Need a Remedy for Very Dry Hands

Updated on November 04, 2010
B.K. asks from Chicago, IL
19 answers

This year like never before my hands are extremely dry to the point that my knuckles are cracking and bleeding. Would anyone have an idea of why I may be experiencing this? I don't use scouring powders or any chemicals without gloves. Does anyone have a remedy or know of a cream that may help me? I appreciate your help.

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So What Happened?

Thank you for your wonderful advise. I bought a hand cream with Amber Elixir, it's with glucerin and lavender from Holistic cosmetics. I used it in the evening and overnight and my hands are so much better, it really helped a lot, I love it. Ahhh relief, finally.

Featured Answers


answers from Gainesville on

my mom gets me the Melaleuca Renu cream, i have extremely dry hands in the winter. I also read how drinking more water will help I plan on drinking more water this winter,

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answers from Johnstown on

Mary Kay's Extra Emolient Night Cream. If you don't have a local consultant, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to service you!

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answers from Tulsa on

sea salt from eygpt. my other half got a chemical on his hand when he was younger and with lotion it would dry out every 3-5 days. now he only uses sea salt about once a months and its fine. he never uses lotion now. its expensive but more than worth it.

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answers from Redding on

It could be what you're using to wash your hands. I got one hand soap that literally just stripped the skin off of me. My hands bled and cracked. It was horrible!

You can try Corn Huskers Lotion, Vaseline (sleep with gloves or socks on your hands at night for it to warm up and moisturize) and, I believe it's called Sylicone Glove by Avon. All of those things have helped me.
I work in a hospital so washing my hands so much is a necessity. If there is latex in the gloves that you use, you may have developed a bit of an allergy to the latex. Try different gloves.

Best wishes.

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answers from Rochester on

This time of year I keep small jars of petroleum jelly everywhere and use that liberally as needed. I used to have cracked, bloodied hands and the petroleum jelly or Vaseline keeps them soft and healed. It is also great for your cuticles, nails, and wallet (my favorite part). :)

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answers from Seattle on

Bag Balm is what my Dad uses. He was a real working man and had hands that could have been used to sand wood, they were so dry and calloused. During winter months they were cracked and painful. Bag balm is super cheap and very effective.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I can get you the Melaleuca Renew loition - it helps the dry skin in my house - please visit my website and send me your contact infomation then we can make your hands feel better. I can also provide you some testimonials on this product. If anyone else is interested please contact me as well.

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answers from Dallas on

Eucerin is a good product.

Bath and Body has a great scrub for your hands and feet and the lotions they carry which as SPECIFIC to hands and feet are great. No dealing with reps and sales. Just go in and buy it.

Sephora also has a good line of hand/foot treatments.

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answers from Norfolk on

My right hand has had a touch of eczema for several months. My knuckles had flaking skin, but they were not cracked or bleeding. No ointments or lotions were helping, but it's on it's way to clearing up now. What helps me is taking a vitamin B (biotin) supplement and taking 1 tablespoon of molasses every day. The minerals and vitamins seem to help keep my hair and skin growing well and looking good. I also soak in a bath with 1 cup each of vinegar, epsom salts and plain yogurt every few weeks and my skin feels wonderful afterward.

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answers from Chicago on

I'm having the same problem. Keep in mind your hands are exposed to the shampoo and soap you use in the shower, and every hand soap you use too. Mine seem to get really sensitive at this time of year. My knuckles and the sides of my fingers just split- it is SOOOO painful. My dermatologist has told me to use Cetaphil soap, because it is gentle, and Eucerin lotion. I do notice a difference when I use the Cetaphil soap. I also find some relief by putting on a triple antibiotic cream on the cracks before I go to bed. I hope we both find some relief soon!!!!

Barefoot Books Ambassador

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answers from Minneapolis on

Melaleuca Renew lotion is the best! It works better than anything else I have used. I have used it to keep my feet & heels from cracking & it will help hands in just a few applications! I keep at least 2 bottles at home, 1 at work, and a travel one in my purse and in my car!

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answers from Dallas on

Take some honey and sugar and make a scrub and rub all that old dry stuff off. You have got to get that old dry skin off or they will continue to crack no matter what you use on it. Learned this from a health food store owner, it's saved my hands every winter. After rubbing them after a few minutes wash off with luke warm water and use a heavy duty cream. I LOVE CeraVe. Get the cream that comes in a jar. My dermatologist told me to use it, you can even use it on your face! You can get it at CVS. It's pricey but it lasts forever!

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answers from Chicago on

Eucerin or CeraVe in the tubs. Put it on after EVERY time your hands get wet and whenever they feel dry. I have bad ezcema on my hands and have not had an issue since I started using these!

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answers from Phoenix on

I am a merchandiser for cards and they get dry and rough. I think your case may be more severe..but I have used a scrub that I bought through a rep. It is like a salt scrub of some kind with oil too it. I am sure you can find over the counter type things . Some people may use if for pedicures, but I used it on my hands and I loved how soft they were afterwards. About 2 times a week I treat my hands with this . I can send you the name, but if you don't have a rep for this in home company you may find it hard.

On a side note. Cetaphil moisture lotion may be good. Very gental, but some of the creams can irritate the cracked skin. So use with caution. It is made for extrememly sensitive skin and kids........I love the facial wash, body was and lotions for my kids.

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answers from San Antonio on

My hands get really dry in the winter, lots of cracking. I use a lot of Aveda hand therapy..I love it. Smells fantastic, is all natural plant derived, and feels amazing!



answers from Boston on

You can buy a really good hand cream for dry hands and where cotton gloves at night to let it sink in (I've actually done this). Or you can wear disposable plastic gloves (like the kind used at salons for applying color). I find the cotton is less noticeable, but either will work. I don't think you need an expensive cream, anything for dry hands. I really like aquaphor. It is wonderful for dryness.



answers from Stationed Overseas on

BADGER BALM!!! It works wonders, especially at night!!!



answers from Joplin on

I use plain old eucerin for my daughters hands, she doesn't come into contact with anything that would cause it, I think it is just genetic, when the weather starts to get cold her dads hands crack and bleed too. For my own hands that are not as bad I like Avon's silicone glove or when I can find a rep Mary Kay sells a product called satin hands that I loved.



answers from Wichita on

Mary Kay Satin Hands! Its a 3 step process that can be completed in seconds. Shop at If you need a consultant to ship for free look for A. Koontz.

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