Not Eating

Updated on March 07, 2008
A.M. asks from Mount Pleasant, SC
29 answers

Hi, my nearly 6month old son was drinking abt 11-12 ounces of formula and was also doing well with Stage 1 foods. Now for the past 4-5 days he is drinking only 4-5 ounces of formula and eats only one jar of his stage 1 foods . He is more fussy .he has been drooling a lot for a long time -maybe 2 weeks. He is playing well and sleeping well . Is this phenomenon of decreased eating because of teething or has he become too playful to concentrate and take his entire meal . I haven't spoken to his Pediatrician as yet this a normal phenomenon or should I be worried . Has anyone else had similar experiences -Please let me know.

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So What Happened?

Thanks a lot for all your responses. I meant 'bratty' because he is beginning to show some strong personalities - he seems to be actually getting angry now and then . Anyways - He used to drink 11 ounces per feed and feed once every 6 hrs.He is now doing maybe 6-8 ounces every 5hrs . But he is not cranky and definitely not losing weight -so I guess I will wait and see what happens. Thanks a lot for all the wonderful insights.

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answers from Atlanta on

More than likely he is teasing. I have 3 children. 5, 2 and 1 year old and they all went through that.



answers from Albany on

This is very typical. I believe it is teething and it may be painful for him. Try rubbing some Orajel on gums before eating. Since he is still eating some, sleeping, and playing then I don't believe it is anything other than he is about to start cutting teeth. Also try giving him popsicles; this is a way for him to get fluids as well as sooth his gums. Also give him a teething ring and place in the freezer so it can be cold on his gums. I hope some of this works. Keep me informed...

Mother of 4 with another on the way wish me luck!



answers from Atlanta on

I also have a 6 month old...who is doing the same thing. I never got him above 8oz per bottle, but that's not what this is about. Anyway, he's teething! I would suggest the Teething Tablets! That worked wonders yesterday when we started them...when nothing else will work!

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answers from Atlanta on

How can a six month old be bratty?

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Charleston on

Sounds like teething to me. I wouldn't worry unless he is losing weight or not growing normally. A little baby Tylenol with your pediatrician's go-ahead will probably help. It is amazing how little food they go on sometimes but it happens. My almost two year old has gone from eating like a bird to eating like a horse many times. He'll come around and get his appetite again. But if you are still worried don't hesitate to call your pediatrician, that's what they're there for. Happy teething!



answers from Atlanta on

Are the amounts given per day or per feeding? The equation most pediatricians use is take their weight X's 2.5 and thats how many ounces they should be getting per day divide that by the approx # of bottles and that will tell you how much in each bottle. EX: My Bailey weighs 12.8 lbs X 2.5 = 32oz/day 32 divided by approx 6 bottles = 5.33 <--We give her 6oz bottles + rice ceral 2X's a day so she continues to gain weight. When in doubt ask your Dr, that's what the nurse line is for! Hope this was helpful.



answers from Atlanta on

I remember when my oldest son was going through a stage like this and I told the pediatrician that he wasn't eating enough to sustain a bird! She said, no long as he is still growing and not losing weight, to not worry about it.

I do believe that it's the teething. That can affect so much. I really wouldn't worry about it.



answers from Atlanta on

it sounds like teething to me - both my boys used to do the same when they were that age ... sometimes it was that for 2-3 weeks they would eat like crazy and then for another week less then half ..
if calling the pedi will make you feel better and ore informed do it - just for peace:)
good luck ..



answers from Jacksonville on

Pediatricians are there so we can call and ask questions. It is very possible that it is teething related, but a call couldn't hurt. Even though your baby is eating solid food, his main source of nutrition is the formula so it is more important that he is drinking than eating.



answers from Atlanta on

Are you saying 11-12 per bottle?? It is very normal to stop drinking as much formula once babies start to eat food. I asked my doc just recently when my youngest daughter had her 6 month well baby. She said that at 6 months or when they start food they will only be taking 4-6 oz of formula at a time, but that they should have about 24-30 oz per day. I wouldn't worry about eating one jar. He will not starve himself. When he is ready for 2 again, he will certainly let you know. All this is normal...especially the drooling. That can last for months before they get their first tooth. Good luck!



answers from Charleston on

Teething will do this, while he is going through this make sure he gets more formula, regular food is not as important at this time. The formula is really important.



answers from Atlanta on

is it possible that he is teething? with my son it sometimes took weeks for his teeth to break through the gum...same symptoms.



answers from Charleston on

Definitely sounds like teething. His gums are probably too sore to properly latch and suck on a bottle right now. Infant Tylenol will help(call your ped or the correct dose, though), or some baby orejel if he gets fussy. Other than that it's cool teething rings, frozen cloths, and time. Good luck!



answers from Savannah on

Sounds like he could have a sore throat, perhaps allergies and drainage (it is that time of year!) You should call your doctor and have him checked, just to rule it out.



answers from Atlanta on

I think your son is at the beginning stages of teething.



answers from Augusta on

ding ding ding , you have a teething baby. give him teething rings , and cold wash clothes to suck on.



answers from Atlanta on

I agree with Sandy about why you state that your child is bratty. At 6 months old?



answers from Atlanta on

It could definitely be teething, but another possibility is an ear infection. He might have a fever with it or not (some don't). My DD didn't really tug at her ears (just played with them all the time) so that wasn't a good sign either. It probably is just teething, but I just wanted to mention it.



answers from Charleston on

i agree with sandy as well, I am not sure how bratty a 6month old can be, but good luck when he turns 2 and 3!!!(and 4 and5....hahaha)



answers from Atlanta on

Hi A.,

Yes teething, and also growth spurts, will change eating habits. I wouldn't worry but I would always pay attention and ask questions. Good job!





answers from Atlanta on

It is better to taper him down to eating more than drinking. Make sure he is not constipated or having other problems. Take him to the doctor if you havn't already. Some people don't like to medicate, but tylenol was my best friend during the teething stage. When nothing else calmed him down I gave him a dose of tylenol. It was usually once maybe twice a day if that...but it helped especially at night.



answers from San Antonio on

I think what you're experiencing may be normal for some kids while teething. My daughter was queen of drool for quite a while teething. And I mean constantly drooling. I wouldn't worry about his food intake. I recall my girl decreasing an interest in both bottles and food too. If he is sleeping and playing well and doesn't seem to have a fever, pain or any sign of lethargy, I wouldn't worry, but just keep and eye on him. He is probably getting enough fluids and nutrients to kept him sleeping and playing well. I get worried when my daughter acts out of character, so for her I look for a lack of interest in food, fluids, and play. She also had several instances of runny stool accompanied with fever while teething. Teething Tablets from Hyland's Homeopathic work well and so does baby Tylenol. Don't be afraid to give your son medicine if you think it will help. The hardest part for me was when she was inconsolable, so give yourself and him a break; it's h*** o* you both.
~R. M., SC



answers from Savannah on

It sounds like your baby boy is definitely teething. Let him eat as much or as little as he likes, keep fluids handy on a regular basis and definitely keeping a dozen or so teething rings handy at all times. Orajel is wonderful, if he gets really cranky try tylenol, ask his doctor for the suggested dosage. Some pediatricians even suggest letting toddlers munch on cool wet clothes. He could even start displaying symptoms like diarhea (sp?) fever, unny nose, etc. Definitely don't pass any symptoms off as teething because of course they could also be so many other things, but you know your child best and the poor thing is going through a little bit of pain. So do everything you can to help him get through and take warm bubble baths or whatever helps you soothe after a long day. Good luck, and don't fret, everytime he cuts a tooth it won't be this bad. Mine had some very bad ones and then some that went unnoticed. With any luck for you he might even cut several at once which is painful but it does speed up the process a bit! :)



answers from Charleston on

I think you just have to remember that kids go through different phases. I have an 11 month old son and there are times when he would just take a few ounces and then about a month ago, he was eating like a horse. Now he has cut back and not eating as much. Don't worry too much about it. It's frustrating since they can't communicate and it's all a guessing game. Hang in there.



answers from Charleston on

If you think he is loosing weight or he starts to change moods (such as playing and sleeping), I would notify his doctor. However, I have a 2 yr. old that has always had a healthy appietite, but there have definitely been times that he hasn't eaten nearly as much. Sometimes it lasts for a month, but he always bounces back... I don't think you have anything to worry about. Hope this helps.



answers from Atlanta on


Perhaps it would be a good idea to check with your pediatrician as often teething can be accompanied by many "normal" changes in a baby's appetite as well as disposition. Although our pediatrician couldn't confirm (or negate) the two were related, we often saw our children experience low grade fevers, runny noses and loose stools when teething. It has been my experience that most babies drool more when they are cutting teeth. Please remember that your little one has only one way to let you know when he is uncomfortable or in pain and that results in his being fussy. It is sometimes worth a visit to the doctor just to confirm that nothing else is going on. Also, a 6 month old is not capable of being "bratty" as you may realize once you have a 5 year old. This is only one stage in his life and it will pass. If he is healthy, you can give thanks.

Former 31 yr. old mother of a 6 month old daughter



answers from Athens on

This is very normal at all ages and I still have days when my 1 year old refuses to eat! They are just like us in that respect, you know some days you just aren't that hungry, believe me it won't last long and if he is teething then that could definitely be the culprit. Try making him feel better in the teething area and you may see an improvement in his appetite, try a cold teether, some Hylands Teething Tablets (they are great, ask your pharmachist), and some good old Tylenol can all be helpful. Believe me those first couple teeth are the worst, it should get better from her on out, but expect more low appetite days especially if he gets sick ever! Goodluck.



answers from Spartanburg on

My 6 month old is doing the same thing! She is eating a lot less and I know that she is teething as well. My MD told us that you should expect them to eat less and lose their appetite during this phase as their gums hurt and are just not interested in eating as much as they were. He also said that they will eat when they are hungry and not to push the issue or worry too much. He said as long as she is maintaining weight and everything else is fine then baby is fine. Not to worry!



answers from Atlanta on

Certainly sounds like teething, especially since he's drooling a lot.

11-12 ounces in one bottle! That's a LOT at one time - maybe he was going through a growth spurt. I have 2 boys, and they NEVER would drink more than 4-5 ounces at a time, and usually only about 3! (That's lower than the average kid, but just to let you know that they are developed just fine.) I wouldn't worry at all about going down to 4-5 ounces.

Consider things you can do to make him more comfortable - cool teethers, oragel, or (if you and your doc are comfortable with it) tylenol. Mine was crazy about sucking on a washcloth or bib dipped in cold water.

As for refusing food, it's not unusual for babies in thier first year to go on and off of food. For the first 12-18 months, the most important nutrition is from mom's milk or formula anyway; eating solid food is more for the practice. Especially if they are a little sick, or teething or otherwise feeling a little off, they tend to stop eating and go back to milk. Sometimes it's the first sign that they're coming down with something.

If you think he's "too playful to concentrate" on his meal, you can totally turn that to your advantage. Give him a toy to play with and while he's busy concentrating on it, try putting a spoonful of food in front of his mouth. I'll bet he'll continue to open up until he's full. That's the only way I was able to feed my first boy - he was soooo busy. Didn't have time to stop and eat!
He'd eat maybe 2-3 bites, and then he'd have to have something to do. As long as he was distracted by a toy or something, he would keep opening his mouth when there was food in front of it - like a reflex, until he was full. (He didn't overeat, either.)

Then when he started walking, he could only stay in a highchair for a few minutes - I couldn't put him in the chair while I finished making dinner, it was "sit down, have a few bites of food - OK, I'm not FAMISHED - get me out of here, I've got blocks to build, cats to chase, etc." So I'd let him wander the kitchen while I ate dinner, and every few minutes I'd sneak up to him while he was playing and put a spoonful of food in front of his face until he stopped opening his mouth. It was like he would eat as long as he didn't have to think about.

Some kids are just like that.

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