Ok...what Is This 'Elf on the Shelf'?

Updated on November 21, 2011
K.L. asks from Story City, IA
11 answers

I keep seeing posts about this, but I have no idea what it is! Can someone explain this to me!!!

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Thank you all so much! That sounds so fun! I know my 7 year old daughter would love this idea!

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answers from Sioux City on

Lol! At my house that would just be another dust collector. We celebrate the feast of St. Nick though.

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answers from Las Vegas on

The Elf on the Shelf Tradition

Hope this helps:)

Have you ever wondered how Santa knows who is naughty and who is nice? The Elf on the Shelf – A Christmas Tradition is the very special tool that helps Santa knows who to put on the Naughty and Nice list. This interactive holiday hide-and-seek tradition is perfect for children and families of all ages.

The tradition begins when Santa sends his scout elves out to Elf Adoption Centers. Waiting for their families to bring them home, these patient elves hibernate until their family reads The Elf on the Shelf, gives their elf a very special name, and registers their adoption online. Once named, each scout elf will receive its Christmas magic and become a part of the family’s Christmas each and every year.

Excellent listeners and even better observers, these scout elves are the eyes and ears of Santa Claus. Although they cannot be touched, or else they may lose their magic, the elf will always listen and relay messages back to Santa. Taking in all the day-to-day activities around the house, no good deed goes unnoticed; these scout elves take their job seriously.

Each night, after the family goes to bed, the scout elf uses his magical Christmas powers to fly back to the North Pole. Once there, the elf will make his or her daily report to Santa and visit with elf friends where they will tell stories about their beloved families, play with the reindeer, and of course, sneak some of Mrs. Claus’ cookies!

Before the family awakes each morning, their special scout elf will fly back to their home from the North Pole. However, since these elves like to play games, don’t expect to find them in the same spot! While some like to hide in the freezer (probably because it reminds them of the North Pole) and others prefer to sit on the fireplace mantle or hang from the chandelier, these elves love to play hide-and-seek with their families.

On Christmas Eve, the scout elf will listen for Santa’s bell and then fly back to the North Pole until the next season, wishing every girl and each boy a Christmas of peace and a year full of joy.

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answers from Detroit on

It's a cute little elf doll that you can set up to sit in various locations around the house and it comes with a storybook that explains the elf's job - basically to "spy" on your kids and report everything back to Santa. And each night he "moves" to a different spot in the house so the kids have fun trying to find him - but they are not allowed to touch him! They can also pick a name for him and then it can get written down in the book. You can find them at lots of different stores, I've seen them in Hallmark stores and Target. You can also try searching on-line by just Googling "Elf on the Shelf".

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answers from Lansing on


Basically its an elf that sits around your house and watches over your children. The elf reports back to Santa on how your children behaved.

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answers from Utica on

Thank you for asking this question - I am in the dark as to what its all about too and I look forward to hearing what the heck it is =)

ETA: OMG I so want one now, what a cute and fun idea

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answers from Dover on

Me too!! Someone on my facebook even asked if anybody knew where they could get one. I can't wait to find out!

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answers from Dallas on

I just purchased one this year at Barnes and Noble for our 5 and 2 year old boys. I can't wait to bring him out and read the boys the story and have fun moving him.

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answers from New York on

Search Hooray For Elfie. It is the original elf story created back in the 70s.
Elfie hops around the house at night. He can appear in a pot, a planter,
in a boot. He watches over the kids and finds a new hiding place every night. Our elfie would arrive on Thanksgiv ing and leave Christmas Eve.
He always left new PJs for all.

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answers from Washington DC on

There have been a lot of posts on this lately!! Funny though, my daughter saw one at the store the other day. She read the box and then looked up at me and said "I really think that thing would creep me out. I mean, it's *watching* you all the time!" Sort of like "Big Brother" I guess!!



answers from Redding on

I asked the same thing yesterday. I'd never heard of it either. Then again, my youngest kid is 16.



answers from Chicago on

I see you got your answer. I just saw them at Target this morning in the book section.

I like the idea of it, but my kids would have a very hard time not touching the elf. Also, I'm not fond of the illustrations in the book.

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