One Month Old Baby Keeps Throwing up (On Enfamil)

Updated on October 15, 2014
T.A. asks from Greeley, CO
13 answers

My one month old son keeps throwing up (or spitting up) it looks like a water fall coming out of his mouth. He is on enfamil premium. Could he be allergic to it or can he be sick?

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answers from Dallas on

He needs to switch formula. He may even need a formula like Alimentum. Please speak with his pediatric doctor.

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answers from Washington DC on

Please call his pediatrician now. He may be dehydrating if he cannot hold down anything and dehydration will land him in the hospital very quickly at his age. This could be nothing, mere spit-up, or it could be an allergy to the formula -- we are not doctors here, so please contact his pediatrician immediately. If it's nothing, please do NOT be embarrassed or say "next time I won't call so I don't look silly." It's better to check it out and find out it's nothing than to let it go, or ask us here, and end up with your baby in the hospital because no one realized he was dehydrating! Call now and ask for him to be seen today. Don't wait. Dehydration can occur very quickly in an infant this young.

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answers from Detroit on

both of my babies puked.. every single feeding.. and I breast fed.. they were not allergic to breast milk but they had immature GI tracts...

take him to the dr.. see if he is gaining weight.. some babies are "happy spitters" they eat..puke but are otherwise just fine... happy babies.. gaining weight.. doing fine

my daughter was miserable.. she puked every feeding.. and hadhorrible reflux.. eventually the dr put her on zantac for her tummy and it did help.. once she started eating cereal she didn't puke anymore.. mostly it is just a waiting game.. all babies will stop this in time..

but ask the dr.. make sure he is eating enough,, gaining weight and doing ok.. the dr may want to switch his formula.. but most likely he will just outgrow this in time..

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answers from Las Vegas on

The enfamil may be too rich.. my son had it for the first two weeks and then he became so gassy that we had to change things up and began to use carnation good start.. not sure what name it goes under now, but at the time it was a much thinner formula than the enfamil..... and once we got my son on that, he didn't have the gas pains.... if you can find the carnation.. might be nestle good start now, try it.. you ll see how much thinner the formula is..

good luck

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answers from Dallas on

I agree with Mel R, you need to call your pediatrician. He probably needs to switch formula. It's common, what's good for one, isn't always good for another one.
My daughter couldn't have formula with iron or wouldn't go to the bathroom for over a week, one time I went to the hospital because she couldn't go. My other child was fine with it. The last one I BF the whole time until he could eat foods.
Good luck,



answers from Beaumont on

My biggest concern would be his age. Things can go bad to worse in the blink of an eye with tiny ones. I would call his doctor immediately.


answers from Chicago on

Try a different formula.
My DS did really well on Enfamil, and my DD was horrible. We had to put her on Similac Sensitive. Everything else made her constipated.



answers from Oklahoma City on

New babies often change formula every week until they find the one they can handle. If you are getting WIC you'll need the doc to write a new prescription so they can give you a different brand. Otherwise I'd try something else after talking to the doc.



answers from Los Angeles on

Please listen to the moms here who are urging you NOT to diagnose this yourself or take the (different) experiences of strangers as gospel.
We are NOT doctors here.
Call your pediatrician ASAP if you have ANY concerns EVER about your infant! That's why they're there. To help you. With ANY concerns or questions you have. Never hesitate to call.
Good luck to you!


answers from Boston on

Mine didn't do well on Enfamil but switched to ProSoBee with zero problems after that. Same company I think just switching from dairy to non-dairy can help little tummies.

Did you check their website? Here are some common questions and answers

Coincidentally I actually work with one of the scientists who was part of the team developing those formulas particularly the ProSoBee (I didn't know him back when my son was an infant though). Top food scientist although he's not with them anymore - he's doing other food science and babies/kids who are malnourished can certainly ingest soy-based products. Many infant formulas are made in near-pharmaceutical grade conditions if they are made in the US - higher standards than other foods. So going to soy may make it easier.



answers from Atlanta on

Is he otherwise happy? Is he gaining weight and growing? If so there maybe nothing wrong. My oldest did this. He spit up so much that I would have to change him and myself several times a day. The dr told me that it was a form of acid reflux but because he was happy and growing there was no reason to treat it. If it were bothering him or he wasn't growing at an acceptable pace then they would have prescribe Zantac or something like that.

For my son it started to get better as soon as we introduced solids.



answers from New York on

Is he gaining weight? Some babies are big spitters.


answers from Norfolk on

Some kids just spit up a lot their whole first year.
Talk it over with your doctor but spit up by itself isn't a big deal as long as he's gaining weight.

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