8yo and me too, like Hemp milk
3yo likes So Delicious brand Coconut beberage in the red carton in the refrigerated section NOT the boxed one.

My fridge is quite hilarious to open and see all the prefrences but it works:)


answers from Dallas on

The boys and I drink skim milk. My husband doesn't do dairy, so he drinks unsweetened almond milk.



answers from Washington DC on

Any organic 2% and whole cow milk (usually store brand). AND we also get whole or reduced fat GOAT milk- goat milk is very yummy and always organic.


answers from Houston on

I buy Kirkland brand soy milk .... Shelf stable. Sometimes I buy 2% cows milk because pudding won't set with soy milk. But we don't drink it.



answers from Bloomington on

1% , organic, from Costco.



answers from Minneapolis on

Only organic. I actually like the taste better and no hormones. We all drink skim except my 16 month old who drinks 2%



answers from St. Louis on

WalMart or Aldis 2%. We live in a small town & not many choices.

Good question & now I have some websites to hit! Thanks!


answers from Providence on

Both my husband and son drink organic skim milk. I drink unsweetened almond milk. I use it for everything-in coffee, recipes, cereal, oatmeal, etc.



answers from Dallas on

The kids used to drink organic skim milk, I've now switched them to my (I have a dairy sensitivity) Almond milk (Blue Diamond brand). I thought I'd try keeping them off of dairy for a while to see if it improves the frequency of them being sick, specifically my youngest son who also has asthma. It tastes great and the price is comparable to organic milk.


answers from Detroit on

I buy Simple Truth Organic Soy & whole milk from Kroger. My kiddos like the taste of soy in their cereal and are adjusting to the taste of whole milk because they've never had it due to a severe dairy allergy.



answers from Portland on

My kids drink whole, raw cow's milk. Read up on the benefits and risks online. Only purchase from a trusted grocery store (which is what I do), or find a local farmer who will let you visit the farm and ask about sanitation methods. My husband and I drink organic 1% cow's milk. When I make my daily chai tea, I make it with a combination of 1% milk and 1/2 and 1/2 cream. Yum!

I also like non-homogenized milk (Straus is a brand I like found on the west coast) in glass bottles where the cream rises to the top. Exposing milk (via pasteurization and "ultra-pastreurization" kills off a lot of the good bacteria and enzymes in the milk. The Straus milk is not heated to as high of a temperature, thus the reason for the cream rising to the top. And raw milk is not pasteurized at all.

I also don't worry about fat content, ever - for me or my kids. Fat is extremely important to kids (our brains are made up mostly of fat) and I truly believe that it is carbohydrates, grains and sugar that are killing us. I purchase, for the most part, full fat products for our household. The only thing I ever watch are carbs, sugar and my portions. I'm 5'4," 115 lbs. and turning 40 this year, and this is working for me. Plus, I never feel deprived.


answers from Kansas City on

i finally got my husband (originally a whole milk drinker) down to skim. mostly because of the price ;)

the last six months or so i have been drinking almond breeze, and i L. L. L. it. it tastes SO good, better than cow's milk imo. my son loves it as well.

we only buy a gallon of skim for my husband, who will still drink the entire thing in a week.



answers from Dallas on

I L. whole milk... But.. We drink 2%.. But if was just me, or before 2 years ago... Or if I get a personal milk, like at the donut shop.. Whole milk.. Especially when its cold....



answers from Colorado Springs on

At our house we, too, drink Royal Crest milk. It's worth every penny - safer and tasty. I have never be able to acquire a taste for skim milk or anything approximating it, but I like the Royal Crest 1% because it tastes like 2%. You might investigate the milk delivery companies in your area and see what they have to offer.



answers from Portland on

We drink non-fat organic milk. We also sometimes drink organic rice or soy milk. I don't buy non-organics, and we only buy local. It is an expensive food product that I will not give up and I think it tastes a thousand times better than the non-organic stuff (makes sense).



answers from Cincinnati on

My 4 year old and I drink Almond Milk. My husband drinks non-fat organic cow's milk. I do use his milk to cook with (mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs etc).



answers from New York on

Organic 2% milk. I use that and 1/2 water for my cereal (I know I am wierd) and I like it in my coffee. The organic 2% tastes richer than the regular one. Coconut milk is good in things but it's thick so it is gross in cereal. Almond milk is popular and sweet.


answers from San Diego on

We have soy and almond milk in the house. We don't have cow's milk due to lactose intolerance.
My kids don't drink milk straight most of the time anyway. They eat it as cheese or yogurt, the one way we can tolerate cow's milk. Or it goes in cereal etc. It is extremely rare that they drink a cup of milk.
I breastfeed long through the toddler years when it's important for them to have milk so there is no need to give them milk in a cup or bottle. I would much rather them have human milk which is designed for their growth and development then a milk made fir another animal or made from plants.
There are other ways to get the nutrition needed without drinking milk. That is what we do.
There is a point where you have to ignore all the fear mongering and "reporting" about foods. I am far less worried about naturally occuring things in foods then I am about added or modified things to foods. I worry if it's been recalled due to contaminents. I don't care if it's naturally occuring in the food item. Soy has been enjoyed for ages but yet only now it's an issue? Um..no, sorry, can't believe it.



answers from Philadelphia on

We drink organic 2% milk, when we actually drink it. Aside from the health issue, my kids find it tastes far better than regular milk. My son drinks goat milk because of his milk allergy. I don't drink milk at all - I get my calcium from other sources. My middle child also doesn't drink milk straight - she *might* drink in chocolate milk form, but prefers water for her beverage. She also gets her calcium from other sources. My youngest DOES like milk and drinks it several times a week. I actually have found that milk is not nearly as necessary to our diets as the "industry" would have you believe. I think the healthiest is to drink water and get your nutrients from food, not beverages.



answers from Albany on

My D and H drink 2% Organic Milk. My D is little(under 40 pounds) and I drinks about 2 glasses a day so I like her to have the organic. I drink Reg Skim milk, 1C in my cereal, M-F. I was drinking Lt. Vanilla Soy in my cereal, ( but I read it slows the absorption of my Thyroid Medicine I take in the AM.)

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