I Made It Out Alive! (Brain Tumor Removal) Need Treat Ideas for Nurses

Updated on September 22, 2012
J.F. asks from Bloomington, IN
38 answers

Hello my friends here in MP Land.

I am now 1 week post-op from my brain tumor removal. I got out of the hospital yesterday, and I am doing pretty good. The surgery went well enough, but my NS said my tumor was "tenacious." I had some spinal fluid leakage and had to have a lumbar drain for most of the week that kept me in the ICU. I had 2 spinal headaches during my stay (OMG! THE WORST PAIN EVER!).

I am now home and on moderate pain meds and SEVERAL other meds for the putiutary gland issues that the tumor presented. The hubs is doing a fantastic job taking care of all of us. (He is getting the oldest dressed for ballet right now....oh my, her hair LOOKS like Dad did it! Lol)

So my question is, "What sort of treat can I get for the ICU and Short Stay nurses that helped me?" I need two separate goody trays/bags since I was on two different floors during my care. These people (including about 4 male nurses) were AMAZING care givers!!!


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So What Happened?

Wonderful ideas! I do remember almost all of the names of the nurses. I had a couple a couple of days in a row. Awesome!

And yes, Stacey B. Perspective is EVERYTHING. I am alive and it feels WONDERFUL. I will need to remember what this feels like when I get bent out of shape about really stupid stuff in the future.

Sitting with my crew in the living room watching Fresh Beat Band. Daddy made dinner and the girls didn't even want to leave me to go eat in the dining room. So, Daddy pulled up the girls' craft table to the couch for all of us to eat there. What a blessed evening we are having on a Thursday night. :)

Featured Answers


answers from Denver on

Glad you are doing okay, and that hubs is doing a great job taking care of you! Heres to a speedy recovery

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answers from San Francisco on

Wow, did two weeks go by already? Congrats!

I don't have any gift ideas, just happy to hear you made it through okay.

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answers from Cleveland on

That's amazing news. So happy for you! I had a long hospital stay about 11 years ago & wanted to thank the staff (I was on 2 floors too). My husband got huge cookie trays while I was still in the hospital to say thanks.

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answers from New York on

I am a nurse and the best thank you that you can give is a note to the unit manager that mentions the name of the nurses that cared for you during your hospital stay. Mention how they made a difference and anything specific that they did that was above and beyond their call of duty. Unit managers take these notes very seriously and it is the greatest thank you a nurse can get - to know that they made a difference in their patient's life.

If you want to send food - don't send homemade items - most don't want to eat them because we are germaphobes! You can send donuts, pizza, or a cookie tray. But really the best thank you is knowing that you are doing well and that we made a difference in your life.

So glad to hear you are doing well, take care of yourself.

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answers from Chicago on

Congrats on a successful surgery, J.!

My husband is a doctor, and the nurses get TONS of junk food, but rarely get fruit. His nurses love getting Edible Arrangements, because they are ready to eat, convenient, and they don't feel guilty afterwards, or obliged to eat something they shouldn't out of appreciation for the patient's generosity.

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answers from Kansas City on

First, glad you are okay!!! Best of luck on recovery.

My son was in the ICU for the 1st 30 days of life. We, too, wanted to thank the staff. We went to Costco and bought several packs of snacks (100 calorie packs, crackers, granola bars, mini candy bars, etc.). I made a couple of baskets and included thank you notes and pictures of Jack. (There were probably 250+ individual snack items).

It cost less than $100 and I felt it was the least I could do for all of the great care we received!

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answers from Columbus on

Congratulations and best wishes to you, J.! What a relief it must be for you and your family! Hope you're feeling 100% soon.

I suppose it's cliche, but I like those fruit bouquets people buy and send, and in a hospital, it sounds like a great treat. I'm sure you'll get a lot of good suggestions here!

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answers from Youngstown on

So glad you are home! And alive lol. God is good!

Take care and keep us posted!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I'm glad you are doing ok. Keep getting better!!

I work in a health system and one of the nicest things you can do is write a thank you letter to the hospital thanking the nurses specifically by name if you can. The hospital I work at features those letters in an online newsletter as a way to honor great employees.

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answers from Chicago on

Order pizza or some other lunch for them.

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answers from Denver on


Wow, you have really been through a lot. I work with spinal cord and brain injury patients and know this time has been rough for you!

Things patients have brought us, which are always enjoyed is, fruit/veggie trays, bagels and cream cheese, trail mix, a basket with mixed teas, hot cocoa or flovored coffee... something healthy. We always seem to get the sugary sweets. We get excited when someone brings in like a basket of fruit.

Also, make sure you call ahead to find out when YOUR TEAM is working. With rotating shifts, you would hate to go in with such a blessing, and not have them recieve. Also, be sure to go near shift change, so bath day & night teams can enjoy.

The BIGGEST and best gift recieved however, is a letter to the hospital, letting them know how wonderful the nursing team was, how they went above and beyong, the overall comfort they gave. This is a gift that will follow them and show the powers that be, how much of a difference they made in your stay. At my hospital, they put out compliment cards, so that patients, families and our co-workers can fill those out. They all go through admin, then our supervisor, then to us. It always brightens my day when a card comes in and when I am having a rough day and question why I chose to work in nursing, I look back on those cards, and know, I am following my heart.

Much love and prayers in recovery.


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answers from San Francisco on

First and foremost, I am so happy that you've had the surgery and are back at home. And really happy that it seems to have gone well.

I would send an edible arrangement to the nurses station on each floor. People really seem to like those and it's the perfect gift for health care professionals!

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answers from Omaha on

Thank goodness your ok J.. Don't forget the important thank you and that is to hubs.

What I did for my nurses was a small angel and a covered note that said how special they were for taking care of me.

I hope you recover soon.

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answers from Dallas on

Whenever I've stayed in the hospital (for babies only) I've always sent in trays of cookies for the nursing staff. Obviously you don't want to bake anything right now, but maybe send that wonderful Husband of yours to Sams or Costco -- they sell big trays of cookies, and their tubs of cream puffs and eclairs are really yummy too.

Maybe put everything on a nicer tray or in a basket with a card thanking everyone on staff?

Hope you continue to feel better!

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answers from Louisville on

Those fruit boquets can also be done in a vegetable format .....

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answers from Los Angeles on

So glad to hear everything went well!

My friend is a nurse and they love all homemade baked goods.

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answers from Kansas City on

So glad you are back at home and hope you keep getting better and better. In the meantime, as hard as it is, don't worry about Daddy's hair dos. :-) Just coming home from having a baby I endured that along with very strange attire and matching of colors on the little ones. I think the fruit baskets or Edible Arrangements sounds great. You are blessed to have a husband so helpful and caring too.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Congrats on the surgery and being out of the hospital!!!

What about a movie basket with couple boxes of microwave popcorn and some sodas with Redbox giftcards???

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answers from Bloomington on

I'm so happy, everything went well. Thanks for updating.

Nurses love food .

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answers from Boca Raton on

I don't have any ideas for treats (I did like Queen's idea) but I wanted to send you best wishes.

As someone who has had a pituitary tumor (luckily not as bad as yours) I was truly curious how everything went.

I'm so thankful you're OK! Great job to you, the docs and the nurses - and OF COURSE YOUR HUSBAND! <3

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answers from Jacksonville on

Thank goodness and congratulations on a successful recovery. Here's to a speedy recovery period!

My SIL and several friends are nurses. I have never heard one speak ill of anything from Edible Arrangements. :)

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answers from San Francisco on


Praise God you are alright! I am amazed that you are on here are and typing etc. So happy that it is out. As for treats, how about some old fashioned cookies---you could do an assortment of oatmeal raisen, choc chip, sugar cookies etc. Do it for both floors and a nice note---- HTH

Take good care of you!

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answers from Houston on

I'm so glad you are home and on your way to recovery!!! It so great that your care givers were so incredible. An edible arrangement would be great or a cookie bouquet would work as well.

A card to the hospital administration letting them know how great your care was would be greatly appreciated as well.

As of the hairdo, well, what the hell?! You're alive!!! =)

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answers from Colorado Springs on

While you're planning goodies - which I know the staff will appreciate - another thing they'll appreciate will be a letter to the hospital commending their care of you. Mention the nurses all by name, if you can. Something like that might go into each of the nurses' permanent records.

I'm glad you're doing well!

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answers from Phoenix on

just wanted to say Praise God

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answers from Chicago on

It's so nice to here that not only are you doing well but you had a great staff & best of all you have a wonderful husband stepping up.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I was thinking of you! So glad to hear you are doing well at home!
My aunt is in a nursing home and her nurses seem to like when I bring in a pretzel tray, donuts, cookies or candy.

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answers from Kansas City on

Great ideas! Nothing to add, just wanted to let you know how happy I am for you! Best wishes for continued good health!

Oh, and can I say AWESOME HUSBAND!! Your SWH made me smile!

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answers from Dallas on

Some hospitals have evals you can fill out. If the employee got great reviews, they could get a $100 bonus.

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answers from Charlotte on

J., thanks so much for taking the time to write. We're so happy that your surgery was successful and that you are feeling as well as can be expected after such an invasive procedure.

I'm also so glad that your husband has picked up the "ball" and run with it so well. I think that he will appreciate you so much when this is all said and done, for all the things you do to make your house a home.

Hugs to you, AND to your nurses and doctors!!


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answers from San Antonio on

First: YAY!! I'm so glad that you're doing alright!! I'm sorry about the spinal fluid leaking. I had issues with that the first time I had a spinal. It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. *hugs*

As far as a treat, I would suggest cupcakes, cookies or cake pops...or even an Edible Arrangement for them. This is something they could put in the break room and snack on whenever they get a chance.

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answers from Amarillo on

I am glad all went well for you. You were on myy mind the other day. Take your time and rest when needed. You will be fine. Life is good.

Send in a couple of plates of cookies and a big thank you note to the nursing staff. They love to get these. In fact they hang them up on the bulletin board near the nusrsing station.

May you heal quickly and enjoy life. Remember to not sweat the small stuff. A big hug to your hubby and the girls for taking care of you.

The other S.

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answers from Dayton on

We gave our nursing team gift cards to Starbucks. They loved it!

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answers from Boston on

So glad you are doing well and that you have time/energy to think about the wonderful nurses.

I'd write them a note on a big card (suitable for poasting on the nurses' station bulletin board, (put in the comment about the daughter's hair - they'll be glad you can laugh!) and write a formal letter to the hospital Director Of Nursing or Head of Critical Care, mentioning the general level of care but also the specific nurses by name if you can.

Hospital staff have to grab meals on the go, and junk food snacks are a problem. Homebaked or bakery cookies are nice but have so much fat and sugar that health workers don't need or want. A pretty fruit platter would be great - you can probably get a catering place to do a nice job (like what they do for receptions, weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc.). Fresh seasonal fruit in a lovely arrangement would bring some elegance to their daily grind. I've seen all kinds of clever things with pineapple tops and kiwi fruits on top of the "usual" items, and of course there are franchises like Edible Arrangements.

I also saw a fun vegetable array at a party - there was a patch of grass (you see those arrangements in offices and lobbies now) but with other vegetables stuck in it on special skewers. I'm not describing it well, but it looked like a lawn had sprouted plants such as baby peppers, carrots, and other tender-fresh veggies. It was really unique.

Keep going with your recovery!

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answers from Columbus on

I'm so glad you're doing well. You've been in my prayers!!

My sister is a nurse and she says they still love getting a big box of chocolates - like Russel Stovers. I know everyone is health conscious these days but chocolate still works!!

Or a big fruit basket with a couple balloons attached works too .

God bless you and your family!!

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answers from Fargo on

My nephew lived for 21 days. He had 3 main nurses that we picked up some cute angel thing wrote his name on the bottom. We brought a bouquet of balloons (21) and flowers to brighten up the floor.

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answers from New York on

What I have done in the past, having spent a lot of time in the hospital, is
call the local deli and arrange for lunch to be sent. I make sure that there is
enough to cover he day and evening shifts. They were always very grateful
for this. Or you can send cookie/pastry platters. Glad you are doing better.
Keep up the good work. Kudos to hubby. Mine always and still does step up to the plate. We are truly blessed. I know what a spinal headache is like. I have had two in my lifetime. More than anyone should have!!!!!! They are indescribable.

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answers from Atlanta on

Wow! What an ordeal. I can't imagine going through this. I'm so very glad for you and so thankful you're doing so well. You're one strong lady.

I don't know what to get them, I'm sure glad to hear how amazing there are though. What about just ol' fashion wonderful flowers. I love getting flowers. That way everyone can see them and enjoy them, they'll be right in view for them. You could get them a really nice box of candies or a basket of nice fruit.

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