Slow Cooker Recipes... - Birmingham,MI

Updated on September 08, 2015
S.W. asks from Birmingham, MI
12 answers

Hello Moms and Dads,

I love using my slow cooker/crock pot but am coming up short on recipes. Can you please share any favorites? No restrictions, allergy or otherwise, but the fewer the ingredients the better. Also, longer cook times on low work better for our current logistics.

You would think I'd have this down by now but new ideas are always so welcomed.

Happy Labor Day to all, S.

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wow.........ask a question..........and I mean that in a good way! :-)

Thanks to all from me and my boys. I'm glad I'm reading this over lunch, because otherwise, I'd be tummy grumbling with hunger.

Hoping all had a lovely extended weekend and that all are enjoying having the kids back to school. :-) S.

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answers from Missoula on

Chicken breast
Jar of salsa
Beer (about half a bottle/can lager or Corona, nothing too dark)

Throw them into the crockpot, cook on low for eight hous, shred the chicken and serve in tacos with cheese, lettuce, whatever you like.

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answers from Phoenix on

b/s chicken breasts, can of salsa, can of drained corn, can of drained/rinsed black beans. Cook on low all day. Last 1/2 hour add a block of cream cheese. You can serve as is or cut chicken smaller first and serve over baked potatoes or rice.

Google or search on Pinterest "dump dinners or recipes". Just like it sounds, you dump a few things in a crock, casserole or skillet and have a dinner or dessert. LOVE THEM!

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answers from Austin on

Two ingredients:

1. "Country style" pork ribs. They're boneless, they resemble ribs in shape, but they're obviously not ribs as they don't have bones. Meat departments label them "country style".

2. Canned baked beans.

Just pour the baked beans in the slow cooker, add the country style ribs, make sure the ribs are covered slightly by the beans, and cook on low all day.

Another 2 ingredient dish:

1. Kielbasa (the fully cooked kind that comes in one long curled up piece)

2. Apples, either peeled and sliced, or chunky applesauce from a jar, or smooth applesauce from a jar

Combine in a slow cooker. You can leave the kielbasa in one piece or cut it into lengths about 3 or 4 inches long. This is better with fresh apples or at least chunky applesauce, just for the sake of texture, but certainly good old smooth applesauce will work just fine. Cook on low all day.

Both of these dishes can be served over biscuits or buns, or in a bowl by themselves. Both would be good with a very quick coleslaw as a side dish (shredded cabbage and carrots, a little mayo, a can of pineapple chunks makes a really quick coleslaw. Of course there are many more coleslaw recipes, and much more complicated ways to make it, but a bag of shredded cabbage and a bag of shredded carrots and a couple of those kids' cups of pineapple pieces in 100% juice with just enough mayo to hold it all together makes a slaw in about 2 minutes). Or they could just be served with carrot sticks.

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answers from Washington DC on

Chicken Tacos:

2 lbs chicken breast
1/3 cup of taco seasoning (I don't buy packets, so I don't know the equivalent, I buy the big container)
1 cup water

I get compliments all the time on how delicious it is. I even put the chicken in frozen and about a half hour to an hour before serving, I shred it.

Sometimes, I put it in tortillas, but more often than not, I just serve it over rice with all the typical taco toppings.

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answers from Wichita Falls on

Ham and bean soup

10 oz (or half bag) of dried beans (i like the 15 bean mix)
1 ham steak, bone in (about a pound)
1 onion
1 bunch Kale

Soak beans -1 hr to overnight, drain
add 6 cups water, beans, chopped up ham (with bone), and onion to crock pot. Cook high for 5-6 hrs or low 8-10. Last hour add chopped up kale.

My kids love this.

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answers from Boston on

A whole chicken...and that's pretty much it...Ok, hubbie throws in some onions and also seasons the chicken....and it sits in there all day and comes out wicked soft and juicy and then you have some stock for chicken soup later.

Serve up with rice or potatoes or whatever.

Have a great weekend!

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answers from Chicago on


1 30oz. bag of frozen, shredded hash browns {I used Ore Ida}

3 14oz. cans of chicken broth

1 can of cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup onion, chopped

1/4 tsp. ground pepper

1 pkg. cream cheese {don’t use fat free.  It WON’T melt!!!}

In a crockpot, combine everything EXCEPT for the cream cheese.  Cook for 6-8 hours on low heat.  About 1 hour before serving, add cream cheese and keep heated until thoroughly melted.  Serve with cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, green onions, or whatever else you think would be good!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Pulled BBQ pork/beef sliders

Cook Meat Low 8 hours. (Chuck roast or pork tenderloin)
Return meat to crock.
Shred with 2 forks.
Mix 1/2 c apricot preserves with 1-1/2 c good BBQ sauce.
Mix into meat.
Serve on slider buns with coleslaw & corn on the cob.

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answers from Rochester on

Find the Fix it and Forget it cookbook. Hundreds of recipes! There is a fabulous chicken tortilla soup that I love. Super easy. Lots of variations on recipes. It is by far the best slowcooker recipe book I have found.

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answers from Boston on

Try Pinterest. You'll find enough recipes to last several lifetimes.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Pulled pork sandwiches:

Pork Shoulder (you can use other cuts as well) - 4 to 8 lbs depending on how many you are feeding/leftovers wanted (freezes well).
1 can root beer (I have also used coke or pepsi in a pinch)
2 pkgs of lipton onion soup (1 if a little roast, 2 for med, 3 if it is 8 or more lbs.)

Roast in the bottom, then soda, then lipton onion soup. Cook on low for 8 hrs (when one hour left shred right in the crock pot and cook one more hour). Serve.

Easiest crockpot recipe I have and also has the least amount of ingredients. This is also my most requested dinner I make. We serve our bbq on the side if folks want.

Good luck!

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answers from Austin on

This was a family favorite for years..... I use a can of drained french cut green beans instead of the frozen....

The flour isn't really needed.... my MIL made it without flour, since her youngest was gluten intolerant (celiac).

Very yummy.... serve with rice.

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