Pads/Tampons - Am I Alone?

Updated on February 28, 2011
M.D. asks from Washington, DC
52 answers

I don't use tampons, because I have never been able to get them in right or have them be comfortable or work. Maybe I need to try different brands? I HATE my cycle on vacations or summer, and it is so unpredictable that it makes it hard to plan. I got my cycle today, which I'm stocked about because my husband and I are going away for a weekend in early March and I really did not want it then. But I want to be able to swim with my kids in the summer even if I'm on my cycle. So will a tampon allow me to do that? And will it hold up? Sorry to be ignorant on this, but I never really got the "talk" about it!!

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answers from Honolulu on

I know it grosses a lot of woman out, but you many want to try the OB type with no applicator. I have always despised the 'click' of an applicator and it never seemed comfortable to me either. I was really afraid to try one without an applicator but now I wouldn't buy anything else. It's really just an individual preference. Good luck, and try a few out. Swim when you want!

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answers from Johnstown on

I use the Tampax brand....only when I HAVE to use a tampon. I've had issues with a "residue build up" from the Tampax Pearl, so I stick with the original. Yes, you will be able to swim and do all that other stuff with them.

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answers from Dallas on

Tampons are definitely the way to go if you are going to swim. I only use Kotex brand. I don't know what the difference is, but they are the only ones that are comfortable to me.

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answers from Seattle on

Here's what nobody ever told me about tampons (and I spent the first year VERY uncomfy)...

Regaardless of the brand... you grip the applicator in the middle (where the 2 parts meet) and then insert the tampon IN it's applicator all the way up to where your fingers are touching yourself, THEN plunge. If you just get the tip past the entrance, or even like an inch in and plunge, the tampon does 2 things:

- Sucks all the moisture out from that area, making it difficult/painful to seat higher
- DOESN'T get seated high enough and so sits/tugs/dries out/ tugs some more on an area that has a lot of nerves. SUPER uncomfy.

If you place a finger inside yourself all the way until your hand gets in the way of it going any further... that's where the bottom of the tampon should be (not the top).

OB Pro tampons are inserted with just your finger, and are the only ones with a netting that allows them to glide past dry areas... but for a first tampon... I'd also suggest an applicator.

People insert them in different positions. I CANNOT insert them standing, my anatomy gets in the way. Instead I sit over the toilet (hand in the space below the rim) insert until it "bumps" (about an inch or two in) wiggle it a bit past the bone, insert the rest of the way and plunge (if using an applicator). Many women can insert them standing, with one leg standing on the seat of the toilet or tub.

The BEST time to use a tampon for the first time is in the heavest part of your flow. It'll miss the first little bit, so make sure to wipe. And your hands (whether using an applicator or not) usually get a little bit bloody. No big deal. Soap and water.

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answers from New York on

try tampax pearl. those slide very easy. and hold up in water/swimming etc. change them often, so you don't feel uncomfortable. i was like you. i was so not going to try tampons, and then my vacations would be ruined. i even got my period on the day i got married. now i love pearl tampax. really, the easiest thing ever.

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from San Diego on

I never ever could get an applicator to work right and always ended up taking the tampon out and putting it in with my finger. I only use OB unless I'm in a pinch and they aren't available that second.
I sit on the toilet and spread my legs. I lean slightly back and put it in at a slight angle, it's not totally straight "down there". It takes a little practice. It also takes a little bit of getting over the uncomfortableness of "touching yourself". I look at it as a nesessity of life, just like you have to change a baby's diaper and touch areas to get them clean. It's not sexual, it's basic body functioning. If you're tensed up because you're uncomfortable touching the area you are you're going to be too tense to get a tampon in right.
For swimming I would recommend putting a fresh one in before you're going to go (when you're putting on your swimsuit) and then change as soon as you can after swimming. I've never had a problem once. I have gone swimming tons of time on my period. I love tampons, my period doesn't slow me down anymore. They hold up to everything! I hate pads with a passion!
You mentioned that your cycles are unpredictable. I highly recommend a book called "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler
It may help you make since of your cycle and help you predict better when to expect it. I love this book. It really taught me a lot about what my body does and made me a ton more comfortable with my body in general. It also had the added benefit of helping if you want to get pregnant or don't ;)

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answers from Kansas City on

Oh no, hate to do this to you, but I use yet a third brand! I use Tampax. Try the pearl brand and start with the smallest, which is a junior size. If you can't find it, go with small.

The trick for me when I started using them years (and years!) ago was to simply relax. I was so worried about getting them in right that I would tense up and get nervous.

Buy a "practice" box and allow yourself to just waste them. Keep trying and you will get it! You will be able to swim this summer!!

Have a great weekend getaway with the hubs! ;)

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answers from Clarksville on

A tampon will allow you to do that and it will hold up. They have different sizes of tampons depend on your flow. It will not feel with the pool water. When I first started using them it took me a little to get used to putting them in but you just have to relax and it will work, if it doesn't feel comfortable pull it out and try again. When you buy a box it will show you how to insert it.

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answers from Modesto on

Yep, tampons are pretty awesome. Try the playtex gentle glide. Make sure you get it far enough up there before you push the little plunger to insert it. Practice makes perfect.

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answers from Dallas on

You can do anything with a tampon. Of course it will hold up. Just watch to make sure your flow isn't too heavy.

My now 16 yr old only uses a pad during the night, the rest is always a tampon. She's been that way since she had her first period. By her 2nd one she was into tampons.

You'll be fine and don't worry.... a lot of people never got "the talk".

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answers from Columbus on

I'll add on to a few things other people said... "Taking Charge Of Your Fertility" is a WONDERFUL book, it will help you be able to tell when your period is coming by slight changes in your body.

I use Tampax Multipack... Heavy, Regular, Lites all in one package. I use heavy at the beginning, regular in the middle and lites toward the end. Plastic applicators are the best. Cardboard is really hard to handle.

When you're putting it in, don't try to put it in straight up. You kind of have to think of it as aiming it toward your lower back/tailbone.

I always swim in them. Change it right before you go in, change it after you get out. No problem :)

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answers from Chicago on

I used to use OB religiously, and still keep one in my purse in case of an emergency. However, I am now a dedicated diva cup user! Seriously, it's almost like you don't even have a period. Plus, they're great for those days when you think you might get your period. They don't mess with your chemistry, and they are made from medical grade silicone, so no dryness, etc. They are not for the faint of heart, because you really need to have a good understanding of your anatomy. But I think that's a good thing...why should someone you see once a year (or your SO) know your own body better than you? Change it in the am and in the pm. DONE!!! I've run, done yoga, water sports, no leakage, no discomfort. There are several forums out there for support. Good luck!!!

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answers from Denver on

I have only EVER been able to use the little OB tampons - everything else was UNCOMFORTABLE. I usually use pads too though, for comfort.

Happily, I have spent so much of the past several years nursing babies that I haven't had to think about it much!

p.s. yes, you can swim with tampons.

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answers from Kansas City on

I just wanted to throw out there another option: the cup! There are a few different brands (Diva, Instead, Keeper, etc) and it might be easier to use. I suggest trying it at home first when you are not on your cycle to get the feel of it.

Here's some more information (also read the comments for more information and questions/answers):

You can wear them for up to 12 hours, you can swim or exercise, they are easy to use, and very environmentally friendly!

***EDIT*** I saw another mama suggest putting Vasoline on the tip to help insert a tampon, but DO NOT DO THIS!! Vasoline can cause serious problems and yeast infections! NEVER put anything oil based in your vagina. Use water based lubricants ONLY! (Even saliva is better than nothing in a pinch.)

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answers from Los Angeles on

I think Riley J. gave you all the answers you need...

But yes, a tampon will allow you to swim and have fun.

I really think you are not putting it in deep enough, if you are having discomfort. Riley explains exactly how to do it. For me, it's easier to get it seated probably while I am sitting down, on the toilet. It does have to be pushed in as far as it will go for it to be comfortable...basically, if you can't feel it, once it is in, you have done it correctly.

Since you are new to using them I suggest going with the regular type, both in style and in size...not the OB kind with no applicator. I have no issues using tampons but still don't like the kind with no applicator, I feel they are too messy getting it in all the way....but like Riley said, using the standard applicator type you might get a little blood on your hands and you need to wipe after (and I always wear a panty liner w/tampons) to get the mess off from the front.

Don't be embarrassed to ask...we are all woman and have to deal with this sometime and it's not your fault you didn't get "the talk" :)

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answers from Rochester on

I cannot wear tampons--they hurt and I feel them the whole time, so they have never been worth it to me. My mom suggested that after I got married tampons might be less uncomfortable and I should try them again, but that didn't make a difference. When I first went to a gynecologist she mentioned that I have a retroverted uterus and I've talked to other women who also find tampons too uncomfortable and found we also have that in common, so sometimes your body is just not situated for tampon use. I have thought of trying the cup at some point as well, but for now just forgo swimming at those times.

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answers from Cincinnati on

try ob brand. they are small. even the super absorbant. they dont have an applicator so you just use your finger which for me helps get the tampon in a more comfortable postion. my cousin was like you and would never were tampons intill I gave her a box of these to try and she loved them. I know that I can't were tampons that are two big. I use to think I just wasnt big enough "down there" to let them fit properly. now that I have had a kid I know that is not the case

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answers from Norfolk on

I didn't read every reply but a couple things occur to me. If your uterus is tilted backward rather than forward, tampons may not feel as comfortable. Mine is like this (it's very common so I'm told by my ob) and if I don't get it in just right, I can feel it. It doesn't hurt, just uncomfortable and annoying. I'm not particular as to brand, but you might want to try OB, if you can find them. They are much shorter in length and so may feel more comfortable, plus the way you insert them allows you to get better placement than with a hard cardboard or plastic tube.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Yes, you will be able to swim with tampons!!! Like some of the other mamas said, you may find the ob brand most comfortable, although they don't have an applicator.

Even better, as a few other moms have said, is a menstrual cup!!!! I am a recent convert. I just recently started using the Diva cup and it is great. I wish I had learned about them years ago. I have always had a somewhat irregular cycle, it's more regular now, but I'll still have a week of uncertainty. I just keep the cup in my pocket (this works with jeans because they are a heavier material, would create a bit of a bulge in lighter fabric) and there are no surprises - you can do this with the OB tampons too.

I find the cup far more comfortable than pads or tampons, and unless I'm having a super-heavy flow day, I just empty it once in the morning and once at night. You can do any kind of exercise with it, with no fear of leakage and I haven't had that "heavy" feeling like you can get with a tampon that wants changing. Unless you have a really great health food or camping store, you probably have to order the cup on-line. I bought mine in a camping/outdoor store out west. I went with the Diva 2, which is recommended if you have had kids. The store only carried the Diva brand, but there are many out there. Just google menstrual cups. Don't stress too much over what to buy, they have buying guides and comparisons on line, but I wouldn't worry about that, just buy one and try it!

Good luck!

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answers from Detroit on

You got a lot of responses, but I just wanted to add, use a plastic applicator...much easier. the cardboard ones are sometimes hard to plunge...they get slippery in your fingers, and the plunger doesn't slide in well.

i didn't use them for several years after i started until i worked at a camp and had to swim with my campers. i remember getting coaching from my sister on vacation once, and still couldn't do it. once i got the hang of it, i never turned back! so much cleaner, and reliable!

i like playtex gentle glide. i get the variety box - 1/2 regular, 1/2 super and use what i need.

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answers from Chicago on

for swimming the playtex sport is a good option ... if you are uncomfortable then it is not the right size for you. Start off with the super light and go up from there. I could not wear tampons for the LONGEST time then I tried them again and they worked out. I have not used any in almost 5 years since I have the IUD but thinking about not getting it again this is the last year it is effective so it is interesting to see what is out there now and what works for who.

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answers from Washington DC on

Tampons are actually my preference. I like the ob brand b/c they don't have an applicator so it's more environmentally friendly, but if you've had trouble getting them inserted correctly in the past, this might not be the best option for you. There is also the option of softcups or menstrual cups. These are also inserted and can be used for up to 12 hours. These don't soak up the blood like tampons, but simply prevent it from flowing out of your body. I've personally never used them, but they might be a good option for you to try. Hope this helps.

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answers from Madison on

You poor girl!! Ever thought of having the mirenda - little or no periods. Why suffer. Otherwise, try tampons.



answers from Washington DC on

try ob. they give you more control. it may take a few times for you to get it right.



answers from Chico on

I love the OB brand, too. Carrying a travel sized pack of wipes are good when you travel with OB as sometimes you get blood on your finger. Don't feel bad about not having "the talk"- I didn't even know what a tampon was until I was 20!!



answers from Richmond on

I would start out with "slenders" or whatever the smallest size are (knowing you might have to change them frequently if you have a heavy cycle). Use Tampax Sport or something encased in plastic (cardboard is more difficult to insert). Put a small amount of lubricant on the end - KY or something similar (something safe for your body). Follow the directions inside the box. Try standing and sitting to see what is most comfortable. Don't try to insert it in an upwards position - your vagina is actually tilted towards your back. Make sure you have inserted it far enough up - if it's low and not past your PC muscles, you will continue to feel it. When it's in the right spot, you don't feel it anymore. We have all been there - struggled and frustrated trying to figure it out but once you do, it's so worth it - pads are awful! Good luck!



answers from Denver on

I second the diva cup, I LOVE IT! I won't ever use a tampon or pad again!



answers from Reading on

Ok, I really just want to add a second issue/question. Why I have been embarrassed to ask my gyn I don't know! I can insert no problem with no discomfort. But after about an hour it starts to fall out. I always needs
Backup on! I had issues when I was younger too. It is horrible! Any thoughts?


answers from Washington DC on

a little lubricant on the end of the tampon will make insertion so very much easier. and yes! in almost all cases (maybe not with an extremely heavy flow) tampons will allow you to swim. but for most days it's just as well to go with a pad.
:) khairete



answers from Pittsburgh on

Yes you can swim with a tampon. I LOVE Playtex Sport tampons. I've tried others and the others seem too long or not as comortable. I also make sure I match the absorbancy with my flow so earlier in the week I use super and as the flow decreases I switch to the regular.



answers from Houston on

I only use tampons when swimming I hate them they dont stay in.after awhile they come out a bit but its usually when they need to be changed anyway. use a liner when you use them.for extra the directions and make sure your using them right.



answers from Chicago on

I only use the applicator and most of all when I put one in and I'm not bleeding as heavy.....when it comes time to taking it out it doesn't feel like an organ is being rioted out with
But all the others that I have tried have left like my soul was coming out with it....and sometimes I put one in and it just doesnt feel right I either push it up a little more or take it out and try again....I never got "the talk" either so it was trial and error for me.... :) hope this helps....



answers from Daytona Beach on

i can only wear playtex gentle glide. not to be gross but i can't use the applicator so i use them like the ob's. much better for me to do that. also i like the playtex because the "swell" sideways so (i don't know how to explain really) the "plug you up". the tampax get longer and don't "plug" up, for me anyways. i used a pad until i was out of highschool, i think. now i only wear pads at night to give my body a break.

edited: forgot to say that yes you can swim with a tampon, but for me it seems to be faster between times to change them.


answers from Dallas on

I LOVE my Diva Cup! Honest, it's so wonderful.



answers from Dallas on

Start with the plastic applicator and the lightest absorbancy to "learn" with - it will be the most slim and smoothest applicator. Much easer to insert. A tampon will allow you to swim, but you should probably use medium absorbancy tampon for that for the best protection. Good luck!


answers from Houston on

I think I also have the whole tilted uterus thing, so it is harder for me as well. I really like OB also. You can feel where they are going and can tell if you have it in far enough bc you can feel if you body is holding it in right away, I would give them a try, it is a little messy honestly, but not uncomfortable at all, I totally don't notice them once I get them in correctly.


answers from Nashville on

all i wear are tampons and yes they will hold up and while your swimming. If you are swimming in a lake or river i suggest changing the tampon immediatly after you get out so you dont get an infection from the bacteria in the water. You can also go swimming with out anything and wont bleed in the water just when you get out i would go to the bathroom and put one in. I even wear the dollar store brand tampons and they are comfortable for me. You may no be getting it in all the way and that can def. be uncomfortable. if it feels uncomfortable try pushing it up in more and then it should be comfortable.



answers from Atlanta on

Tampons will work for you when you swim! Try several different sizes to see what's best for you. I like super and super plus for those "heavy days" when you still need to be in the water. Just make sure, depending on your flow, that you get out and change when you need to. Change regularly -better to be safe than sorry! Also, try different brands. Make sure you push it WAY up in there.



answers from Sacramento on

Try Tampax lites (the purple ones). They have a smooth applicator and are small enough not to be uncomfortable. And yes I've always found swimming with a tampon to be more enjoyable than swimming in a pad.



answers from Washington DC on

I've been a competitive swimmer since I was 8 years old. So, when I first got my period at age 14, I needed to figure out the tampon thing quickly so I could get back in the pool! I do remember looking at the directions on the box and putting vaseline on the tip. Once it's in, it really should not be uncomfortable AT ALL. The only time I've had issues is if I didn't get it up far enough. Have you ever asked your OBGYN if there are any issues? I don't know. I just never heard of tampons being uncomfortable (and I can't imagine living without them!!!) Keep trying - you'll be glad you did :)



answers from Baton Rouge on

I used ob tampons - no applicator, and they were the only brand I liked.


answers from Provo on

diva cup. All the way.


answers from Minneapolis on

I ditched pads after my 2nd cycle when I was 13. I use them now + tampons only during the heaviest days of my cycle and hate them. I find pads uncomfortable probably the same way you have found tampons to be uncomfortable. Did all the preliminary work to get ablation last year only to find my insurance balked at covering it.

Go get 3-4 brands and choose the boxes that are variety packs. Because it could be the brand but it could also be the absorbency that bothers you. Or it could be you are anxious about your body and not inserting them "all the way". I think when they are not inserted in far enough you can feel them more.

I would feel OK about swimming with a tampon only during the lighter days of my cycle.


answers from Austin on

Do not be embarrassed, there are many women and girls who have not been able to figure out the tampon thing..

Here is what I told our daughter after the first day of her first period just using a pad.. It was very basic..

You have 3 holes down there.. It is the hole behind where your pee comes out, that you need to place the tampon. Feel around down there and you will feel it..

Unwrap the tampon and make sure the string is hanging out of the back. If it is a cardboard applicator, push on it just a little to get it moving. Practice pushing it with one hand to get used to the amount of pressure it takes.. .

Then sit on the toilet and spread your legs. Use the Tampon to find the correct hole.. pee a little if you are not sure.. Insert it as far as you can and push the back part of the applicator until it will not move again.. Do not worry, it cannot get lost in there..

Then remove the applicator.. Usually you should not feel a thing..

As the moms have said.. start with the smallest and work your way up.. It will change your life!



answers from Washington DC on

Hi. Even after children I am very " small" down there and the only ones I can wear are playtex. I've tried other brands w/out success, so I would recommend them. You also want to avoid any brand that has a cardboard applicator, they hurt, or an applicator that isn't rounded. Relax when inserting one, it really does hurt more if you tense up. I don't have to now, but when I first started using them I had to lay down, take a deep breath ( to help relieve any tension) and then do it. It helped me, so I suggest trying it. Also follow the natural path of your body. Instead of trying to push it straight back, you may curve a little, so try to see, if when you move it a little to the right or left if it goes in easier, if so, do it that way and it won't be as uncomfortable. Hope this helps good luck!



answers from Dallas on

When my uterus/bladder started sagging, I couldn't keep tampons in. Sometimes one would actually fall out after a few hours.

You might ask your OB/GYN if your uterus is falling. I would be suspicious of that especially if you notice leakage of urine when sneezing, running, etc.



answers from Los Angeles on

I used pads because I've always felt Tampons stop the natural flow and that could lead to health/hygiene issues.



answers from Minneapolis on

try the diva cup!! i am HOOKED. will never use tampons again. the only warning is that i have been told you cannot use it if you have an IUD.



answers from Minneapolis on

So, I really hate tampons and I have never been able to use them comfortably or successfully because I have a tipped uterus (not uncommon) however the WAY my uterus is tipped makes insertion of a tampon and proper placement nearly impossible. I was told that after having my son it would be easier because your uterus finds a more normal placement after childbirth. Couldn't be more incorrect.

That said, if you're highly motivated to use a tampon on your cycle I'd imagine the sport ones would be your best bet for comfort. You can request samples from the companies and try them out before investing in a big box.

It's terrible, but I'd rather miss out on activities requiring a tampon than use one because I'm so distracted by the discomfort.

Also, if you aren't trying to get pregnant, you can talk to your doctor about a birth control that will only give you a few periods a year. You might be able to avoid a period all summer that way!



answers from Sioux Falls on

I use this, and I LOVE it!



answers from Washington DC on

I would try different versions before an outing to find out what you need for your particular flow. My stepdaughter likes Playtex Sport, which are advertised for teens and might be easier. I've never liked the ones without the applicator and prefer plastic.

I didn't use tampons til I was an adult, either, and still don't prefer them. I've also tried the Instead cup, which might be another option for you (if they still sell them).

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