Is Numbness on Belly After C-section Normal?

Updated on February 19, 2010
M.S. asks from Troutdale, OR
26 answers

I had a c-section at the end of October, and I have noticed the last few weeks that the skin on my belly is numb from about an inch below my belly button to my c-section scar. I am on the plus side and I was just wondering if this was normal and/or if I should be concerned. Oh, I also had an umbilical hernia repaired 6 years ago, so the part that is numb is between the two incisions. I'm not too concerned about it except that if I got hurt there I won't even know it and I tend to be a bit clumsy. Thanks for your help.

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answers from Seattle on

I am numb too. I didn't have numbness after my first c-section but did after the second- I did have a post-op infection which required packing for a couple of months. I generally don't notice it unless I or my husband is pinching the area. My doctor didn't think much of it. By the way, my daughter is just about 4 now- it seems like the numbness is here to stay. Good luck.



answers from Seattle on

I have had 3 c sections and 4 kids. Yes, I have twins. :) My scar sight was numb and sore for the first year after I had the baby or babies. It was more numb and sore after my first one. Then, it tends to be less numb as time goes on. My twins are one and there is no numbness. It just takes time. Hang in there.



answers from Portland on

I had a c-section Oct 2006 and I am still both a bit numb and a bit tender there at the same time. Seems like a contradiction, but it's true. I've heard that for some people, it is normal to continue to have numbness.

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answers from Spokane on

I had two(c-sections) and yes numb is normal...weird but normal. Mine is all but gone and my kids are 5 & 3 but I remember complaining to a lady at work when my kids were babies and she said her daughter was 20 and she still had some occasional numbness. Just another battle wound for you mom :) I try to think of all of the c-section "stuff" as battle scars that make me a great mom.



answers from Seattle on

i had that too- it lasted a long time (maybe a year?) but did eventually go away. it just reduced little bit by little bit.
my Dr warned me of it after the surgery that it would be numb for a while but usually comes back.



answers from Seattle on

I had numbness following my c-section for about 1 year. I think it is normal, but I would discuss it with my DR.



answers from Jacksonville on

I had a c section 3 years ago and still am numb on the right side of the scar. My mom had a hysterectomy about 7 years ago and her scar is still numb too. Some people's nerves just never heal.



answers from Seattle on

Hello M.! I haven't read what others may have written but numbness after abdominal surgery (& especially c-sections) is very common. As time passes and your body continues to heal, the affected area may become smaller but in my case, even 5 years after my last c-section, there is still an area that I can't feel anything (I know, it's kind of a weird feeling). Because the muscles and nerves were cut through, sometimes they don't connect up like they used to. You are less than 6 months post-op so hopefully things will improve so that your concerns about hurting yourself are diminished. Massage may help to restore feeling if that is an option for you. Good luck!



answers from Anchorage on

My firsrt c-section six years ago I had similar concerns. I had numbness around my scar about and it changed from about 2 inches aways from the scar and lessened over time to one inch decreasing more over time. Certain spots still show numbness. My doctor told me this was normal when I went in for my annual exam after my first c-section. Now that I have had 3 c-section (last one was Jan 09) and the surgeon cut a little of the old scar tissue out, my numbness has nearly gone away. I found it strange to have had numbness on prior surgeries and not after the last one. I still have spots along the scar, but its not nearly as strange as the previous times where I could have injured the area and had no idea. Luckily for me that area is really never exposed so the risk of injury was low. Hope this helps a little, sorry I don't have insight on why it occurs. I imagine it is because the scar tissue, and in my case stretch marked area, seem to have few nerve endings.



answers from Seattle on

Hi M. -
I experienced the same thing after my c-section. I noticed that when I would lean on the bathroom vanity to look in the mirror or when I was leaning against the counter in the kitchen that I couldn't feel my stomach below my belly button to my incision. This eventually came back but it took several months. I never asked the doctor about it but I think this is a natural side effect perhaps? I've never had any other abdominal surgery so I'm not sure :) Wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor but my guess is that it isn't anything to worry about...




answers from Seattle on

I had my second c-section in January and I was just reading up last night about what to watch for during the healing process, and what I read did mention numbness around the incision site for a few months. It does seem like it's been a while though for you - you might want to check with your doctor. I don't recall having numbness for as long as you've had it from my first c-section.



answers from Portland on

I had a c-section mid october 2005. I had the same type of tummy numbing. I actually think it is pretty normal, because I am also on the plus side. That area might be numb but if you got hurt there believe me you would know it because I did. It's not totally numb even though it feels like it. I wouldn't be too concerned about it but if you feel even the slightest bit concerned about it go ahead and bring it up to your doctor at a regular check up I'm sure she will be able to ease your fears.
(I have never had an umbilical hernia so I don't know if that affecting it or not).



answers from Phoenix on

I had 3 c-sections (about to have my 4th) and a hernia repair around my c-section. It stayed numb for a long time and the scar area is still numb even though it's been almost 7 years.



answers from Seattle on

I've got it and had it ever since my first section in 97. I'm not sure if it's entirely from my section or from the scarring from my stretch marks. Either way. It sucks.


answers from Dallas on

I'm still numb after 6 years.



answers from Medford on

Hi :) Probably too soon for you to know for sure about this area. You could carefully rub it like morning and evening with some cream. You could study some on the nerves in that area. You could consult with a trusted nurse friend or doctor as a baseline and then get back to them in a few months to review how it is going. Small amounts of sun this coming summer might help the circulation. God bless!



answers from Portland on

Yes, it is completely normal. I'm surprised your doctor didn't tell you. The area around the C/S scar is typically numb and doesn't start to regain any kind of feeling at all until around 6 months. For me, I STILL have some bit of lessened sensation there, and my daughter is 21 months now.



answers from Portland on

numbness after a large incision like that is perfectly normal, as long as there is no discoloration or pain. I had a large hernia repair and my tummy is still numb (since August) about 3-4 inches surrounding the scar all the way down. My surgeon said it's normal and over time it will slowly get the feeling back, but that there might be spots that will always be numb.



answers from Jacksonville on

Yes it seem normal. I had 2 csections and still feel numb every now and then!



answers from Dallas on

I have had two c-sections. After the first one, I was numb for around 12 months after. I asked my Dr. and he said it was normal. Talk to your Dr. it will make you feel better. I hope this helps.



answers from Seattle on

I'd say it is normal. With my first c-section, I had that numbness for about a year then it went away. My second c-section was about a year ago and the numbness that time went away with in six months.



answers from Chicago on

Hi there,

I had a C-Section in July and the numbness is only now starting to disappear. It takes a long time...but totally normal! :)



answers from Seattle on

I've had two C-sections, and both times I had numbness. The first time it lasted more than 6 months, and even now, five years after the second, I can still touch places that have little feeling response.

So many nerves are severed in a C-section that it's amazing to me that I got back as much feeling as I did... but I can't say I notice it much now, even though it is still different than it was before the C-section.

Hope that's comforting...



answers from Spokane on

I hope so because I have the same issue. It is a very odd feeling!



answers from Seattle on

I had a c-section last summer and had the same numbness for months. It was on the scar and about an inch all around it. It was a very strange feeling and I started wondering if it was ever going to return back to normal! It did finally go away after about six months. Give it a little more time or if you are worried, talk to the doc.



answers from Anchorage on

I am an old retired ER nurse and always advise anyone who has any health concerns, to contact their doctor. I might also advise you that my last c-section (I had three) was 36 years ago and I still have numb areas at the surgical site.

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