Third Trimester Insomonia

Updated on December 04, 2009
D.S. asks from Chicago, IL
14 answers

Help Mamas. I'm pregnant with my second and due in January. The last month + I have had terrible insomonia. I'm up almost every hour (not to use the bathroom, or because the baby is kicking), just UP. Like clockwork, I'm up from 1 a.m. to 3:15 a.m. I have tried baths before bedtime, no caffeine, massage, getting up (REALLY DOESN'T HELP), benadryl (works if I take it during the middle of the night, not before I go to bed but then I'm groggy), and rescue sleep. None are helping. Any ideas for me? I don't know how I can be so wide awake at night and so tired during the day. So appreciate your input!

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answers from Chicago on

You're so not alone!! I'm only in my second trimester and can't sleep. Everyone on Thanksgiving thought I was crazy for going shopping at 3am with my sister, and I told them I was so excited to actually have something fun to do when I'm usually up anyway staring at the ceiling!

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answers from Chicago on


I agree, it's just part of the "normal" icky part of that last trimester. The only thing that I found helped was exercise. It doesn't have to be strenuous, but I found the more I sat on my butt with the other kids - because I felt big and uncomfortable, the worse the insomnia was. For me, physical activity helped fatigue me physically, getting air seemed to help me mentally and then I was ready for sleep. I realize it's a bit more challenging for you since the weather is turning, but go mall walking, push a stroller, push the kids on the swing, ANYTHING to get YOU moving and exerting yourself A BIT. Don't simply casual walk, try to pick up the pace a bit.

Be careful artifically sedating yourself. Benadryl is very dehydrating. I know you crave the sleep, especially chasing another child during the day, but God has a plan. You never truly know the side effects (no matter what doctors say). I don't think anyone would recommend taking benadryl as a sedative in your third trimester anyway.

Just know that the end is near. Try to go with the flow as best you can. I can remind you - since I have a two month old - those first 6-8 weeks are rough. Mixed up days and nights, lots of night wakings, etc. God really is just trying to prep you now for life in January.

Try to get naps/rest in when you can during the day. Learn tricks to get your other child to "mellow out" with you when you can. Think of this as your "opportunity" to learn ways to teach your #1 child to be patient, play alone, etc.

Good luck! I hope all goes well with your pregnancy and delivery.


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answers from Chicago on

There are some yoga stretches that should help you sleep better. If you have a studio near you that has a pre-natal class check it out. This always helped relax me. If you can't get to a class there are videos too you can try. The library is a free resource of course but you can also find a lot at the bookstore or even Target. I always found a small bowl of cereal before bed would help me sleep in the last stretch too. Hope you can get some rest.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi Debbie,
Try prenatal yoga (if its okay with your doctor). Prenatal yoga helps with relaxation and preparing for birth.
Resources are described at and you may benefit from consultation with JoAnn Lindberg - she founded the birthlink set of resources.
Please know that each pregnancy can be different/unique.
If possible, get some napping time during the day while you are working on getting more relaxation at night.
prenatal yoga teacher
mom of 3

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answers from New York on

I'm sorry I don't have any help for you just wanted to say I had the same thing when I was pregnant. I was told by someone that it's your bodies way of preparing for the long nights of being up with the new baby and that the time you wake up (for you between 1 and 3am) is usually the time your baby will get up for feedings/needing cuddles - yikes I know - but in my case it was true. I was waking up around 3am every night prior to delivering and couldn't go back to sleep until around 5am and that's what my DD did when she was born. HORRIBLE because I was working full-time and had an almost two year old. I remember going into the bathroom at work and putting my head on a toilet paper roll and falling asleep - LOL! But I stuggled through and now it's thing of the past. Sleep when you can, and try to enjoy your last month with baby quietly inside - at least you don't have to hear crying and can just enjoy a cup of tea so early in the am ;-).

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answers from Chicago on

HA! I am not laughing at you, it just brings me back! I had it ALL 9 months of 2 of my pregnancies! I just never slept--EVER! I feel your pain. My 3rd pregnancy (yes, I did it again after that) What was different was that the dr. gave me a vitamin with extra B. This is what makes Benedryl work. I think the fact I knew it was in there and "supposed" to be working played tricks on my mind and it made me sleep. Sounds funny, but NOTHING else worked. You'd think you'd be so exhausted, but NO! I wish you all the luck in the world. I watched more late night tv during those 18 months I was awake and don't ever care to see George and Weezy Jefferson again! Only one more month! :)

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answers from Chicago on

Hi Debbie,

I don't think there is anything you can do. I really think it does help you when the baby comes home because your body is used to it already. I didn't have it with my first and I was in for a rude awakening when she came home from the hospital. I had it somewhat with my second, and really bad with my third, so getting up in the night with him didn't even phase me.

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answers from Chicago on

I used to have the same problem. I was just ackey, and that would wake me up. I would take HOT SHOWERS when I woke in the middle of the night. That seemed to relax my muscles and make me sleep. Also, watch what you eat before bed. I used to say it was God's way of prepping your body for those midnight feedings. I have found I need limited sleep after having 2 kids. My body just got used to it.

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answers from Chicago on

I am not sure what birthing method you are using, but relaxation, visualization, and breathing techniques worked for me to get through both of my pregnancies. I took HypnoBirthing which was a saving grace as I was an insomniac prior to pregnancy and did not want to be on meds. Something to think about and you do have time!!!!!

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answers from Chicago on

Oh man, do I HEAR you! I've got 3 weeks to go and I'm thrilled if I get a nice 3-hour block of uninterrupted sleep at a time. Usually I wake up every 90 minutes without fail, whether or not I have to go to the bathroom, the baby is kicking, my heartburn is bubbling over, or my sciatica is flaring, etc.

Sometimes I think it is mental, that deeply-rooted anticipation of being on the brink of a major life change, and that your brain is mentally preparing for what's to come next.

I just try to use relaxation/breathing techniques to calm myself and mentally prepare myself to sleep. Often though, I just resign myself to this being normal and try to go with the flow and realize in 3 weeks I NEVER have to be pregnant ever again!

Good luck to you and hope you find some relief.

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answers from Champaign on

Sounds like you are having the nesting early.Anticipation of the new one. Have you tried camameal (not sure if I spelled it right) tea. This is my nature because I work at night and love the quiet during the night so I can think.
How old is the other child? Have you tried warm cocoa? I know it has caffine in it but sometimes the soothing chocolate gives one a fix.
Hope this helps

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answers from Chicago on

Just hang in there. On the plus side, by the time you get to the end, you'll be so tired the insomnia goes away!. I'm at 40 weeks in two days, and my months of insomnia has turned into peeing every few hours, but on the plus side, I'm so exhausted I sleep walk to the toilet.

It is all just part of the body preparing for baby.

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answers from Chicago on

It has been an old wives tale that this is your body's way of getting ready to be up in the night with the baby! I don't think there is really too much you can do, if you are up for a while I would just relax and maybe read, or watch t.v.. If you can just try and rest a little extra in the day. The homestretch is hard, but the pay off is big and remember to rest when the baby rests when you come home. Best of luck bringing in the New Year with a bundle of joy!

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answers from Peoria on

Hi Debbie ~ I don't have any good advice for you but just wanted you to know you're not alone! I had the same problem in my 3rd trimester; I'd usually be up every night from 2:00 ~ 3:30 or 4:00am. It was SO frustrating, especially then being so tired the next day! After my daughter was born, those were the same times she'd be up for feedings in the middle of the night. I decided God was preparing me for her! Hang in there and best of luck to you!!

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