Seeking Carpenter/Contractor for House Projects!

Updated on October 17, 2008
J.F. asks from Carpentersville, IL
9 answers

Hi, we live in Carpentersville and are looking for someone to build archways/doorways/walls between some of our open rooms We'd like to find someone we can have a long term business relationship with as we have numerous projects we'd like to do, but can only do them a little at a time! We eventually want new flooring, basement remodel, so we need someone who has experience with a variety of things. Thanks!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi J.,

My husband has a business..Corso Construction (his number is ###-###-####). He has been doing work like this for over 15 years. He is also a Fireman/Paramedic for the Palatine Fire Department and we live in Palatine so he's not far from Carpentersville. My sister just moved a year ago from Carpentersville so we know the area well. My husband's name is Joe Corso and in addition to being very talented and meticulous..he's a great guy with a great reputation. (HGTV just used him for his advice & will air in 2009 called Good Buy, Bad Buy) You can call him for a free estimate. Hope this helps you.

Take Care,
K. Corso

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answers from Chicago on

HI J.,

I use a Fabulous company called MidWest Construction. I spoke with Mark Andreat and he said that they could do everything on your list:)
his cell is ###-###-####, tell him M. sent you

Call him and he will give you a free estimate!
Good Luck



answers from Chicago on

Here is a cell number for someone I know. He's reasonable, honest, and hardworking. He can do most anything except electrical and plumbing...though with his contacts he could probably find others to do that if needed.

Carlos Leyva ###-###-####

He lives in Pingree Grove and does travel quite far for different jobs. And I'm sure he could get you references upon request. He did some work for one of my husband's co-workers and this man was quite pleased with the results and the costs.



answers from Chicago on

Hi J.,

My husband has been a carpenter for 20 years. He works for a carpenter contractor company as an Estimator now but was in the field up until 2 years ago. He does do side work - he is actually the neighborhood handy man. If there is something that does not fall under his expertise he has a wide range of contacts.
If you are interested please e-mail me or call ###-###-####.



answers from Chicago on

I know that this response is a lot of time after the last one... but, if you have not decided on someone.. you can try someone I know does quality work and actually does make houses from scratch...

His name is Dale at ###-###-#### and is located out of Elgin area.

Hope you either have found someone to help you with your projects or still looking.

Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I know someone who does great quality work, can do just about anything (basements, doorways, walls, flooring, no problem), is a super nice guy, and has reasonable prices. He is very experienced, works for himsef (has a few guys that he hires to help), and also has great design ideas if you need any. Oh yeah, he is also my husband! We live in Crystal Lake, so are not far from you. His name is Jim Pirro (company name Old House Renovations). Phone number ###-###-####. He can give references. Welcome to the area! H.



answers from Chicago on

Hi J.!

You will love this guy, he has done major work in our home.
He his name is Thomas Serpento. He is the onwer of the company.

T-Squared Bldg Solutions Inc
###-###-####, -

They specialise in full interior remdel,
finished basements, bathrooms, kitchens, room additons,& so on. Very nice guy.

Best of luck to you! S. H



answers from Chicago on

My husband and I own a small General Contracting business out of Mundelein. We're about 40 minutes from you, but we're very willing to travel!
We do free estimates. If you're interested, you can e-mail me at and check out our

Thank you and good luck!
C. and Jim



answers from Chicago on

Hi J.,

We also live in C'ville and found Diamond Remodeling highly rated through Angie's List. We finished our basement this spring and bid the project to 3 different contractors. His bid was the lowest (though just barely) but that wasn't why we went with him. His proposal was super thorough about the exact materials he recommended to use and he was very professional and timely (we wanted to get the project done before our first child was born). After using he and his team, my husband and I whole-heartedly recommend him. They cleaned up the basement every night so I could still go down and get laundry done any night and never had to worry about stepping on a nail or tools, etc. My neighbor is already using him for a small job. The owner's name is Jim and his # is ###-###-####. He's based out of Lake in the Hills so C'ville is very convenient to him. You can also go to for pics and such.

Best wishes!

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