Switching from Breastmilk to formula....HELP!!!!

Updated on October 16, 2010
H.S. asks from Victorville, CA
15 answers

My daughter Sydney is 3 mon. old and has been breastfeed from the start. When she was 6 weeks old and I went back to work I pumped but she never took the bottle that well, she would take it if she was really hungry and only about a ounce before she wanted my again. Well now I really need to go on birthcontrol and Im the classic case, my milk is drying up. So I stopped taking the birthcontrol, and thank god my milk came back but I have to go back on it. We have been trying formula for over a month now and she still wont take it. We have tryed Similac, which she absoloutly hated, Enfamil, which she took once and never took again. Enfamil soy, which again she hated, and now good start which she again hates. The bottle problem is still there too and also with that we tryed every diffrent bottle under the sun, the one that works best is the playtex ones but she still seems to have a problem latching on right. I know you can mix things with the formula like Karo syrup which i am going to try tonight, but with the way this is going i dont know what else to do!
I have also tryed having my friends and family feed her but the only time she took it she took it from me. I tryed the nursing position, lights out, when shes half asleep, and anything else i could think of.
How do I get her to take the bottle, let alone the formula?
Please help, I will try anything at this point.

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So What Happened?

Ok so we went to the doctor today and it took longer than expected well since she doesnt like to eat when she is covered she went a while without eatting, (until we got in a room, which was 3 hours) than she would eat off me. which she usually does if we are not at home. so I got a similac already made bottle. and she took it perfectly fine, well i thought it was just ecause she was really hungry but when we got home next time she was hungry she took it again!!!!! Im so stoked. thank you al very much. Also its my body and my baby I know who I am and i think I know her and Im going on birth control and shes going on formula. thank you all for the responses.

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answers from Wichita on

The Karo Syrup thing sounds like a bad, bad idea. You dont really want to mix anything with the formula unless the doctor oks it.

Have you thought about mixing the formula in with some breastmilk, gradually increasing the ratio of formula to breastmilk until she gets used to the taste?

Also, ladies, some women go on the pill for other reasons than sex. Personally, I was on the pill starting in high school due to 10 day long, extremely painful periods. Dont judge her. Even if it is for sex, babies thrive just as well on formula as breastmilk these days!

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answers from Anchorage on

Pick one brand and stick to it so you do not upset her tummy. Start by mixing a small amount of formula in with mostly breast milk. Have daddy give it to her, and limit breast feeding if you can help it, she will not let herself starve. Once you have her taking the bottle with the small amount of formula slowly increase the formula in the bottle so she can gradually get used to the taste difference. Also make sure you are using a slow flow nipple to start and are burping often, they will get more air with a bottle.
Good luck!

*I wanted to add that she did not ask if she should go on birth control and stop breast feeding, she made that choice all ready and is looking for advice on how to transition to formula. How about we try answering the question asked rather than putting in our own judgments?

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answers from Chicago on

You can go on the mini pill or just use condoms or NFP. If you are nursing on demand you shouldn't be ovulating anyway. But if you aren't truly on demand then I wouldn't count on that. Your daughter has good taste :)
Have you tried her formula? It doesn't taste good. Isn't Karo syrup just sugar? It doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

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answers from Toledo on

Wow, some people really are so judgemental. I'm sorry for the answers you're getting for questions you didn't even ask :(

My oldest child never took a bottle. She absolutely refused, but it worked out for us b/c I was able to be with her and nursed her until she was a year old. My second one I went back to work (and in conjunction with a host of other issues) when she was 7 weeks old and started suplementing her with Enfamil and she did fine. Her favorite bottles (which aren't even made anymore) were the Gerber basic ones. My 3rd child took only the Playtex nursers with the liners, and Enfamil formula once we started suplementing her around 8 months, but did ok with breast milk in the bottle before then. My son was a whole different situation though. We tried only with breast milk with every single bottle available for purchase with no such luck. Finally, I discovered the Soothie brand bottles. They have the same green nipple as the hospital issued pacifier, which is what he had. He took to that like white on rice :) Once he was used to that bottle, we were able to start giving him some formula (started with the Walmart brand, then switched to the Sam's Club brand).

As for figuring out which formula is best for her, I would talk to the pediatrician. They can give you samples of different kinds so you're not spending thousands of dollars on formula that will be thrown away ultimately. It may cost you a small fortune in copays to revisit every few days until you get it figured out, but in the end having the right source of nutrition that works best for her is worth it :)

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answers from Chicago on

I had to start giving formula to my bf baby because she wasn't gaining enough and at 6 months I was told that maybe my milk was drying up (I don't know why- all I know that she was always on me- which I wouldn't mind if I had only her LOL).
I tried many formulas too but what did the trick here was warming water (after all breastmilk is always warm).
My baby didn't like room temps formula. I must say that formula is stinky but when the water is warm it doesn't smell so bad LOL And now she takes her bottles (enfamil in tommee tippee) no problem.

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answers from New York on

I hope you check with the doctor before you use the karo! Please.

I would try the mixing the formula with breast milk. Also my daughter really liked the liquid formula. Which is more expensive but maybe you could try starting her on the liquid and transitioning to powdered. I am no help with the bottles my kids will drink out of anything.

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answers from Barnstable on

Do you have a breastfeeding pal that can nurse her FOR YOU? I have wetnursed other friend's kids when they were in a bind. If you ask breastfeeding clubs you can often get donor milk too! I would NOT try the Karo syrup - that is not safe!

Also, can't you just use condoms?

As for bottles, mimijumi is very good! Looks and feels like the boobie.


answers from Los Angeles on

Please take two steps back. Don't stop nursing.

Why do you "really need to go on birth control"?
No. I'm not asking for TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

I just want you to think about the benefits of continuing to nurse your DD for a while longer as compared with the benefits of (only one of many) types of grown-up behavior that can be postponed a while longer. There are lots of ways mommies and daddies can enjoy one another's affection that do NOT require the kind of birth control method that dries up your milk supply.
Seriously. Write me privately if you would like some suggestions.



answers from Austin on

Have you tried the "old school" normal bottles? My breastfed DD refuses to take a bottle that tries to simulate the breast... but when I give her the cheaper old style bottles, she doesn't have any issues at all. She couldn't get her mouth to fit on the "boobie" bottles right, and the ones she could she just plain hated. I would definitely check with your pedi about the Karo, but I think it's one of those things that while it isn't recommended, it won't actually hurt your baby...


answers from San Diego on

My daughter was super hard to switch from the breast to the bottle also. We bought a ton of bottles and she hated ALL of them also. The only one that she finally liked was playtex one but the nipple looks like a pacifier tip. Its has that wierd oblong shape ans the little hole on the side instead of the end/tip of the nipple. Now she will take any one, but oh my, she took a week to get used to the bottle. Good Luck and take care.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have always had a low milk supply so I pumped and added the breast milk to the formula. We also started with the bottles that were breast shaped to make the transition easier on him.
You may want to pump your milk into a bottle and add it to a little formula just so the taste is familiar. I believe that two of the bottle brands that I was recommended was Nadira and Tommee Tippee.


answers from St. Louis on

Please don't let any one tell you the "right" way to feed your baby wether it be by breast or by formula. YOU are the Mommy and most Mommy's make the right choices for their baby. I am on the mini pill or the Errin pill and it seems to be working just fine, but I was warned that I MUST take it at the same time every day. Maybe you should try the bottle again with you feeding her. You said that she took it once from you, I would keep trying with every feeding. My baby didn't have any problems with the playtex drop in bottles.

Also, if you mix kayro syrup with the formula be ready because this will also help with pooping! :)

No one should be one here to "judge" you as it is no one's place but God's.

Good luck and please don't let anyone's comment get you down.



answers from Enid on

i put a little kayro(the dark kind) in my sons bottle to help encourage him to drink formula, and it helped ALOT! he finally got to the point he would just eat the formula and not have to have the kayro, its just something sweet to encourage them to eat something they dont like lol, dont we as adults do it all the time? i know i dont like rice without at least some salt and pepper- my son isnt obbese or lazy or extremely hyperactive(hes almost three of course hes hyper) he didnt have any problems because of a little kayro. he was diagnosed with failure to thrive at his first appointment and we did what we had to do to get him to eat( he wanted breast milk but i didnt produce enough for him, so he had to have the suplemental milk)



answers from Los Angeles on

you may just need a faster flow nipple on the bottle..so its easier for her to get the milk out..as for soy formula..avoid that..i used to supplement with Good Start Supreme Comfort Proteins ...i used Dr Brown's bottles..they were the only bottles my son would take.

good luck




answers from Dallas on

what type of birth control are you on? my daughter was the same way with the bottle. she would take it but under great protest and only at daycare. when she turned 4 months we started her on solids and a regular cup. by 5 months she was using a sippy cup. she would not go back to a bottle after she learned to use the cup. Perhaps you could try a different form of BC long enough to continue pumping until she can get more used to a cup or formula and get her on solids so the milk isn't her only form of nourishment.
**I just read through the rest of the answers, and I wasn't asking about your BC to be judgemental or weird. It sounded like you were trying to stop nursing b/c the BC was messing with your milk supply. Don't let the nursing nazi's guilt you into anything. If you're on BC so you can have a normal, healthy relationship with your husband/significant other, that isn't crazy girl's business. anyway, hope you find something that works. I know the feeling that your child is starving and only wants you is a lot to carry. I would sit at work during the day in tears because I was afraid she would never eat! You'll find something that works. The idea of gradually adding a little formula to bmilk sounds like a good one.

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