Possible Blocked Milk Duct

Updated on October 28, 2008
A.S. asks from Massillon, OH
35 answers

I am currently breast feeding my 12 day old daughter and I think I possibly have a blocked milk duct. My left breast is very sore on the side. Is this from a blocked duct or could it be something else. I have tried a warm compress. Any other suggestions?

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answers from Columbus on

A., I got a plugged milk duck and I stood in a hot shower and let the hot water hit it while I rubbed it downward toward my nipple. It took a few processes of doing it for it to start getting smaller. You definitely do not want it to get infected. Good luck.



answers from Cleveland on

I had the same thing. I put a warm compress on my breast all day while I wasn't feeding and I took a warm shower. Feed from that breast as much as possible. If you have a pump, try pumping in between each feeding. She should be able to suck out the blocked milk within 2 days.



answers from Indianapolis on

Hello, I also had this. If you have a feaver I would go to the dr or hospital asap. I didn't know anything about mastitus when I got it and my feaver got up to 107 and they say if I didn't get to the hospital when I did it could have killed me. It is a serious infection and you need antibiotics. I hope this helps and hope you seek treatment early so this doesn't happen to you! Best of Luck!!!

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answers from Bloomington on

Hi A.,
Yes, it could be a blocked milk duct. This could turn into a condition called mastitis. Symptoms can include slight fever, pain in the breast, tenderness and the breast could feel hot to the touch. I breastfed all six of my children and had mastitis with four of them. The best remedy I have found for this is making sure that the baby nurses on the affected side first at each feeding and nurse often. You could try pumpming also but having the baby nurse it out always worked best for me. If it continues to hurt or get worse you should contact your doctor.

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answers from Cincinnati on

I think if it were to be or get infected - you would know, much more pain - fever etc...
I get these sometimes and they hurt but nursing a lot on that side and warm showers always have them gone in four or five days.
If it persists past that and doesn't seem to be getting better then I would consider the doc.
Awesome that you are nursing your wee one. Best thing for the baby is mamas milk (of course that is second to her love : ))

Hope you are feeling better soon!
: )



answers from Cincinnati on

I had this and developed mastitis, which is actually an infection in the milk ducts. I would make sure you are draining the breast completely, after nursing pump to make sure. If it still feels sore, is warm to the touch and still feels full or hard, call your ob/gyn. I developed flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, muscle aches) also. They can prescribe oral antibiotics and it'll clear up.



answers from Columbus on

I had blocked milk duct all throughout the time I was nursing b/c my son did not latch on correctly. To treat it, I used gel packs (my hubby got two of them at CVS) that came in a gauze/bandage material pouch. I heated the gel packs for one minute in the microwave, put them back in the pouch and put them right on my breast (in my nursing bra) where it hurt. I kept them on the breast day and night practically, heating them whenever they got cool. And I took Tylenol every 4 hours for the pain. It worked really well. At times I also had to pump to get the milk out and losen the lump. Massaging worked too. I didn't find out about my son's incorrect latching until he was much older and then he weaned himself from nursing. (By the way, the heat packs and Tylenol were recommended to me by my OB's nurse). If I were you, I would see if you can get a lactation nurse to come to your house to ensure that your baby latches on correctly, or keep it in mind if this happens more often.



answers from Columbus on

I don't have time to read all the responses so far so I hope this isn't a repeat.
I've nursed both of my kids for a year each and had my share of issues. This suggestion was made after I had mastitis twice with my second...
If you think you have a clogged duct (which is what it sounds like you have if there aren't any other symptoms, though I'd call a Dr, NP, etc to make sure) try using a wide-toothed comb and some soap in the shower to massage the area. Sounds goofy I know but the soap helps the comb glide over the skin and the teeth of the comb help work out what's making the clog. The heat form the shower helps too of course. All those things combined helped work out a clog I had before it became full-blown mastitis.



answers from Columbus on

massage and extra feeding or pumping on that side, also hot showers helped me with mine



answers from Indianapolis on

I would go to your doctor if you think this is what it is. I had a friend who had one and it ended up getting horribly infected and she ended up in the hospital for IV antibiotics.



answers from Atlanta on

I'll just add 2 things I haven't seen in the other, fabulous responses.
1. A disposable diaper works fantastic as a warm compress- Just fill it with hot tap water and it will stay hot for a long time, you can also wear it under your shirt and it won't get everything wet. You can even save it and microwave it once or twice (but be careful it gets REally hot). This is super convenient, which makes a difference if you are using compresses after every feeding for a while (which really helped me).
2. I don't know if anyone else has heard of this, but 3 times I got stomach cramps, diarrhea, and low grade fever, that coincided with blocked milk ducts. Each time it all went away without antibiotics, but the diarrhea lingered. Just something to watch out for I guess.

Good luck!! Keep breastfeeding it TOTALLY gets better.



answers from Toledo on

You can call the Elizabeth Blackwell Center in Columbus at ###-###-#### and talk to a lactation consultant. I think massage also helps with the blocked ducts, but they could tell you for sure! Good luck!!



answers from Cleveland on

It could be a clogged duct, is the area sore and/or lumpy and hard? I had a clogged duct before and it is quite uncomfortable. I got rid of it by massaging that area both when my son was nursing and also in the shower. I would also recommend starting with that breast when your daughter nurses because she will suck more vigorously at the beginning of the feeding. Hope this helps.



answers from Indianapolis on

However possible, arrange yourself so that her chin is over the clogged duct. If you have to lay her down on her back and stand over her, try it. The sucking and rubbing her chin creates usually gets it. If that doesn't work, try massaging it while she nurses. Warm compresses in between and massage in a hot bath can also help. Take some Tylonal, it can help with the soreness. You may also develop chills and a fever, as long as the whole breast isn't red, hard, or warm to the touch, it's probably not mastitis. If you have any doubt, call your doc/midwife or a lactation consultant.



answers from Indianapolis on

if you have any questions at all call the "la leche league". just look up a number in your area online and a lactation consultant will answer all your questions on the phone 24/7. i called them several times when i was breastfeeding my first (now 2 yrs old). here's a number i called: Marie ###-###-####. i think she was in the broad ripple area, but she was very nice and very helpful.



answers from Cleveland on

Try massaging it in the shower under warm water. I never had lumpiness when I had blocked ducts, but they sure did hurt. Massaging usually helped me.



answers from Columbus on

Hi A.. I breast fed all of my children. The last one just turned 1 and I had the same problem... you need to call your doctor. Not trying to worry you but I tried everything even this home remedy called a rice sock.. it is a wonderful heating pad!!! And I didn't go to my doctor until it was extremely painful... well anyways thats why i had to change from breat to bottle... it caused me not to produce anymore milk for the baby... only colostrm for awhile. So I would call your OBGYN or one on call. Hope this helps.



answers from Muncie on

Sounds like that's what it is...I just had a few back to back this past summer when I was traveling and not nursing as frequently as I usually do. You are on the right track with the warm compress. I used a washcloth with hot water (as hot as I could possibly stand) and put it inside a ziplock bag to lock in the heat. Also massage the area while warm and nurse as often as possible. Contact a local La Leche League Leader or your doctor as soon as possible if it does not get better quickly! You DO NOT want it to turn into an infection!!!



answers from Evansville on

Warm compress-then nurse frequently starting with that side. Start on the left side the next 2-3 times you nurse. Warm showers might help. Good luck!!!



answers from Fort Wayne on

Hello there A.. YES I know what to do I had this SAME problem with my daughter and I went to my Lactation nurse and she spent SO MUCH time with me it was wonderful. OK it is sometime weird on how to do this BUT YOU want the baby to nurse with her CHIN toward the KNOT. I would usually lay on the bed and have her lay with her feet toward my head or however as long as her chin is toward the knot. There where times I had to nurse her with her almost upside down lol. It is a work in progress but when your lol one sucks and her chin is toward the knot it pulls it down and it is INSTANT and you feel much better. I tried all the warm things to never worked. Funny story here we went away for out anniversary 1 hr away and my mom had Avery she was 4 mo and I did take the pump well I got SO ENGORGED it was AWFUL. I went to the hot tub and had the jets hit my boob to get teh knots down did not work so we left early next morning to have her nurse and it felt so much better. needless to say we did not do an anniversary when we had our son lol. You can email me if you need to. The nursing toward chin with work for sure. Good Luck OH forgot to tell you put cold cabbage leaves on it to it will help.I did that in the hospital also. Just a thought...



answers from Columbus on

There are some great online resources for breastfeeding which give good, detailed protocols for treating plugged ducts, and any other nursing issues that may arise. Try La Leche League, or kellymom.com, or Dr. Jack Newman's site. La Leche League even has an online help form, which I used a couple of times. I have read that some people's milk can tend to be more fatty, resulting in more frequent plugged ducts, but taking soy lecithin daily can help. Also, I've read that plugged ducts generally resolve themselves within 24-48 hours, even with no treatment. But of course if it doesn't resolve, its good to know the signs of mastitis so you can treat it early. Good luck!



answers from Toledo on

I had the same problem at about the same age with my youngest. I went to the OB/BYN and she said it wasn't that and that maybe I was just sore becaue my body needed to adjust to the milk let down reflex. Call your Dr and ask them. That is really the best thing to do here. Whatever it is, you don't want it to get in the way of your (so far) successful breastfeeding. Good Luck!



answers from Dayton on

Aww, I feel for you. Just nurse, nurse, nurse and rest lots and drink lots of water. I have nursed 4 babies and currently nursing 2 and have had them multiple times in the past few months. It takes me about a week to get them completely unblocked but just nurse as much as possible on the side w/the blocked duct and also try positioning the baby in the direction of the duct that is blocked. His nose should follow the line of the blocked duct.

best wishes!



answers from Lafayette on

Nursing with the baby's nose (or chin, I noticed someone suggested) pointed at the knot definitely helps.

Take ibuprofen to help get the swelling down.

And, as weird as it sounds, soak your breast in warm water with epsom salts. It looks as funny as you're thinking it will! Fill a good-sized bowl with warm water and a handful of epsom salts and soak until the water cools off. I usually lean over the bathroom counter so I can watch my little monsters (nearly 1 yo twins) in the mirror). Good luck!



answers from Columbus on

Hot shower while massaging it.... warm comporess massage it..... if you get a fever call the doctor mastitus has set in - is it red and streaky? I had them alot with baby number 3 get infected all the time but not with the other 3 its normal and you might wan to try pumping a bitmore to help with the flow once you get it cleared!



answers from Cleveland on

Hi A.!
I had a blocked duct when my daughter was about 12 weeks old...so painful! it took a few days for it to get better, hot showers help. after the hot compress massage breast a little and then nurse....nurse frequently, also switch postions(football, craddle, ect..)start on that side each time you nurse. this may sound odd but it helped, do the compress and massage and then get on all fours to nurse...seriously it helps, you'll feel funny but it worked!
Good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

It could possibly be a blocked duct, but be careful, that started with me, and the pain just got worse, then I started running a fever and ended up having mastitis in my breast from breast feeding. The doctor treated it with antibiotics and I was fine in a couple days, but it's bery very painful and I would just keep an eye onit to be sure it doesn't get to that point. Things that helped were massaging it and getting expressing the milk and also putting a warm wash cloth where the pain is.



answers from Cincinnati on

I would check La Leche League's website regarding blocked milk ducts--there are a number of techniques to try. The thing is you really want to get this taken care of before it becomes mastitis. Warm compresses and gently massaging the area sometimes help. But there are tons of other tethniques. And worse case, call your OB or a lactation consultant (There are some great ones at Cinti. Children's hospital)--they can help with advice too!



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi A.,

I used to get blocked ducts frequently. I tried warm compresses and showers to no avail. What worked for me, and I have never seen this written anywhere, was to ice the sore spot for about 5-10 minutes, then nurse with the baby's chin over the sore spot (sometimes you have to hold her in a pretty funny way to make that happen) and even massaging/pushing on the sore spot while nursing if possible. For me, the cold seemed to reduce the inflamation and allow me to let the milk down. If you have tried all other options without success, please give this a shot. A blocked duct will turn into an infection (mastitis) in time, and then you will need antibiotics.



answers from Cleveland on

I had the same thing happen about three weeks after my son was born. I really do think my duct was partially blocked. What I tried to do was really make sure he ate well on that side, even started on that side a few feedings in a row. I also massaged that area that I thought was blocked (it felt hard and warm to the touch and throbbed) when I was in the shower and I let the hot water run on it as long as I could. That seemed to relieve my pain and then after a few days and some really good feedings it finally went down and unclogged itself. I was reading though and if you feel like you are getting a fever or see a red line where it feels blocked, go to your OB because it could be infected. Mine never got that far but I did call my OB at one point and she said to keep checking my temp and call if I saw that area turn red. I hope that helps! It is not fun and very painful so I'm very sorry, hang in there!



answers from Cleveland on

Do you have fever or chills? Is your breast red in the painful area? Those are signs of mastitis, which you will need antibiotics to clear up. I think a clogged milk duct can be massaged out. Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

i was told that you have to keep nursing her on that side and try to change positions to get her to suck different and it should clear up the blocked duct, if it still hurts try and talk to a lactation consultant, they may be able to give you tips on what to do. hope you feel better soon.



answers from Cleveland on

I had that problem with my daughter. Is she emptying the breast completely at each feeding? Are youu running a feverat all? It could be engorgement, but I wouldcheck with your doctor to be sure.



answers from Columbus on

Massage the area and use the warm compress as much as possible. Keep a close eye on it. If you are running a fever call your doctor.



answers from Cleveland on

I would try either pumping or hand expressing milk while massaging the area that's most sore. Sometimes the pumping can pull out the blockage and let it drain any excess milk. I had the same experience while I was nursing my son. I hope this was helpful...good luck!!!

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