She Took Scissors to Her Hair!!

Updated on April 15, 2009
C.A. asks from Albany, OR
23 answers

Alrighty BOTH parents were home when this happened. I was clipping coupons, and got up to adjust the baby when my precious princess grabbed the scissors and started to hack at her hair. She, of course, did not go for side strands but clipped right off the top of her pretty head. ACK!!! DH came in and yelped, but the damage had been done.

Problem - it's too short to fix - I mean a wide clump right off the top with maybe 1/2 in left. What do I do?? Would getting a "shortcut" make this worse??? Do I just buy big headbands and barrettes and hope for it to grow fast? HELP! Her birthday is in just a month and everyone will be here - oh I am so mad.

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So What Happened?

Well it ocurrs to me that the night before daddy had clipped her older brothers hair - maybe why she went for the top? LOL! I am going to try the foam curlers thing though!! That just sounds plain cute no matter what - I have wanted to curl her hair but am afraid to use a curling iron. Also Daddy is taking her on a date to get some cute accessories for her party as a part of the getting ready for birthday ordeal (she's freaking out she's so excited!!). Dad will not consider cutting his precious princess's hair (I cut mine recently and he mourns the loss). We've discovered how to pull her bangs over the area and use alligator clips. She doesn't seem to care about the cut so I am sure this will happen again...sigh! Thanks for all the laughs!! I totally needed it as I am just plain stressed lately.

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answers from Seattle on

Take her to a hair place that cuts childrens hair.. They are amazing and will be able to tell you what looks best.. My daughter did the same thing and cut her sister hair too.. The hair place did a super cute short cut and it grew out :)

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answers from Seattle on

Don't worry, it's not unusual. My DD also cut her hair (several times before she was 4). We finally stopped when we agreed to both grow "Princess Hair". I just trimmed her hair really short - it was quite cute and was never in her eyes.

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answers from Seattle on

These are those Kodak moments that your darling daughter will regret when she's a senior in high school and you send the picture of 'her' haircut to be used in the senior slide show. Yes, it's heartbreaking, but fast forward to when she's 12 or 13 yrs old and you can drag out the pictures and show her what she did. Or it may be a precursor of things to come when she's a teenager, experimenting with a variety of looks.

Bottom line, laugh about it. Her birthday is coming, take lots of pictures. It's her right of passage. Pull her hair up and have a pony tail on top, where the short hair is. I had brain surgery and they shaved a swath thru my shoulder length hair, like a reverse mohawk. So I pulled it all up, covered the shaved area and it was great!!!

Bandanas and hats will work. Big bows and hair bands. But relax. One of these days she could do worse, like piercing her tongue or other body parts, a tatoo across her back that flashed some unflattering statement every time she bent over in her low rise jeans. Her hair will grow out, it's a temporary issue. Breathe Mom!!!and enjoy the prospects of all the blackmail opportunities that you will have with these pictures you are going to take. Think her future boy friends, her groom to be, her kids when they do something similar and she goes beserk. It will pass. Happy Easter!!

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answers from Seattle on

Oh C. ~ I am sorry but I had to smile. I think almost every child does this at some point. Take a picture, you will be able to laugh about it later (maybe much later).
Happy Birthday!

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answers from Portland on

My daughter did this when she was about 3 - right off the top front! We were able to cover it up, still keep her long hair and nobody ever knew. If the chopped up bit is not completely centered on her head, get some velcro or foam rollers (whatever works for your daughter) and curl her damp hair each morning. Took us about 10 - 15 minutes to roll. Then depending on your schedule and the thickness of her hair, you can either let it air dry or spend about 10 - 15 minutes with a blow dryer. Then, give her a side part, pull some of the long curls over the missing hair and hold in place with a cute barrette. The curls are SO cute, they stay in all day - sometimes even the next - and the body will help the little strand of pulled over hair to disguise the missing chunk. We actually got tons of comments on how cute she looked from people who had no idea we had hidden a catastrophe underneath! Good luck!

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answers from Portland on

It's hair, it will grow back. Maybe this can put some perspective on it. My son is 14 and gave himself a mohawk. My cousins girl dyed her hair blue right before senior pictures.
She isn't pulling it out, there isn't a medical problem. Just let it go and laugh about it later. "Remeber the time, when you chopped the hair off the top of your head?" She'll roll her eyes and wish she'd never done it.
I hope the birthday party is fun and everyone celebrates her for who she is, not what her hair looks like.

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answers from Portland on

There are lots of great suggestions here. One more...and it's likely you are already doing this anyway, but make it clear that scissors are only for paper and they will go away for a while after any inappropriate cutting.

I've worked with families whose children cut their hair and clothes...sometimes, you just have to let them live with the after-effects for a while. A short haircut seemed to work wonders for the little girl in question, while her brother (who liked to cut his clothes every chance he got) had to wear those clothes until he outgrew them. I would avoid buying extra cute bows, etc. if it's something your daughter really likes, or she might think of it as a reward. Ditto for cute patches for clothes. My mom made that mistake; I used to cut both my clothes and my hair--as well as my sister's!-- and am happy to report that I've since reformed my wicked ways!

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answers from Medford on

Hi C.- My niece cut spots all over her head once and my sister totally freaked out. After that every time Kristie got made at her mom she would cut her hair to make her mad. I cut my bangs when I was 5 and my mom said I was just trying to be like her when she cut my hair dad's hair. She didn't acknowledge what I did at all and I never did it again. If she has long hair maybe she doesn't like getting her hair brushed because of tender head and did something about it. Happy Mother's Day and good luck.

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answers from Seattle on

first off to whoever said this..cutting/shaving hair DOES NOT make hair grow in a dont go shaving baby girls head! the best bet is to just let it grow out..she's a little girl it happens more often then not..think about it..if you cut all of her hair down to blend it in you are going to have to wait for it to ALL grow out through ackward stages...just take lots of pictures to laugh at and just grows back!!

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answers from Seattle on

Oh, Candace --- how sad - thank goodness there's a month before the big day. Yes, I see bands and barrets in your future -- even perhaps a ''fountain'' effect where you pull up hair beside the oops - the cascading effect might detract from the error---- I 'spect a really short do might make the damage MORE apparent ( but I'm no expert) --- you might try finding a hair salon that shows with computer-- how different ''do s'''' look - and perhaps a childs' hair salon might have more talented suggestions ( I'm restricted to pony tails or fountains with little girls' hair -- never even mastered a decent braid --but I can do sign language like a champ --- go figure )

J. aka- Old Mom

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answers from Seattle on

I have to agree with the others who say to 1) take pictures--only do it on the sly so she isn't receiving the "reward" of what might be perceived as positive attention. 2) find a hairdresser who can help, they might just tell you to cover it for now if you prefer her hair longer 3) RELAX!!! It's literally a temporary situation. Not one of your friends/relatives who comes to her party will think any less of you, her, etc. when they see what has happened! I'm sure we all remember moments of similar disasters from our youth or our childrens' youth!

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answers from Portland on

I have no other new advise for you but thought you might get a chuckle out of my story. My youngest (now almost 8) got into the barber clippers. Yes, I was home too - it just happens. Anyway, I heard a "noise" and went into the master bathroom. There he was (age 1 1/2yrs) sitting on the floor 'cutting' his hair "like daddy". Of course the guide wasn't on it so he was shaving bald patches on his head. I too burst into tears and called my mom. She just laughed her head off and told me not to worry, take a picture and it would grow back. So, I wiped my tears, took pictures and trimmed his hair short. This was during an ice storm so I wanted some hair on his head. I had one lady come up to me in the store and ask what disease my son had. I just smiled and told her he cut his hair. She laughed and told me her own story. Now I find the whole thing quite funny. I hope this helps give you a smile and just know you are not alone.

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answers from Seattle on

First, this is just one of the great family stories that you will have to tell. Take a picture so you will have a memory.

And you are not alone. It happened to me. Saturday night six inches off one side. Just imagine the story I had to tell when she went to Sunday School...

It is really up to what you feel most comfortable with to do. I be she looks absolutely cute with that bunch of hair sticking up, but take her to a hair stylist and see what they recommend. Just the first of new unplanned adventures for you.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi C.:)
Try to remember it's jsut hair and that it Will grow back. My son cut the sides off my daughter's hair once, but it grew and she's still beautiful:) people will understand and if they don't who cares? Things like this happen.. so take a LOT of pictures! You can use them when she's a teenager to remind her of what bad decisions can do ! LOL just kidding...

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answers from Seattle on

I'd take a birthday picture to document this rite of passage. Almost all kids do this once. A sense of humor is valuable when raising children :)

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answers from Seattle on

I have been there...TWICE!! The first time my daughter somehow convinced my son to cut her hair! Then about a year later, she dediced it was the thing to do. Looking's just hair and yes it will grow back. One thing I did do is take pictures. Now (4 years later) they are fun to look at and it was a precious moment in her life. I also used those pictures to remind her that she is not to cut her hair. It is part of growing up and my mom even found a picture of me and my sisters when we had cut our hair growing up. It will get better and at least she didn't cut herself or hurt anyone else physically. I hope you look back later and helps with the healing process.

P. J.

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answers from Portland on

Yes, I think nearly all childred do this. My granddaughter not only cut a huge hunk from the front of hair but she also cut off the eye lashes on one eye. You just can't prevent this. It happens.

My daughter took her daughter to a beauty shop and they were able to make it much less noticeable. They did have to cut off some of her long beautiful curly tresses. They may have given her a complete short haircut or they may have given her a mullet. I don't remember.

The time she cut off her eyelashes her friend cut her own hair. Also off the top. And they were being supervised in a kindergarten class. So don't blame yourself. You cannot be looking at her all the time. Kids just have to experiment. They don't care what it looks like.

I sympathize. You have so much going on. We always want our kids to look good for pictures on their birthday. Try a salon.

If you live on the east side of portland, I'll ask my daughter where she took my granddaughter. I think it was one of low cost ones. Or it could've been a beauty school and the supervisor ended up being the one that cut it.

There is hope for making it better. She'll have a different hair style but you'll be surprised how quickly her hair will grow back.

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answers from Portland on


Does it help to know that this is a right of passage? As an early elementary teacher for years and mother of 3 I can tell you these are the kind of things you will laugh out loud about.SOOOO many kids do something of this sort.

So her hair is a dissaster for her birthday. What a great story to tell her kids when she is a mom.

Take lots of pictures! :)

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answers from Eugene on

take lots of pics. have a good laugh [ laughter burns lots of calories ] it's only a ''snap shot'' of whats to come! be blessed for what the lord has given you, and that you can handle anything , as you are MOM. mona w.

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answers from Seattle on

Been there!! Don't be mad, it's just one of the things almost every kid does. How do I know that? Because when my daughter (almost 4) did it to her little sister (1 1/2) a couple years ago and I told my story EVERYONE told me one in return! Many were much worse than mine (all bangs gone night before Christmas, for example!). The other time my daughter did it to herself, but mercifully just ended up with a nice layered slant to the front of her hair from chin to shoulder, so I just made the other side match.

I wish I could send you a picture of my daughter - she had 3/4 inch spikes right at the top of her crown and hacked up bangs leading back to it! I just left it alone, yes, put wide headbands on her, and evened out what I could every couple weeks.

Take pictures! We love looking at ours now!

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answers from Richland on

Take her to a salon, ask their advice, it will probably be a short cut, take lots of before, after, B-day pictures, & scrap book them in such a manner she'll reflect on that day as a big oooops.

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answers from Portland on

As a mom that just went through this in October..... We have been waiting it out. My 2.5yr (at the time) old daughter lead by my 5yr old daugter decided she needed a hair cut. I had been letting her hair grow all 1 length it was so cute and curly, Then the scissors happened. I too was home and had the girls at the table making b-day cards with kid scissors and left the room to get more supplies and I returned to have my youngest ask how she looked. AKKKKKK she had cut herself bangs (that were less than a inch) and a few inches off the left side. I cried and cried, now I can chuckle at it a bit.

I've done nothing with the "bangs" part. It was just too darn short to "fix" now 6months later it really does just look like bangs, but I'm hoping to trim them a bit more even within a month. As for the sides I kinda trimmed a taper into both sides. It has made her not look so lop sided.




answers from Portland on

Well, in Europe people frequently shave their kids' hair or clip it very short when they are young so that it will grow in thicker. So you COULD clip it to the shortest common denominator and say you're trying to get it to thicken. I cut my daughter's hair very short (about 3/4") just after she turned 2, and it's finally getting long enough to put in tiny pony tails in (you know, about 2-3 inches long--but it's thin and very curly), and it's been 5 months. If your daughter's grows faster than that, then you shouldn't have to worry long. Just get some cute elastic with a bow on it and wait. :)

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