
Updated on July 01, 2013
M.H. asks from Madison, WI
14 answers

There is a family that we've known for the past 10 years or so.
At one point, the mom, we'll call her Sarah and I were in a Christian group together.
We became friends. It happened that our sons were in the same pre-k class. They became friends.

As time went along, Sarah really became a 'friend' to me. But I noticed over time that with Sarah friends were more resources to her than anything else. If you could help her in some way you were 'such a great friend', 'a true blessing', she would acknowledge you as long as she needed you.

Then once she didn't need you anymore you were lucky if she even acknowledged your existence while standing just a few feet from her. Of course, if Sarah ever went out of her way to talk to you, you knew a favor of some type was coming. That's just how Sarah is. It took me time to see this. And she and her family are all this way, with most people.

I was blessed with a very wonderful, true friend throughout childhood and adult life, so I wasn't familiar with 'friends' like Sarah. After I realized this, I had to remove myself completely out of this 'friendship' since it was really a facade and not a friendship.
My life has been much more peaceful since removing myself from it all.
Since my path will most likely always cross Sarah's (and her family's) I'll still notice how she 'befriends' her
resources. Then moves on from them when she is done with them.

Anyway, through all this, her son (we'll call him Ben) and my son (Jack) have remained pretty good friends. They are in a scout group together. As long as my son wants to stay friends with Ben, I am happy for him. I think Ben is a pretty good friend so again, I'm happy they are friends.

So a few months ago, Sarah emailed me to ask me if my son was going to go to a camp that her Ben had attended last year. When Ben came back last year, he was telling me that I had to let Jack go next summer (now this summer) because it was so much fun. So Jack has been looking forward to going to this camp since last summer. And Sarah emailed me a few months ago asking if we were going to sign up Jack.
She said to make sure to put her son's name on my son's registration so they would be in the same cabin.

She has also emailed the scout group to see if any of the other boys were going. One other one-we'll call him Sam was going to go to. They are all 9 and 10 years old.

I thought it would be fun for Jack (my son), Ben and Sam to go together. I know a group of 3 friends is difficult at times. But I figured they might just rotate out with each other if they needed to partner up.
After all the 3 of them are in the scout group together.
Fortunately, my husband and I both talked to our son and told him that he should go have fun with current friends and make new friends too. We've both witnessed Ben, when he was younger getting quirky and proclaiming 'you're not my friend anymore'. This is while we were babysitting him for free for weeks when I was
Sarah's 'friend'. :)
So my son gets back home and I find out that Ben declared that he (Ben) and Sam were going to partner up together the entire week. I have a feeling this was his Mom's coaching to him. Because Sam's Mom has volunteered for the scout group and if I know Sarah like I do, she has been working on Sam's Mom to sign up and is now her 'friend' so she can direct her in this scouting volunteer role.
So Sarah needs her son, Ben to be a 'friend' to Sam.

I feel sad for Ben actually because it never seems like he can just live his life and be his own person.
Even last year at a weekly scout thing, his Mom sarah (who is in sales) met someone that same week that would most likely become one of her clients and she was telling her son Ben 'you make sure to seek out (boys name) at the camp and be really nice to him, I am trying to sign them up to be one of my client's.

Are there a lot of people out there like Sarah?

Fortunately my son is easy going and just partnered up with other boys and he had a blast the whole time anyway,
but it was just quirky how the whole point was Sarah and her son wanting my son to go and then he had
no plans of hanging out with him anyway.

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answers from Dallas on

Her occupation has become her personality. She is in sales. She sells herself to people, and gets the sale. Once the sale is made, she moves on to the next sell. Not quirky, just manipulative and shallow.

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answers from Salinas on

I don't know if I would call it "quirky." "Manipulative" and "selfish" come to mind. To me quirky is when something is a little odd, different or out of the norm, but still endearing. Sarah just seems like a user to me.

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answers from Phoenix on

It's not "quirky". She has her own agenda. Lots of people are like this. It looks like you've taken a lot of time analyzing her already. Your son clearly knows how to move on and make other friends and so do you. So just let it go and don't give it another thought. If you cross paths be nice to her but that's it. Good luck.

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answers from Appleton on

I would back away from his family --quickly. They are users and abusers. they don't give a D*%M about anyone but themselves. Don't waste your time on them.

I had a 'friend' who did that to me and several others. However, not only did she use people after she tossed them to the curb she would tell everyone she knew all kinds of stories and lies about them. For instance, she told a large group of people that I was sick of taking care of my Mom and I was just waiting for her to die so I could get my hands on her money.

People like this are toxic and eventually they will die lonely forgotten people with only a small handful of people to morn.

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answers from Portland on

I don't know about a lot of people, but I've certainly run into a few 'Sarahs' over the years. It's caused me to go slow in forming friendships, to notice patterns... (like "I'll be chummy when I want something, but other times not talk at all"). Personally, I like it more when there isn't any pretense and it's just a mutual benefit; I can make enough small talk with moms I trade childcare with to pass the time and not get pulled into mistaking it as friendship. We are friendly (different from being friends) with each other, but that's about it.

On the other hand, I do have one person in my life who loves to tell me *everything*, to ask for favors, and who does this with everyone-- expecting them to drop what they are doing to help her out. I will help her, but only if it works out for us already. I'm friendly with her, but she's not someone who I will go out of my way for, as she has 'groomed' plenty of resources already. I figure there's most usually someone else she can call!

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answers from Dallas on

She's not quirky, She's a user and she's even using her own child. I wouldn't forbid your son to play with hers because goodness knows he needs some normal people in his life that play with him for healthy normal reasons. But I would I no way hang out with her at all.

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answers from Miami on

I'm so glad you know the score with Sarah and that your son is able to find his own way.

Sarah is a poser and a user. I choose not to have friends like this because of having been hurt by one. (It's happened twice to me, but only one of them hurt...)

Perhaps Sarah chooses her religion specfically as an end to a means since she "works" her Christian group friends. Are there a lot of people like this? I don't know. At least I'm not a magnet for them...

When you mentioned that she is in sales, that kind of struck me. I think from your description here that her sales strategies pervade her private life. That's a shame, really. I'm not saying that she isn't a self-centered and selfish person. She is, with a "what have you done for me lately" attitude. But I think that she also puts her sales personality into every other aspect of her life.

I don't see this as "quirky" at all. A poser and a user isn't quirky. What she is doing is deliberate and only for her own ends, with not one bit of loyalty for anyone. Good for you for walking away.

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answers from Salinas on

Quirky? More like a creep. I wouldn't have any more contact with this family then a smile and hello if we met. She has shown you who she is, it's your choice if you choose to witness any more selfishness.

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answers from Dallas on

There are people like Sarah, I think, but thankfully not a lot. I also do not think she is quirky. I think she is a sad woman that does not know how to be a friend. I wonder what brought her to be like this.

You are wise in how you handle this, and you are wise to realize there are all "kinds" of people out there and to proceed choosing friends with a bit of caution, but I hope this experience will not prohibit you from gathering friends. There are too many keepers out there to hold back!

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answers from Houston on

Friends do often get things from the other. Usually not so blatant, however.

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answers from Madison on

Wow. This sounds exactly like a "friend" I once had. She was a friend as long as she got something out of the friendship--once she was done, I (and my daughter; she was friends with her two younger girls) were just dumped, no explanation, no reason, she just stopped having any contact with us. The sad part is, her girls and my daughter used to go to the same dance studio. The mom (my former "friend") would ignore me, while the girls tried to talk to me and my daughter (the "friend" didn't like her daughters talking to mine).

I'd never been a "friend" with someone like that before. Now that I know what type of a person she was and her mannerisms/maneuvers, I am able to stay away from other people like her. They drain you of knowledge, resources, friendship, your very lifeblood--whatever it is that "they" need and, once they have everything they need and can no longer get anything more, then you're tossed aside like an old shirt to Good Will. It's called being used--and I don't like the feeling.

Luckily, my daughter is no longer taking dance, this "friend" lives in a different town, and her daughters attend a different school than mine, so it's highly unlikely that I will be seeing her again.

Oh, and she is a "Christian" too. I often wonder how it is that they believe that what they are doing is or qualifies as being Christian. It is certainly unchristianlike behavior. Sigh.

And I believe Bug hit it exactly on the head. My "friend" is friends only with those whom she thinks, feels, or believes will help her move up in status/in Yuppieville. We're not interested in that at all; I think she finally realized that, and that was also one of the reasons why we were dumped.

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answers from Kansas City on

Unfortunately, there are lots of Sarah's out there. I have met a few of them, and was a great friend to one. It's hurtful when you realize that is the way it is, but it's best to have them out of your life. I am glad that your son was able to move on and not be upset about Sarah's boy.



answers from Houston on

I think that people have different ideas of friendship. Everybody doesn't see friendship as something to be nurtured during times of less need. There's an understanding that "I'll call you when I need you." They are not interested in perpetual intimacy, and there are no hard feelings.

This woman is not a match for you. We are all on our own individual journeys. She'll learn the lessons meant for her, and you'll learn the lessons meant for you. There are probably just as many people like Sarah as people like you. And a bunch of other types, too.


answers from Boston on

Yes there are tons of people like Sarah out there. I don't care if they're in 500 "Christian" groups, they aren't necessarily righteous people. She's a user.

It's particularly disgusting to use a child's friendship to make a business deal. Pretty un-Christian too.

The point of going away to camp is to not just have fun activities, but to make new friends, learn to socialize with new people from different backgrounds, and to get away from some of the old cliques and associations, just for a change. It wasn't a great idea to sign the first 2 boys up for the same camp - unless her son is completely incapable of making friends on his own. Now, adding a 3rd friend into the mix means that these kids are already being set up to pal around together and, on some level, exclude the kids who just go to camp without an entourage.

I recommended my son's camp to a number of people, but stopped short of making sure they were in the same bunk.

I think you've learned that you've been used by Sarah, and you are one of many people in her "discard pile". You've wisely stepped back, have noticed the pattern, and you aren't taking it personally.

And of course, she's not a friend. She calls people "friend" so she can use them. That's up to them. But telling children to be nice to someone so Mom can get a client is not a value we want to pass on to our kids. They should be nice to everyone, but not seek out people who are advantageous for anything other than friendship and social enrichment.

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