Valentines Day Gift for Hubby

Updated on February 05, 2009
S.B. asks from Beaverton, OR
17 answers

hi ladies, I need your ideas for a valentines day gift for my husband. he gives such great gifts to me and I would love to return the favor by doing and giving him something special and memorable. any ideas?

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answers from Victoria on

I put together a coupon book for my husband for Christmas- he loved it! He hasnt used any yet- but told me last night that the thought of making it and giving it to him meant more than getting to use them. Im sure he will cash them in one day. PM me if you want the details of what I did.

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answers from Dallas on

My friend does photography and has a lot of people do the boudoir pictures for their husbands for VDay. She gives you all of the pictures on a full resolution CD so you can make a scrap book out of them or something.

They are very classy but sexy pictures, nothing revealing. If you want her info let me know and I will send it to you. She is very affordable, and I am sure she has examples to show you. She just does not post the boudoir pictures on her site.

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answers from Dallas on

I did not do this one but my friend did and it was a HUGE hit.

Her hubby worked downtown at the Crescent. She managed to rent a room at the hotel which was directly across from his office window. (lots of planning)

She had binoculars delivered to him with a note that told him which direction to look at a certain time. When he looked, there she was in the the window in her cute little lingerie outfit...

Needless to say, he got there pretty fast. She had champayne, chocolate, light foods. He had a LONG lunch break.

Another idea is some very nice pics of yourself......
Coupon books for "favors" is a favorite at my house.
The couples spa idea is always nice!!
I always try to do something "outside the box" to surprise him. Since it is on a Sat this year, I will have little surprises popping up all day and we will top if off with a very nice dinner and maybe some dancing!


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answers from Dallas on

Well this isn't as creative and romantic as the other suggestions, but for my husband I am putting together a "Little back book" for him. Being a typical guy, he doesn't have a place for all his family and friends' addresses and birthday's etc, so I am in the process of contacting them all with the help of his sister and am gathering all their addresses, phone numbers, emails, and birthdays and I am writing them all into a nice leather address book for him. I am also including other useful numbers and his favorite places - restaurants, golf courses, etc. It's not huge, but it is personal and all about those he loves.

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answers from Dallas on

My husband and I are doing a much deserved SPA Day Valentine's Special for two. I researched the Spas in my area and found a great deal. They also serve you chocolates and champaign while both receive a head to toe treatement. The one we are doing is at the Spa In the Village at Colleyville (you can google it).



answers from San Antonio on

A very thoughtful gift is to decorate a jar and put his fantasy in it, or things you love about him. Tell him he can go have a guys day or night. Like my husband likes to play frisbee golf , and pool but he sometimes feels guilty because I can't take our daughter to a bar.


answers from Dallas on

One of my customers is putting together a "Let Me Count the Ways I Love You" basket for her husband. She is gathering little things that he loves and making a basket:Mountain Dew,the color green,Heart Shaped Peanut butter cups(bought from me!),his favorite music. You get the idea.

SAHM of two:19 and 5. Home baker and candy maker. Married to the same wonderful man for almost 12 years.


answers from Dallas on

My husband is the kind of guy who would rather do something than get something. So I'm taking him to an auto show on Valentine's Day. It may not be romantic, but it's what he loves! We're taking our son to my inlaws for the weekend (my birthday is the next day), and we're making the weekend all about us, which we never do. Think of what he loves, and something that he rarely gets to do. Or if you can, get a sitter for the night, so you don't have to worry about the baby, or waking up early the next day. Havr fun, whatever you do!



answers from Dallas on


I will tell you what my husband appreciates. We have been married for 25 years, and I used to try to get him something really good. All he has ever wanted from me or from our children is a letter. Write your husband a letter telling him what he means to you, especially now that you are parents. It is something that he will treasure for a very long time. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

last year my sister had pics of her and her and the kids taken for v-day and gave them to her hubby, he liked them



answers from Dallas on

Not romantic, but I had a golf towel made with a sweet pic of the kids on it. He loved it! I think I did it at or similar site. He still has it on his golf bag to this day, and that was several years ago!



answers from Dallas on

If you decide to go with pictures, we would love to help... is our website.



answers from Dallas on

this isnt very specific, but might give you something to think about....

a 5 Senses gift. give him something small for each of them...



answers from Dallas on

I have seen ALOT of mom's do custom photo's of their children for Dad's day gifts and V-Day gifts.

Check out this link.

Pictures of the little guy in Dad's hat or something would be cute.



answers from Dallas on

Try this



answers from Dallas on

My husband would love a computer time I got him a cd burner...I had never seen him speechless like that in my life! Weird, eh?...



answers from Dallas on

Go to and look under "gifts for him". I am actually getting my 1 year anniversary gift from there. I am getting the "message in a bottle" gift for him!

But I also think the Picture idea is good. Even if you did them of yourself for him that would be sweet!

Good luck!

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