My 3 Year Old Keeps Scratching His Whole Body...

Updated on July 22, 2009
H.L. asks from Los Angeles, CA
6 answers

I noticed that my 3 year old has been scratching off and on for the last few days... nowhere in particular, just kinda all over his body... i've washed and lotioned him, since originally i though eather he's dry or dirty... still scratching... what could this be??? alergy? how do i find out and what do i do about it?

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answers from San Diego on

look at your laundry detergent did you change it recently or something else like a softer. this may be why he is scratching all over



answers from Honolulu on

Take him to the Doctor, that is the only way to find out what is wrong.

It could be internal or something external triggering it.
Or change what you wash him with.... use "soapless" things like Cetaphil. Its more gentle on the skin. Or, the laundry soap. Or something in the environment, or something outside.
Could be anything.
Is there a rash or just him itching with no visible rashes?
Or sometimes people itch just from stress.
Many reasons.

Good luck,



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi again H.,
I agree with the other two postings. It could be allergies. Take note if you've changed ANYTHING. Soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, food etc. I use unscented detergent
and soaps for this reason. (but in my case it's my husband who gets itchy). Use your detective skills to try and come up with the answer - if it doesn't go away, take your child to the doctor and see if he can help you figure it out, and treat him if need be.
Best of luck,



answers from San Diego on

Look between his fingers at the skin webbing- does he have little red marks there? If so it could be scabies- doesn't mean you are dirty- he could have gotten it from a pet or anywhere. Is anyone in the house scratching besides him?



answers from San Diego on

I agree you should take him to the Dr as it can be anything! I had a case where my son was complaining about itching and then has some small hive like marks occasionally. We came to figure out it was from Red Dye. Then I felt REALLY bad giving him liquid Benadryl that had more red dye. Now we stay away from Red Dye and it also has helped him neurologically as well.



answers from Los Angeles on

If you want to see if it's an allergy, schedule an appointment with an allergy specialist. They can perform a "scratch" test with various allergens. We had this done on our 2 year old because he had constant ear infections. We found several food allergies this way. It required me to hold him on his stomach for about 45 minutes, but it was totally worth it. The blood panel is not nearly as effective, and very costly.

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