Overnight Diapers past Size 6/Pullups and Bms?

Updated on September 04, 2011
A.W. asks from Brea, CA
5 answers

Hi Mommies! My two-year-old son is quickly outgrowing his size 6 Fisher Price Overnight diapers. I haven't found an overnight diaper that's in size 7 (I know Pampers makes a regular diaper in that size, though.) I'm guessing we should maybe try Overnight Pullups? Or those Goodnights diapers? Do either of those pullup type things keep the poop contained? How does that work for diaper changes? Are they messier and more uncomfortable for the toddlers when they have BMs? Sorry if this is TMI but I'm not quite sure what to do next! Thanks a bunch!

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So What Happened?

Thanks a bunch for your input, Moms! To those that commented that we needed to start potty training, every child is different and starts when they are individually ready. Our son simply is not ready for potty training yet (he was born a preemie and has some sensory issues we are working on.) He is just tall and lean for his age and needs a bigger overnight diaper soon. So we will try the Good Night diapers and/or overnight pullups to see how they work. We would never let our son "sit" in poop-we know if he's up crying we change his diaper-he's very sensitive to that. In the meantime, we are also doing some "pre" potty training things (having the potty out to practice, etc.) I hear that boys take longer than girls to train and I know we will be okay. He's 2 1/2 in a month so we still have plenty of time. Thanks again!

More Answers



answers from Honolulu on

If he has poop, just change him right away.
He should not be in a poopy diaper all night.
Or he will get a bad diaper rash being in it all night.
Have him poop, before bed.
My son does that since he was a toddler.

All I know is, (although my son is potty trained), my son is 5 years old, a tall big lean kid for his age, and he wears a size 6 Huggies Overnights, for bedtime. And it fits him. The reason my son wears night time diapers... is he is still wet at night. Which is normal for his age.
Night time dryness does not occur until even 7 years old etc.

Anyway, thus, for a 2 year old, I would think a size 6 would fit your son. It fits my 5 year old and he is not a small boy.

And, get a few waterproof bed pads, to put DIRECTLY under your child, for bedtime. This makes any leaks on the bed, much easier to clean up. Then the sheets/bedding does not get soiled and you just have to wash the bed pad.

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Oklahoma City on

Goodnights do not work as well as the overnight pull ups by huggies with the Disney characters on them.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

My DD is 40 lbs at almost 4 and is in a size 6 in Luvs. They fit better than any other for her. If those don't fit him I'd try the goodnights. They work well but they are more expenisive.

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answers from San Diego on

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I would get him potty trained, My sons were learning how to stand up and pee at age two, my husband taught them. I think more dads need to take a active role in potty training their sons. Also all 3 of my kids were satying dry at night at 17 1/1 months old, I would cut back on liquids. J.



answers from Los Angeles on

the obvious answer is why dont you potty train? diapers shoulnt be so hard.

I just noticed you live in Brea-have you tried the babies r us in Imperial? they have sizes other places don't.

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