Is It Okay to Give Your Baby Water?

Updated on August 03, 2009
F.S. asks from Chesterfield, MO
30 answers

My little man is 5 weeks old and quite the eater, but I must say that there are times in between feedings that he gets a little fussy and my husband and I don't believe it is due necessarily to still being hungry. It makes me wonder, it's summer time and it's hot, does my son get thirsty like we do? My grandmother says to give him water with just a hint of sugar to settle his stomach and quench his thirst. I want to make sure that everyone understands that I would never give him water to supplement his feedings in anyway if he is hungry he gets fed I am simply asking about thirst and settling an upset stomach. I know I was given this as a baby and plenty of other babies in my family had it as well, but I would love the opionon of other moms. I thank you all in advance fellow moms for your advice.

God Bless

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answers from Columbia on

I was told everything the baby needs is in the breast milk. The fore-milk quenches the thirst and the hind-milk satisfies hunger.
If given water, it fills their then their satiety is satisfied without meeting proper nutritional value.
If he's a little fussy, maybe he's wanting a pacifier or mommy. Is he a bit squirmy? Maybe a little gas. There are infant drops to help that.

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answers from St. Louis on is too young to give a infant water. I have 29 years experience working with children and it it not a good idea to introduce water. They can develop water intoxication. Times have changed over the years...

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answers from St. Louis on

Children under 1 (or even 1.5) do not need water. They get everything they need water-wise in the brestmilk or formula you are feeding him. I know older moms (and grandmas) say to give it to them, but my pediatrician does not recommend it. My daughter is 23 months old now and I'm just now giving her water to drink. I was told before now, she gets all the water she needs in the food she eats and the juice she drinks.

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answers from Wichita on

That happens to be what the nurses gave my middle child who is now three years old right after birth because I was not producing enough milk and at the time we did not know that.All we knew was Megan was acting hungry even after nursing.I dont know the purpose for the sugar water I just know that nurses have done it to help calm a fussy baby who seemed to be hungry:) so I dont believe it would hurt the little guy:) hope this helps:)

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answers from Wichita on

I know what the dr's say, but what is the first thing they give babies after birth, glucose water, what do they give dehydrated infants, or jaundice babies? IV with saline which is water with salt. Dr really don't want you to overload the kid by watering down the formula and giving too much. This can give them fluid overload which can lead to many thing including brain damage and death. I had #3 in germany and we gave him baby tea, as well as water, otherwise he had breast milk. I gave all my summer babies water. never more than an ounce of 2 though. You are the mom and the reality is that you will not do something that doesn't feel ok. the baby may not like it or take it. I do not consider the dr. the all knowing, they just regurgitate the most recent advice on any subject, and next year it will be something else. Over the last 18 years the "medical advice" have gone through the scale of polar opposites on every subject, from feeding, sleeping, immunizations, diseases, you name it there is conflicting studies that one dr will support but another won't. I think it is funny that the reason to not give kids water is that their kidneys cannot deal with it? What do you mix formula with? Hospitals and dr give babies water often in many forms, the most common is IV, but there are water bottles to be found in every nursery and peds floor. You are a good mom, just for asking you show that. You'll do what is right for you.

BTW the sugar in it has a sedating effect on newborns, I would limit that if you want him to be alert. In the NICU We had a pet name for it, because it was sometimes the only sedative used during otherwise painful procedures.



answers from Lawrence on

you know..i was skeptical about that too when my MIL was giving my son just water in his bottle sometimes and I didnt even know about it until it had been happening for awhile. She didnt hide it from me, she just didnt see it necessary to inform me i guess :) So yes i would give him cool water in between milk bottles, especially since its summertime. Im sure he sweats just like anybody else so he's losing water that way. I had to give my son 1 oz of apple juice mixed with 4 oz water when he was about 1month old due to constipation. I found that strange at first too b/c i didnt think a baby that little could have juice! thats what the pedi recommended tho. Good luck!



answers from Kansas City on

babies really don't need water but I did give my babies water in the middle of the night at around 6 weeks. They learned to sleep through the night within a week of the water. I fed them enough ounces during the day and they started sleeping longer through the night at about 5 weeks. When they did wake up I gave them a bottle of water, they would not even drink an ounce and go back to sleep. After a few nights of that they usually didn't wake up at all. When they were old enough to hold their own bottle, I would make a bottle of water and put in their crib before I went to bed. If they did wake up they usually grabbed the bottle and drank an ounce or 2 and went back to sleep on their own. I wouldn't put sugar in it though, kids need to learn to drink water. All 3 of my kids like to drink water and I think that is mainly because we gave them water at a young age and they didn't get a lot of juice or soda so don't make it sweet or they may not like to drink water when they get older.

All you can do is try and see how well the water goes, an ounce isn't going to hurt anyone. Raising babies is a lot of trial and error and you will figure out what works well for your child as every child is different.

However babies that young usually eat every 3 hours so if he is fussing around that time span he probably is hungry. sometimes mine would want to eat after 2 1/2 hours on some feedings.

I responded before I read all the others. On the flouride thing. We lived in California when my son was a baby and they didn't have flouride in the water when we lived there, the doctor prescribed flouride drops to put in the water when making his formula bottles. He has the strongest teeth, is almost 17 years old and has never had a cavity. My other 2 kids we didn't use the drops because the cities we lived in had flouride in the water, plus I B/F the 2nd and 3rd babies longer than the 1st. They have both had cavities so maybe the flouride does have something to do with having strong healthy teeth.



answers from St. Louis on

i would say not that early. i started giving my son water about the age of 4 or 5 months and limited it then because the doctor said too much water, more than 4 ounces a day could harm him. i think i heard somewhere that if you give them too much water, they may not want to drink their formula or breast milk and if you give them the water after they feed, it could be defeating the purpose of feeding them because it can drown out the nutrients of the formula or breast milk. i would personally say wait on the water. and the whole sugar and water, my doctor told me never to add anything to the water, but if your mom told you i dont want to tell you otherwise. i know my mom did it with us but i know they did many things back then that i wouldn't do today. hope this has helped.



answers from Kansas City on

I had the same question with my little guy, who's now 13 weeks old. My pediatrician said to hold off on water til he's older, but that it was ok to give an ounce or two of breast milk (if nursing) or formula for thirst.



answers from St. Louis on

Never give your baby flouridated water. The dentist who made the recommendation to flouridate water has retracted that. No child under 3 should get flouride - ever.

On the other topic, I know people give their babies water, but I never did. I heard that it is not necessary. Try a pacifier.




answers from Kansas City on

Sugar to settle an upset stomach? How absurd! I am so glad we know better now how to care for our babies than our mothers and grandmothers did. There is so much more redily available information and research out there than ever before. Water (or anything else for that matter) is NOT needed until after six months at least! Breastmilk is best, then formula a distant second, but NO WATER or FOOD yet! Six MONTHS, maybe, but not at six WEEKS!! His fussiness may be hunger (not uncommon to have growth spurts), gas (burp him), or just needs your touch (hold him)! Hang in there!



answers from Kansas City on

You have gotten a wide varity of advice so I am going to second the ask your doctor. When I had my first baby, they told us in our child birth class not to give them water or anything else other then breastmilk or formula. I had a summer baby as well so I guess it was something that a lot of people did. Usually, if a baby is fussy in between feedings, it is not because they need more to eat/drink, especially a baby that is probably mostly in the air conditioning. He probably has a bubble in his tummy or is tired or something like that. He could also just be having problems digesting his previous meal. Try the binky and patting his back and leg exercises to help his little bowels process things.



answers from St. Louis on

I don't believe that sugar water is recommended - especially for a 5 week old. I would suggest to continue feeding every 2-3 hours. If you are still concerned I would ask his pediatrician.



answers from Wichita on

I wouldn't give him the sugar but the water is fine 4 them!! And if your city water doesn't have floride in it then I'd go buy the bottled water with it in it!! Ped. Dentist all around wichita are pushing 4 floride!! It helps their teeth come in stronger!!



answers from St. Louis on

I personally would not give a baby water. I feel that babies, espicially so young, do not eat out of boredom. Their milk or formula is their food and hydration. I nursed both my children and they were "attached" for what seemed like all day. Your son could also be going through a growth spurt.


answers from Kansas City on

No, it is definitely NOT OK to give your 5 week old water. He's way too young! Your son gets all the water and other nutrients he needs from either breastmilk or formula. Please, please consult your doctor first if you decide to go ahead and give him water.

You'll be getting a lot of advice (wanted and unwanted) from your family and friends. Be careful about taking all that advice. Things have changed over the years. What used to be considered OK, might not be OK now. Doctors and the medical community have gathered a lot of information since the time of our mothers and grandmothers. While some say "we gave it to (or did it with) our kids and they're fine!" Some aren't fine, and that's the bottom line. My grandpa always said to rub a little brandy on a crying baby's gums - said it worked for his kids, and that he even did it to me when my parents weren't looking. He swore by it. However, I would NEVER do that to my baby. Take some advice with a grain of salt, use some of it, and ask your doc if you're unsure.



answers from St. Louis on

A different take on the topic...

My oldest son was a good eater, too, but I had to pump while I worked. I went back to work when he was six weeks old. My husband gave him bottles of breast milk while I was still at home so he could get used to it. My husband could find no medical reason to warm the bottles, so he gave them to my son cold. He loved them!

Maybe you could give him an ounce or two of cold pumped milk or formula? I believe that milk or formula is best, but I am not opposed to water. I just thought that cold milk or formula might work, if your little one would like it.

Good luck!



answers from Columbia on

I would try other things, like a pacifier, swaddling, rocking, etc. Babies can get Infant Water Intoxication from drinking too much water. I heard about it on the news from someone diluting baby formula, and googled it. You should look it up and read about it. Infants don't need more water than they get from formula or breastmilk. If you are breastfeeding, maybe he's not getting enough milk? I know it's so hard to tell when breastfeeding. If you know he's getting plenty to eat, then I would try other things, instead of the water. Good luck!



answers from Kansas City on

My pediatrician said NO to this. You need to consult your doctor before doing this.



answers from Kansas City on

NO! My pediatrician said not too.She said that they are getting their water intake through their formula/breastmilk.If you give him water between feedings it could curve his hunger which then he would not be hungry as soon and would take away from the nutrients because he wouldn't drink as much formula/breastmilk.
have you tried offering him an extra oz of milk at his feedings or burping him extra long to see if maybe he just still has some burps left in there?
My Mom told me lots of things and said it never hurt me and my Brother's but I just went by what my Ped. said because they have became much wiser since we were babies!



answers from Topeka on

No Water for babies under 6 months of age they are unable to process it and it can damage their kidney's.They get plenty of fluid from breastmilk and formula.



answers from Kansas City on

You didn't mention if you're nursing or giving formula, but either way he might need a little extra water. If you're nursing and not drinking enough water yourself, that could be transferring to him. I would check with your doctor just to be sure, but it's probably fine. I gave my little girl small amounts of water (only used sugar when I rubbed it on my nipple trying to nurse) occassionally and she did fine.



answers from St. Louis on

I dont think its necessary and I only gave pedialight and that was when they were sick. (not sure on spelling)



answers from St. Louis on

You should be very careful giving a new born baby water. Very young babies can become water intoxicated if given to much. I never gave my newborn baby water. The doctor is the best advise on this. It's just like trying to stretch their milk with extra water. Some people do this, to try to save, on the cost of milk, when they are running out. When you do this, you are cheating your baby out of his proper amount of nutrients that he or she needs. Remember, what works for one parent, could actually become a hazard to your child. Your baby might need a few more ounces of milk.



answers from St. Louis on

I think 5 weeks is too young to give water. If I remember correctly my peditician said their kidneys are not quite ready to handle water intake. At that young of age all he needs is breastmilk or formula. If he gets fuzzy try distracting on the floor and move his legs back and forth, my boy likes to be walked around since he likes to move constantly. Hope this helps. And congratulations on the new baby.



answers from St. Louis on


My girls are 28,26 and 23 and back when they were babies the Dr.s told us to give them water.

I also have a 5 y/o Granddaughter and when she was little they had decided water isn't good to give babies.

My point is, you are going to get a lot of opinions from a lot of people. You need to decide what is right for your baby.

You can always try giving him some water and see how it workds for you. Make sure the water is warm when you give it to him tho.

When my girls were little my Grandma had always told me when the little ones had a belly ache to give them water with some peppermint in it - I must say I always had good luck with it.

BTY - my granddaugher was given water when she was a baby and she's just fine!




answers from St. Louis on

I gave both of my children water. Just a little bit, and never with any sugar in it. I would give it to them in a spoon. It would help quench their thirst and calm them down. I think it would be ok as long as its not to much. I wouldn't put sugar in it though, that will just lead baby to think that water should be sweet and you may have trouble getting baby to accept regular water later. Good luck, I hope this helps.



answers from Wichita on

Good Morning F S, Congratulations Little Mama!!
Yes it's ok to give him water, maybe about 2 oz. even a binky ( pacifier), rocking, singing, talking to him, may also do the trick with fussy. I gave water to both of our son's and all of the grandchildren. It's ok.
Alot of Pediatrician's say They don't need it. I think Mama's instincts go a lot further ;)

God Bless you, Congratulations with you new Little Prince.
K. Nana of 5



answers from Kansas City on

No water until 6-7 months or until your doctor ok's it.



answers from Topeka on

You didn't mention whether you were breastfeeding or using formula. Breastfed babies don't need anything other than breastmilk for quite some time. The breastmilk actually changes its makeup during the year (more water during the summer, more fat during the winter), among many other amazing qualities. As far as formula goes, I don't know what is recommended. No matter what, I would never give a baby any sugar water. There is no benefit for a baby to get sugar and will start them much too early on something that is not beneficial.

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