Weight Loss Pills That Have Worled for Other Mamas?

Updated on February 03, 2009
J.C. asks from Hebron, CT
14 answers

I am 22 yrs. old, and ABOUT 180 lbs at 5'9". I was 144 before my son was born, and 125 about a yr. before that. I am looking to get down to at least 135 lbs. All my weight was gained AFTER my son was born, actually i lost 10 lbs when pregnant and gained it back at the very end *all him*. I have been on a VERY strict diet since New Years and haven't lost ONE POUND! I have been trying to exercise when i can, but it's tough because my boyfriend works third and sleeps during the day. I am currently living with my parents, so early morning and night are out of the question. I try and squeeze it in when i can... usually including the child sitting on me during Pilates... haha. I have tried Fahrenheit, Alli, and the older version of Hydroxycut. All of them were pretty much just like a caffeine pill, but just cost 5x's more. Alli made me 'go to the bathroom' every hour, even though i stuck to the low/no fat diet.. Any advice?

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answers from Boston on

I have dieted my whole life and I have found succcess with the South Beach diet. You eat healthy and real foods. You can buy the book or join online.

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answers from Portland on

Jess, I am old and crippled. I gained 58 pounds due to a medication I was on .
It has taken me three years to lose 22 pounds. About 7 pounds a year. BUT it is going down. I cannot exercise as I would like to so I think as long as it is going down I am ahead of the game.
At your age I did exercises, remember Jack Lalaine?
Later on I went to the Y for three or four mornings a week.
Then I did Richard Simmons dancing to the oldies and had an exercise bike...45 minutes on that once or twice a day.
Now I am pathetic LOL I have a little routine takes maybe fifteen or twenty minutes then I need a nap LOL
BUT with this exercise , whatever it may be, I have this regime.
I diet for two days, this means I eat smaller portions of regular food, forgo the five or ten wheat thins, and whatever mouthfuls of what I am incline to eat.
The third day I eat what I want to, including the five or ten wheat thins.
Its slow for me, worked much quicker when I was younger for sure.
But it works, no pills, no tonics.
When I was thirty I could shed the extra post baby pounds ( I had seven children )in six to 12 months ( I also BF all of them)
Portions are everything. Always be aware of what you are putting into your mouth.
Take a spoonful of ice cream instead of a bowl. Eat two spoonfuls if you like.
Just be very aware of portions. I try to stay away from processed foods for the most part. And definately, if you are a fast food fan, limit it to once or twice a month.
One thing that helped me is to not regard food as good or bad. Boy took a long time to get there.
Now, you want 135 pounds.
Start a little closer...how about 155? That is 25 pounds.
Get there and set a new goal. 145 say.
A woman 5'9" should look stunning at around 150 pounds.
These new diet plans are fantastic but most of us cannot afford the foods for them. I am guessing you cannot if you live with your folks.
Try to have a somewhat balanced diet...I drink a can of V8 every day to ensure I get veggies> An orange or banana . For breakfast wether it is a diet or a treat day, I have the same thing. I mix juice, yogurt, frozen chopped up fruit, about a cup, dash of nutmeg. !/4 a grapefruit ( I share it with my grandson) 1 slice of toast with butter ( and jam/jelly on treat day) and a cup of tea with milk.
Regular dinner, just smaller portions and gingerale or glass of milk.
I use real butter, whole milk, bread that I make with whole grains..olive oil. I do not use chemically produced food and also try to stay away from additives and dyes. ALSO and I think very very important, use natural sea salt. Morton's salt is poison to your system. Realsalt is my choice but there are other good ones.
Lunch is hither and yon.
This all works pretty well with a very limited budget.
I wish you the best and God bless
Grandmother Lowell

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boston on

I highly recommend the book, "Eat Fat, Lose Fat". It's an amazing concept that not enough people know about.

I eat eggs, real butter, whole milk, ice cream, meat, and cheese every day and lost my baby weight in a month. Some of that is just luck, but it's also diet - our bodies need fat. It's not the bad guy we think it is - sugar and refined carbs are!! Cut out the grains and sugar, eat veggies and organic whole fat dairy (raw if you can!) and meats...it's so much healthier!



answers from Boston on

I would suggest going to your Dr and getting checked out. You gained this weight after the baby was born..not due to pregnancy weight. You may want to have your thyroid checked out. I had issues myself..although it was over active and I lost a lot of weight..now due to having iodine treatment, I am underactive and on medication. You could possibly have an underactive thyroid..and if that is it..you can get it under control and then be able to diet and lose weight. It isnt uncommen for a woman to have thyroid issues after giving birth!



answers from Providence on

no pills here, but south beach did work great.



answers from Hartford on

I have PCOS and adverse reactions to lots of different things so I don't use any weight loss aids. I have lost over 40 pounds in the last year though by eating several smaller meals throughout the day. I generally eat 4 to 6 small meals a day at roughly 3 hour intervals. I try to make them as health as possible and watch serving sizes as much as I can. For the most part, I tend to stay away from prepared foods like chef boyardee, any of the frozen entrees and the like as they are loaded with salt. Three most common snacks found in my lunch box include fig/strawberry newtons (love the 1 pound cheap versions you can find at most family dollar and big lots stores for about $1), snack packs of applesauce, and snack packs of pudding-usually sugar free as I am glucose intolerant with the PCOS. When I can find it on sale, another one of my favorite snacks is flavored yogurt with cheerios in in. I do try to get a little bit of exercise every day and, admittedly, lately it's only been walking to the bus stop to go to work, from the 2nd bus stop down to the office and any walking I have to do that's job related (usually about 7 blocks on a slow day and probably closer to a mile during our busy season). I have an exercise routine that I like to use but haven't been able to lately because of a lot of pain with my toes from another problem entirely (I look forward to getting that taken care of so I can get back to my exercise routine). It is a fairly quiet routine and uses what you already have in the home (except maybe the weight part of it which you can substitue other things in the home for the weights like cans of veggies, cleaned out milk jugs full of water, etc). Probably about the loudest part of it is that I tend to have my MP3 player blasting with songs that I find keep me moving and was able to change the "genre" to read exercise so I could pull up those songs only and not have to stop to change songs while exercising. I will also admit that I hate the taste of the tap water around where I live so I buy bottled water for work and refil the same bottle at least once while I am at work from the water cooler (during the colder seasons only 1 or 2 bottles a day but during the busy and hot times I have been known to drink at least 3 bottles a day). There are a lot of flavored "to go" packets you could pick up to add to it for a little flavor and I even have some in my desk at work incase I get sick of plain old water. I also keep some cheapie "crystal light" type stuff at home incase I get sick of diet soda and want some for a change of pace though the ones at home have to be made in a pitcher or a well cleaned out old larger water bottle. I am not so big on it at home, but at work I am well known for always chewing a piece of sugar free gum between "snacks". Hope this helps you!



answers from Boston on

No pills. Weight Watchers.



answers from Boston on

I have tried all toise as well. Found Tru Chocolate threw a friend and dropped 8 pounds in a amonth!!
Check out our website www.youngevityonline.com/paula44

and the original website www.truchocolate.com

Good luck!!


answers from Boston on

Hi J., The easiest and most efficient diet I have tried is the one I found through Mamasource. It may have been called "Diet for Dummies" but I am not positive. I do know that you can change your menu by going to www.dietaccess.com It is easy and inexpensive. You go in and choose foods that you like first. Then you generate a menu for the next 11 days and simply follow it. It consists of 4 meals a day - you can choose which of the 4 you want to have when; i.e. #3 for breakfast, #1 for supper, etc. You can also decide if you want all three items listed for that meal or only one of them. You can also eat as much of each item as you want, but there is one big hard and fast rule that you MUST follow -- You Must Stop Eating BEFORE You Feel Really Full!!! That is the key to this diet - eat until you are comfortable but NOT stuffed full! All of the guidelines are on the site. At the end of the 11 days, (if you have not cheated) you will loose 10 pounds. Then you take a couple of days off and do it again. Follow this routine until you are where you want to be. I have given this out to several people who have also had great success with it. It is healthy and it works! Good Luck. E. Taft ____@____.com



answers from Portland on

The answer is not in a pill or fad diet, but a commitment to change how you look at food. Simple carbs are bad, but fat is not necessarily a bad thing in certain forms. You need fat in the diet to be able to process and utilize the vitamins and minerals in your food. When the weather warms up again, long walks with the baby stroller would be a relaxing way to excercise :) Good luck!



answers from Boston on

Hi J.
I was on the slimplicity program. It is the only weight loss on the market that has no side effects (like that icky ALLI.. DOn't you feel like yelling at Wynona Judd for supporting that stuff....) ANyway..I would love to share info about Sliiimplicity. I have lost 35 Lbs and 27 niches overall. ANd now kept it off for a year. ANd you are much younger than I am (I'm 54) You should lose even faster.
Love to share.
J. H



answers from Boston on

J., I highly recommend a product I am currently using. It's called Omnilife. Its a vitamin and herbal supplement line of products, including thermogenic that help to disolve and eliminate excess fat from the body. There are protein meal replacement drinks that also help in weight loss. I myself have lost 10 pounds in 2 1/2 months! I have two children and work full time, so I get to the gym when I can... but by watching what I eat and taking these products I managed and I feel great and have lots of energy. If you are interested email me and we can talk more about these products. Oh and by the way... they tast DELICIOUS!!!!

email me at ____@____.com

G. Castano



answers from Washington DC on

Try going to your Dr. Pregnancy can affect your thyroid function and if that is an issue than medication will definitely help. Also try talking to a nutritionist. Maybe you're not taking in enough calories which can also make it harder to lose weight. Good luck!


answers from Boston on

Well, you have figured out the hard way that all those diet pills just take your money and don't help. They may increase metabolism a little bit by adding caffeine, but it would be a lot cheaper to drink coffee. It's not making a sustainable, measurable change in your nutrient intake. Secondly, because they are PILLS, you are probably not digesting and absorbing most of it - so all that money is wasted. Remember all those articles over the last few years about high drug content in the water of so many cities & towns? It's gross, but it's from undigested pills. So you paid for 100% of that pill, you ate it, but you only absorbed 25% or 30% of it or whatever, and the rest is in the water supply.

I agree with Joanne about slimplicity - you need the right nuturients, properly balanced and in a highly absorbable form so that everything gets into the individual cells of your body and nourishes you without making you crave more nutrients (and then sometimes eat the wrong things because you can't really tell what your body is craving). One of the reasons we have so much obesity these days is that our food is so deprived of nutrients and our soils are depleted - our bodies cry out for nutrients but the foods we eat don't contain enough, so we overeat. You can break that cycle! Try a product that really works and that has the science and research behind it. That's a huge difference between something that's on the grocery store shelves with no company and no people behind it to help you.

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