Ipost Pardium Hair Loss???

Updated on January 02, 2013
R.J. asks from Williamsburg, KY
5 answers

how long does this post pardium hair loss last??? when the light shines on my head you can see my scalp throught my hair it is so thin on the top is that normall??? like i just dont really know when to look for it to get better??? or how bad it should get before it gets better... should i cut my hair

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answers from Cleveland on

I don't know if that's normal or not, but that's not how I experienced it. I'm losing hair like crazy right now (4 months p.p.), but it's just thinning back to normal, I'm not losing any more than I had before. You might consider having your iron level checked out.

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answers from Eau Claire on

I lost hair after both kids, after my second I practically had a bald spot before it started coming back. I believe my daughter was around 6 months or so before it started really getting better. At most I'd suggest getting your hair trimmed if it's needed which can help make it look a bit better before it starts to thicken again.

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answers from Seattle on

Ugh, so sorry. That is one part of having a baby that I DO NOT miss! In the front I totally had a receding hairline and I was basically "balding" in some spots. I had to bobby pin or clip my hair back to try and hide it - not cute. I was told by SEVERAL moms that it was totally normal. I was losing lots of hair until my daughter was about 5 months old, but it wasn't back to normal until a few months after her first birthday.

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answers from Chicago on

I started losing hair after my son was born, never had it happen with my others. It started when he was about 3 months and lasted until he was about 7 or 8 months. I was freaking out about it. I was also breaking out like a teenager. The doc said it had a lot to do with hormones and suggested a really good vitamin might help. I switched back to a prenatal and it did help with the hair loss after about a month or so but not completely, the breaking out did not stop until I stopped pumping at work and only nurse at night.



answers from Sacramento on

I had a lot of postpartum hair loss after our second child. If I recall correctly, it lasted about four months and I was back to normal at around a year. I have really thick hair that I normally have to thin out, so it was a blessing to me. Sorry to hear that's not the case for you, but know that it's something that will get better.

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