Seeking a Good Church in My Area

Updated on January 26, 2008
K.M. asks from Fairborn, OH
5 answers

Does anyone know of a good church to go to in the Fairborn, Beavercreek or even maybe outside these two areas? Preferably a non-denominational.

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So What Happened?

I just want to thank everyone for responding with some great choices!!! Now comes the hard part of choosing one. They all sound so wonderful!! Thank you again!!!

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answers from Dayton on

We go to Apex Community Church on Far Hills/48 right down the road from 675. It is non-denom, modern, and has a wonderful kids program. It is a large church, with four service opportunities (two on Saturday, two on Sunday) plus if you want there are house churches which meet at different times. My whole family likes it there. Here is the website, where you can even listen to recent sermons:



answers from Dayton on

Hi K.. My name is R., I live in Springfield. While Springfield may be too far away from where you want to worship, I thought that I would tell you about my church, Springfield Church of Christ. It is located on Buck Creek Lane. I absolutly love going here. We have 2 services on Sunday, a traditional, with old hynm songs, and a contemperary service, where we sing songs that are on the radio. We offer a great classes for youth, and the younger children have their own service, that's geared just for them. We offer a nursery, and from time to time, we also do outreach special events. We have had much success with trunk-or-treat, where we park and decorate or trunks, and dress up and hand out candy to kids. We have had Breakfast in Bethlahem, where we offered a free pancake and sausage breakfast, and games and crafts for the kids. We have an excellent program for vacation Bible school, the kids always have a blast. We have a book club that meets every month, and small group classes at different locations. Springfield Church of Christ is all about having fun, while serving the Lord. We study the NIV version of the bible, and jeans and t-shirts are welcome. We would love to have you, if you decide to come! Thanks.



answers from Dayton on

Hi K.,
I go to Miamisburg Christian Church in Miamisburg. That would be about a 1/2 hour south of fairborn down 675. It is a little bit of a drive, but it it a wonderful, non-denominational church of about 500 people. We have great staff and wonderful childrens programs. They have a website if you would like to check it out. It is a great place to grow and feel connected. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Good luck in your search, J.



answers from Dayton on

Yes! We go to Faircreek Church in Fairborn. It is a non-denominational, family-oriented, wonderful church. We have two morning services on Sundays, one at 9 AM and one at 10:45 AM, with a fellowship, bagel, donut, coffee time in between.

~ C.
SAHM to a 2 year-old son with a baby due in April 2008.



answers from Dayton on

Okay--before I put in this response, I want to put in a preface. This is coming from someone who did NOT grow up in a church, was never comfortable in a church, and did everything she possibly could to run AWAY from God for years.

I strongly recommend my church. It's CrossView Christian Church and the website is It's "officially" in Waynesville, but it's not as far away as it might sound. :) On 48, you head out past the Kroger and Elder-Beerman going OUT of Centerville and turn left onto Social Row--about 5 minutes up the road from there (you can't miss it--it sits at a four-way stop sign). On Wilmington Pike, you can also hit the four-way, but you'd have to mapquest that one because I don't go that way often enough to give good directions. :)

It is a non-denom that not only teaches, but works to get the whole congregation involved (without feeling like you have a gun to your head). Right now I'm helping to teach with a 4-year old "Tuesday School" class where they get to spend time with crafts, music, a kid-friendly "chapel" time, and LOTS of learning. I'm also in two bible studies and I had been in a prayer ministry until my Tuesday started to look too much like I was a full-time worker again. :)

If you're into bible studies, they have lots of options running right now. If you like reading and studying books, if you prefer to study books directly from the bible, if you would want to be involved in a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) program...they're all here. For men, they have a 6:30 a.m. breakfast on Friday mornings for bible studies and they're getting ready to restart Saturday morning breakfasts as well (I believe those are just once a month). Plus, they find other projects or things to attend (my husband went with them to Promise Keepers in Cincinnati right before Labor Day).

The other thing that I really like about our church is that it's friendly. I've been in several other churches in the area where you feel like you're an outsider even if you've attended there for awhile (my family went to another church for several months and it STILL never felt like we were welcome).

Feel free to send me a message if you would like to know more or just have questions. :)

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