Hypnotherapy Vs. Western Medicine

Updated on June 26, 2010
J.S. asks from New Port Richey, FL
19 answers

Ok, so I'm not even sure what I am asking technically, I guess I'm just looking for opinions.

I have been considering HypnoBirthing, and have worked with a hypnotherapist. He wants to do a complete "regression therapy healing." He believes that just about everything in your life stems from one event, whether from a past life, in utero, or in the present life. I have scoliosis, possible separated pelvis from this pregnancy, and am considered high-risk. He thinks that all of this comes from that one moment, and if he can pinpoint and "heal" this moment, all my ailments will be healed. He wants me to find a midwife instead of going to the "Butchers" at the high risk clinic. He thinks that they will try to scare me into doing things (c-section, bedrest, ect.) that my body "doesn't really need."

My concern comes from already losing one child (stillborn). A small part of me wants to give my care over to him and a midwife, but a much bigger part of me feels I sould stay with my current doctor, and adhere to whatever his plan of care will be. My thinking is, the OBs at the high risk clinic went to school and got the degrees especially for pregnancy and childbirth. This hypnotherapist did not. I don't understand how he canknow what's best for me and my future son better than the OBs. I know that noone can guarntee that this pregnancy won't reselu in loss, but I feel like I'm almost playing with fire if I stray away from my OB's care.

Like, I said, I don't really know what I am asking you Mommies, but I needed to get all this out and hear some unbaised opinions on both sides of the spectrum. I'm torn trying to figure it out on my own.

Thanks Mamas! :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

Please do not give up your OB. Despite what many natural birth advocates (and, apparently, your hypnotherapist) says, most doctors, including OBs, are not "butchers." Most OBs became OBs because they care about the welfare of women and infants, and have studied long and hard to protect them. High-risk OBs studied longer and harder for just that purpose. If you have concerns about your OB, then interview and select another one who you feel comfortable will advise you on what is best for you and your baby.

Also, my suggestion is that you give up this hypnotherapist, and find one who understands and will respect your decision to continue getting appropriate prenatal care from an OB. As you note, the hynotherapist did not go to medical school and cannot know what is best for you and your son, and his suggestion that he does is a real red-flag.

Best regards and best of luck.

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answers from Sarasota on

Wow--Ina and Sarah said everything I would say! I just want to add that getting a doula you can trust is a huge help! Someone who is just on your side and who can translate the medical terms and help you figure out what you want--not just what everyone else is telling you--is a huge help, especially in an emotional pregnancy.

I, too, worry about any practioner who calls names, derides others or says everything comes from "one thing." I also think a blend of western and alternative medicine can be very effective and healthy. Just make sure everyone on your team respects you. You are the mama!!!!

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answers from San Francisco on

"the OBs at the high risk clinic went to school and got the degrees especially for pregnancy and childbirth. This hypnotherapist did not. I don't understand how he canknow what's best for me and my future son better than the OBs."

Those are your words. Listen to them.

By the way, I would be leery of a hypnotherapist who openly calls doctors "butchers." That's way out of line and not at all professional.

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answers from Fort Myers on

Do not listen to him! I am New Age, Neopagan etc so you would think I would be saying the exact opposite, but you should go to the high risk docs...they are not butchers, they are highly trained professionals. So what if you end up needing a C section for the health/safety of your baby? It's not that big a deal & a live healthy baby is really the ultimate goal...sometimes mere seconds make a difference in a high risk delivery & you will be grateful for those docs & all their technology if it does make that life or death difference...just my humble opinion...oh & hypnotherapy can't fix scoliosis, neither can reiki, crystal healing, etc...he sounds like a quack to me...

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answers from Miami on

Both the hypnotherapist and conventional doctors have their own narrow view of things, they both have valuable tools and resources that are helpful when properly applied. HypnoBirthing is valuable in reducing or eliminating the need for drugs and invasive procedures during the birthing process but it doesn't prevent all complications and having conventional medical resources available as a backup in case any problem comes up when attempting natural childbirth is wise. Many problems we have of physical and psychological issue do trace to patterns from past experiences, so hyponsis can help release a lot of old patterns feeding dysfunction. If the hypnotist thinks he can find just one foundational past experience and resolve that to magically heal ALL your issues then he needs to check his ego - since that rarely seems to happen even with the best therapists. So my suggestion is to take what value there is in what everyone has to share but recognize that there are many pieces to the puzzle and you need to put together for yourself what you feel is best for YOU.

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answers from San Antonio on

I am a HUGE advocate for home birth. I VBACed at home and it was wonderful!

I don't know enough about your situation to say what you should do. Was there an obvious reason why your first was stillborn? i am so sorry for your loss.

How about a happy medium like nurse-midwives or a birthing center?

I do agree that high-risk OBs are often butchers. I had an unnecessary c-section with my first child (but she's healthy and so am I, so everything is OK.) but who is your hypnotherapist to pressure you? I disagree that everything stems from one moment. Strongly. what were you before that moment? Are Birthing From Within classes available in your area? It helped me deal with anxiety and pain over my c-section as well as miscarriage trauma before birthing at home. You make a lot of art, talk through worries, learn different coping techiniques in a supportive, nonjudgemental environment.

Have you ever tried Vipassana (insight) meditation? I took a 10 day silent retreat when I was 8 mos. pregnant with my second and it absolutely changed my life. If you want to know more about that, PM me. It's basically a breathing exersize where you do not talk, you focus your attention and you learn to go through life with equanimity. You can be of any religion, it's just a breathing technique, but it will make you confront your deepest secrets. It is incredible. My husband and I both do it and we both find it liberating and difficult.

I think that you need expert opinions from non-OB specialists who deal with scoliosis and separated pelvises. Talk to midwives as well, and if you go that route, make sure she has dealt with these issues before. I did not VBAC with just anyone, I chose someone who had home birth VBAC experience and I'm lucky I did.

Congratulations and good luck!

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answers from New York on

Stick with the OB's. A high-risk pregnancy needs professionals who can step in if something goes wrong. I ended up in the hospital with pre-eclampsia and had to be induced with my first pregnancy. Was so happy I was in the hands of good doctors. Everything went well and had a healthy baby. Do the past-life regression sometime after your child is born.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would stick with your OB - but I would also recommend getting a doula who can help you through the entire process more in the way of a midwife and can advocate for you through the birth process.

That said, I am also all for going for adding anything else that might help you - including acupuncture, shiatsu massage, hypnosis, whatever.

I would be nervous about undergoing hypnotherapy with this particular person who has no right to share his opinions with you, particularly using the word, "butcher," which is neither accurate nor healing/helpful, which is what he claims that he does. Instead, find a reputable clinic with someone you can trust. And then go for it. Supplement the care that you receive from your OB with anyone and everyone that can help you relax, feel good, and have a positive pregnancy and birth experience.

Take good care of yourself!

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answers from Indianapolis on

Surprisingly, I was referred to acupuncture while undergoing chemo a few years ago. It's surprising because Oncology is a very evidence-based specialty with very brilliant scientists making critical medical decisions. But, they knew the acupuncture could help heal the psychological scars that were causing side effects. My insurance didn't cover anyone locally, so I didn't go, but I wanted to.

My advice to you would be to see if you can do both with more of an emphasis on the OB. My main reason is this: should something catastrophic happen (God forbid), you're more protected by the OB and ALL the medical staff in the hospital than you are by a hypnotherapist. An OB's training is as a physician first (most go through an Internal Medicine residency before the OB/GYN felllowship for specialty. What happens if you have an emergent issue with the baby?

Perhaps the hypnotherapist can prepare you for the delivery and offer techniques to help you birth more efficiently and keep you grounded mentally.

But, I'm a scientist, and Western Medicine treated my cancer (for now), and for that I'm grateful.

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answers from Orlando on

I say to look into a midwife. My son was born at home with a midwife.

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answers from Tampa on

J., you already know the answer. You have a God given Common Sense. It is the most trusted source we have in life. Don't look around for answers. Wait patiently and the answer will come. In this case it is obviously very easy to see which way to go. Hope this helps, A. (42 year old Mom of a 7 year old boy, who we waited for many years, and who is a Joy to be with. Married 22 years to my first and only Love)

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answers from Seattle on

I am all for natural pregnancy and childbirth. I had a natural, drug-free birth and a midwife as my health care provider.

There are a few things to consider. Scoliosis, separated pelvis (if we are talking sympysis pubis here) and even a previous still birth do not automatically categorize you at high risk. One of the most important factors is why your first child was stillborn. Was it due to a genetic or congenital defect? What is your chance of a repeat of the situation? Was it related to a chronic medical issue you have?
Speak to you doctor about your risk factors and what the options are to treat/monitor them.
You could consult a midwife simply for a second opinion on your risk factors... and go from there.

One thing I know that no licensed midwife will touch a truly HIGH RISK patient. They do not want to lose their license. They will refer you if you encounter complications that require a OB/GYN.

If you are truly considered high risk, because either you or the fetus have a known or very likely health issue stay with your OB.
It never hurts to get a second opinion though.

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answers from Erie on

i'm not opposed to the hypnotherapist, but my concern is the baby, and i think for that reason, i wouldn't do something that woudl be forcing an emotional moment while pregnant with a high risk baby. If he had regressed you before you were pregnant or if you want to wait until after. That would be my personal opinion. I do think our emotional/mental health effects our bodies ALOT but in this case whose to say that dealing with those emotions wouldn;'t put more stress temorarily on your pregnant body and cause and issue. but what do i kow.

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answers from Miami on

Hypno therapy can be great. I'd check into it more, let the therapist know your concerns (don't be shy) and learn/take from it what you are ready to.
It's a process that doesn't happen overnight. I've studied with Shamans for over ten years; and still know there is more to understand, so take each step one at a time. Also, finding the "root cause" can be overwhelming. Yet it will quickly take you toward a "higher level" of your life.
I'd also plan to stick with your OB and let him/her know that you have been introduced to hypno-birthing and that it will be a modality you are open to for healing.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Well I do believe in hypnotherapy and know that it can be very beneficial in some areas, I do not believe I would take the chance with a high risk pregnancy. If you have a good OB that you trust, follow his/her advice. If you aren't that comfortable with your OB, find one you do trust. A midwife is not equiped to deal with your medical issues.

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answers from Miami on

Ask you doctor how many natural births he has ever witnessed without any interventions.

Watch the movie, "The Business of Being Born".

I have not regrets about my daughter's birth. My doctor made it wonderful even though it was a c-section.

I too wanted to change offices only because I wanted to try a vbac. I loved my doctor so much that I didn't transfer; however, it had been a while since my last c-section and I healed quickly.

If I had scene the movie mentioned above, I might have switched. I know of what happened with me and the birth of my son happened in that movie.

I feel hospitals can be prisons. I wanted to walk around and walk out the pain. Once you're plugged in, they don't let you move. I wouldn't have had to have a c-section but I will never know because I was confined to a hospital bed.

I knew that I had other medical conditions that could effect my baby so I opted for the repeat c; however, If I went through the hypnobirthing process with Dr. Skeete, I wouldn't have needed a c.

Conventional medicine scares you into doing things, you might not have done; so, think about the pros and cons and so some research and then go with what makes you feel better.

Remember, the end result is key; the healthy beautiful baby in your arms.

I do agree with your hypnobirthing person as my son had such a tramatic birth, that I believe it's a big part of his personality.

If I had to do it over again with my son, I would have gone to a birthing center. Remember to be positive.

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answers from Gainesville on

It sounds like you don't trust him. And if you don't trust him, you have part of your answer already. I find it hard to believe that everything wrong is from one cause or event. We have many sources of joy in our lives; we have different sources of sorrow. I don't believe that one event can be responsible for everything; that doesn't make any sense.
A hypnotherapist is not a medical professional. A midwife IS a medical professional. An OB is also a medical professional. Why don't you find a midwife practice that is affiliated with an OB practice, since that should satisfy your desire for a midwife and your desire for available interventions, since in your case it sounds like it might be necessary.
Separated pelvis makes natural birth more likey, by the way, unless there is something else medical going on. It's painful as all hell, but it does give the baby more room to descend, so you most likely will not have failure to progress as an issue in labor.
And get a doula. You can have a doula, a birth assistant, even with an OB. Since you are having so much anxiety with this pregnancy, what you really need is emotional support; someone who can focus on your emotional needs during the birth, and let the OB or midwife focus on the process of birthing. This sounds like something that could really help you.
How is your husband dealing with all this, anyway? If he's in the picture, how is he supporting you? I think a doula can help him get involved in the process. Something else to consider is taking childbirth classes again as a couple, even if you took them for an earlier pregnancy. It's a way to bring your husband into this again, if he's a bit removed. Chances are he just doesn't know how to help you, so giving him something concrete to involve him could be good for both of you.

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answers from Orlando on

I had two birth ctr deliveries, two at home w/midwife but prenatal care under a medical doctor (hard to find one willing to do this), three (#3, #6 & #7) at hospital and one miscarriage (#8--older mom). The reason the last two were at the hospital is after five pregnancies Florida law restricts midwives (at least then) to that because of higher bleeding risk factor with more births (not all have problem but I was a heavy bleeder).

When I made the necessary transition, I realized my OB preferred to have all tools on hand if something should come up. The mess that comes with birthing did not phase him as he first worked in Africa seven years before here and literally saw strong women go birth behind bushes. Interestingly I asked him I heard how women give birth immediately going back to work as I am a hard worker but noticed when pushed too hard the bleeding would go up and was exhausted (turns out decades later found out had sleep apnea--did not have diabetes, not overweight or thick neck--CPAP machine is helping even though a bit to become used to & two sleep study nights were hard--but very glad I had it checked out. Now explains the decades of extreme fatigue beyond birthing). He said that was true but the trade off was when they were 30 yrs old, they looked like 60 yrs old. Been complimented several times that I do not look like I have 7 kids and almost fifty. Husband would stay with me for a whole month (job has good leave) after each birth and stay home, no smoking or partying, drink lots of water & eat healthy as possible.

But back to point some hospitals are becoming more consumer friendly and pays to be informed, friendly but firm with wise flexibility. An example is when I had #6 I barely pushed out him as my uterus was worn out. Some women in past and current history have/can birth 25 children without the uterus wearing out but not mine. I was so leary of pitocin because of f&f and others bad encounters with pushy nurses administering too much pitocin. Held out from using pitocin for #7 then finally had to have some. The nurse gave a small amount and out he came. Too bad I did not do sooner that day---I was wore out!! Like little train that could :)

Also very alarmed about regression thereapy healing as know from people who work in deliverance ministry, that opens one up to evil spirit infestation. There is a scripture that says man is appointed to die once then judgment so anything else reasoned otherwise is a diversion from truth. Dealing with entities that are far smarter than humans. Us humans with our sin nature (fallen fm Adam & Eve) have enough problems as it is. Peacefullness is useful. He sounds dogmatic at this stage in his life--putting philosophy or ideals above people. Whatever epic battle took place before this heaven & earth, we see when get to heaven but not needed now.

My former OB, Dr. Manos, that allowed me to birth at home with midwife moved to Mount Dora Florida as a master ultra sounder for our female parts and covers for midwives when they need him. (He may be nearing retirement) I guess he saw how I handled & worked at #3's birth. Saves hospitals money and heard how British hospitals operate (midwives handle most births but can call doctor when needed).

Look for someone that has good instincts as my midwives and my former OB did (he reminded me of T.V. detective Columbo character looked bit bumbling but actually smart & good instincts). Only met one midwive who had what I call a clinical approach.

I did all births including miscarry without any pain killers. However I did know one lady whose mother warned her of terrible birth pains that ran in the family so she used some form of pain killer. All a balance for your situation and safety of you & baby. Actually met two ladies that their babies were truly allergic to their milk turned out it was a genetic issue and the moms had good diets (they did know each other & different times). I have heard from those who had epidurals they would not to that again i.e. terrible headache if move (how can you enjoy & bond with that?), back pain at the needle insertion site even decades later. Also read increases one's chances for a forceps delivery (opens a chance to spinal injury to baby) who wants that unless emergency? Have not heard anything on saddle blocks.

Doulas I have heard are nice but did not use myself--no need & money a factor. On my written birth plans with all of our children my first priority was our safety (everything in my personal prenatal care was geared for increasing their chances for survival). Then second was our bonding time which was immediately after birth even with a ceasarean section in case that should come up. All of mine were very alert checking us out. Then nappy for newborn about six hours even though technically one supposed to wake baby every two hours. With first one I was a bit scared for sleeping so long. Also best friend (nurse for 30 yrs incl. 10 yrs in labor & delivery) believed that pain medicine used for her necessary ceasarean got into her baby's system because she was chirpy after two months and ever since.

Another useful tidbit is take Citracal Plus for Bone Density. After #3's birth, I had bad pain in my hip (then both later). Started drinking orange juice with calcium (know juice is 'sugar water' for the dogmatic purist but) it helped a bunch for the time. Turns out talking with my maid of honor (five boys herself) she had the same issue happening with her hips which her midwive found out she had stopped taking her calcium supplement while still nursing. Her midwive said that she needs to take that for two years after birth. In 2003 my bone density was in danger (even though eating healthy) of osteporosis. Heard from another good mom friend of Citracal Plus, been using ever since and past two DEXA scans my bones have passed and no longer in danger of osteporosis. But since contains other vitamins, I cut multi in half so not to go over too much plus take B vitamins seperate.

So hope all this helps. More than welcomed to contact me if have further questions or comments. Best Regards, N.

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answers from Miami on

HE is 100% right!! You have trauma that if not healed will go into your next child as some sort of autoimmune disorder including autism, allergies, adhd, asthma or illness of some sort. When you study this stuff you will find that it makes so much sense how we unknowingly give to the next generation things from our past. Drs will not stop a stillbirth, miscarriage or anything else. They will make things worse will all the meds and techniques. MIdwives have much healthier babies in the long run. While pregnant do not step into a dental office, drink only reverse osmosis water, nothing from a spray can, do not be around any toxins, eat organic as much as you can and take pregnancy yoga classes to reduce stress. When baby is born, breastfeed, no vaccines and sleep baby on tummy when you are around. Give often tummy time when baby is awake as well. Everything will most likely be fine. Lightening won't strike twice in the same spot.

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