His Diaper Rash Is Finally Gone!!!!!

Updated on November 30, 2009
A.S. asks from Bonsall, CA
43 answers

Hi guys does anyone have any recommendations for me? My son just turned one and we are still giving him formula with some cows milk in it. We started with whole milk but it was hurting his belly. so we have been mixing the formula and that now. He has had a diaper rash for a week almost two full weeks. We have used neosporin, butt paste, everything?? He has always wore the same diapers and never had a problem with them. It is bumpy & red and eases up but has not completely disappeared?

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So What Happened?

THANKS to all who tried to help me with this problem. We used triple paste because it was not a yeast infections and it cleared up within a day!!! wow we had used everything other than that, it really works so give it a try if you havent! As for the milk he is still getting some formula, we mainly drink water and some juice and eat yogurt and cheese to get calcium but we are done with bottles and i am going to try him on soy milk to see if it helps. No teeth that we can see so I am thinking it was the milk!

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answers from San Diego on

When I was an aromatherapist, I used to make this for a friend of mine after she tried everything else. To 32 ozs of non-allegenic lotion add a few drops each of Tea Tree & Lavender essential oils. Shake well. It will sting just a little but in a good way!

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answers from Las Vegas on


It sounds like he's reacting to the milk. I'd go back to the formula and see if it clears up. And then either stick to the formula for a few months and then try again or switch to a follow up formula. Not every kid can handle whole milk at a year.




answers from Honolulu on

Cornstarch helped my little guy with his non-stop diaper rash problems. It was the only thing that helped so give it a try.

More Answers



answers from San Diego on

Hi A.~
Your son is one now and doesn't need formula anymore. Most people put their kids on milk because that's what they are told to do after they turn 1. My son has never had milk and he's 3. He's growing perfectly and is very healthy. We decided we did not want him to drink milk because we can get him calcium from other foods. It does sound like an allergy, you could switch him to just drinking water. Many people are allergic to milk, it's very h*** o* tummies.

Just an idea. People will probably disagree with me but I do know that it is not necessary for children or anyone for that matter, to drink milk. We are the only species that drinks another animals milk.

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answers from San Luis Obispo on

I second the mom who said it may be a yeast infection. When my babies got this way, we tried Vagisil (or any OTC yeast cream) and put it on the affected area. Worked like a charm. Of course, I would always try 'air' first as it's natural and can't harm the baby! :) Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like an allergic reaction, but the rash may now be a yeast infection. It may be from too much cows milk at once. My son was having other issues, so I took him off milk for awhile and his issues cleared up. Since he's over 2 now, I've reintroduced milk with no problems. My son would get this horrible diaper rash that would never resolve, and the only thing that worked was this "recipe" below.
Ask your pedi first, but mine recommended something I call the "miracle cream". It's not very homeopathic, but it works great. My friends have asked me for the "recipe" after nothing else worked. Get a little plastic container and mix together 1 part each of these over-the-counter medications:
1. Polysporin ointment or cream (an anti-infective used for cuts and scrapes),
2. Cortaid cream (hydrocortisone 1% - a steroid anti-inflammaory, usually used for itching, rashes or bug bites),
3. Lotrimin (clotrimazole cream - an anti-fungal, usually used for athlete's foot).
Apply 3 times a day. Should notice results very quickly. If the rash is really bad, it may take 2-3 days to resolve completely.
Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

You've already received a good variation in responses but I would take him to the Dr. Rashes typically clear up within a few days once you put ointments on them. You're son is probably miserable with the rash - why prolong his agony while you try to figure it out on your own? If it is a yeast infection then they can prescribe something, if it's not then you'll probably start looking at an allergy to milk.



answers from Los Angeles on

Maybe it's caused by yeast. In which case I don't think a topical remedy is enough. I don't know how to test for it, but I would ask your doc more about it. Good luck! (There is also a product by Motherlove called "diaper rash and thrush", which you could use while you're trying to figure it out. They have really nice products - all natural, too.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter had something similar when she was wearing pull ups. We had been using the same pull ups brand for quite a while and she developed a rash that just wouldn't go away. The doctor had us use A&D cream and switch brands and the rash cleared up right away. Apparently kids can develop allergies even to things they've been using for some time. Try a different diaper and see what happens! Best of luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

My guess is that it is a yeast infections and not diaper rash. You can get a script for Nystatin for your pediatrician or use OTC Lotremin. My son used to get them all the time!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.,
It could be a yeast infection. Has he seen the doctor about it? You could try an anti fungal medicine. Buy a yeast infection for women (the internal one) and put it on the rash (externally). Also give him a pro biotic powder for children. Try it for a few days and see what happens. Otherwise, see his doctor.
Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

Have you tried desitin? That is the only product we could find that cleared up our daughter's diaper rash. We found yogurt to be a strong cause, as well as she was allergic to Luv's & Pamper's diapers. You might try to switch diapers; & definately give good old fashioned desitin (not the clear stuff - the white cream) a try! And....really goop it on when it's really red.



answers from Los Angeles on

A couple of table spoons of baking soda in a shallow bath should do the trick. You can also try calendula cream from the healthfood store or wholefoods - both remedies work well. Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds yeasty to me...try a OTC steroid cream to take the inflammation down, followed by an OTC anti-fungal like lotrimin (on top of the steroid). When the inflammation goes down a bit, just put the anti-fungal on until the rash disappears. Worked like a charm for my kiddos.



answers from Los Angeles on

You mentioned that your son's belly started hurting after starting with whole milk and you are now fixing it. Could he be lactose intolerant? Does he have diarrhea? If it is a yeast infection milk will only make it worse. Either way, I would ditch the milk entirely for a week or two and see if things clear up.


Here's a link to some natural remedies for diaper rash that might help. Good luck and congratulations. You're doing great.



answers from San Diego on

Could be a yeast infection rash, which won't go away without anti-fungal ointment, and will actually get worse of you use any kind of oatmeal bath. Symptoms usually include beefy red rash, can spread to areas outside the bum, and very painful. Check online and your doctor to be sure, and to use the right treatment if it is a yeast infection rash. Hope he feels better!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi. I finally have time to respond. I'm glad it's gone. The reason it takes so long is because his bottom needs to be incredibly dry to heal - a condition surprisingly hard to achieve. My doctor told me that some parents use hair dryers, set on cool of course, to achieve that perfect dryness. I didn't have a place to plug one in so I didn't use one and it took my daughter like 3 weeks to get over her rash. I blew on her butt and had her go bare bottomed but it took a long time...Next time I'm using the blow dryer. Any hint of moisture just prolongs the healing process. Also, the reason you got it in the first place was probably because of teething. The poop becomes like toxic to the skin when they're teething - I don't know why. Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

sometimes when a diaper rash lasts so long it is a fungus. if you are worried take your son to the doc. try changing his diaper more often also.


answers from Los Angeles on

The products you mention do not work for my daughter. I seriously tried every diaper cream out there & the one excellent product I found was Motherlove diaper rash & thrush salve. Amazing. Works fast. Whole Foods, The Pump Station, and the CoOp sell it.



answers from Los Angeles on

My children only get rashes when teething, so I firmly believe that you should look within, so to speak. It could be that or something he's eating, perhaps. Also, I would give some thought to the possibility of it being a yeast rash.

Cow's milk IS a hugely advertised money-making industry. Human's have been conditioned to believe that it "DOES A BODY GOOD" but it's very hard for our single stomach's (as opposed to a cow's 4 stomachs) to process. I did a LOT of web browsing when my son was approaching 1 y.o. Goat's milk is about the only milk that I couldn't find anything wrong with, in my personal searches. Soy can affect proper hormone development (as I recall), etc. It's been almost 2 1/2 years since I read this stuff, so I am a little rusty. =) I am not a zealot, I just like to be well informed. My children have never had a bad reaction to milk, cow's milk, so they drink it, but my first son didn't start drinking it until my husband gave it to him when he was well over 2 y.o. Just food for thought.



answers from Los Angeles on

Try Lotrimin AF (check with your doctor of course) but it sounds like yeast. My son had it before and it was hard to get rid of when we were treating the wrong issue.

Good luck!




answers from Las Vegas on

You may want to call the Ped first before guessing if what you are doing is not working-It may be a yeast infection which will not clear will OTC ointments and cream. L.:)



answers from Honolulu on

His body is reacting to the milk. He may be lactose intolerant. I would get rid of the milk and stick to familiar stuff for awhile. When it clears, you can try it again to verify or just go with another milk option, soy, rice, etc. Good luck


answers from Salt Lake City on

He might have a skin infection. You may want your pediatrician to check it out.




answers from Los Angeles on

it sounds like a yeast rash. my daughter got one after introducing milk into her diet, too. i treated it with some over the counter clotrimazole cream (same thing as you use to treat athlete's foot) and it cleared up pretty quickly. good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Could be a yeast infection if it isn't going away. I use colloidal oatmeal in my son's bath water and that seems to help him. The fragrance in the commercial wipes also can make it worse...try changing over to nature baby care wipes (and diapers if you can) they are natural and completely biodegradeable!



answers from San Diego on

Hello A.,
My daughter had a horrible diaper rash. We found out that her urine was too acidic for her. After seeing a dermatologist(becasue it was so bad for months) We had the pharmacy "compound-zinc oxcide, nystatin, and cortizone", then put a thin layer but covered it heavily in DESITIN (original)at EACH diaper change, you will see a difference in a day.
praying for a fast recovery!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.,

First of all, I am so jealous that you are living in So Cal and are able to stay home. That is my dream as well. Congratulations to you.

As far as your son's rash, my daughter had something similar and when I took her to the Dr. it turned out to be a yeast infection. I was given prescription cream and it cleared up almost right away.

Hope this helps.




answers from Los Angeles on

Let him be diaper free for a periods of time during the day. The air will help. My MD always recommended that during diaper changes, if I could just my daughter be diaperless for as long as possible (without any ointment or paste), the air is the best thing. It worked!



answers from Boca Raton on

There are two things that cause my son to get diaper rash. Teething and too much juice. I don't know the exact reason but whenever he cuts a new tooth, he gets diaper rash very bad. His teeth come in very slowly so the rash lasts for a while. Also, if we don't water down his juice enough.

Burts Bees ointment works wonders. They sell it at Target and my local grocery store.

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter are just getting over a bad diaper rash...I tried everything and my neighbor just told me to try Lotrimin, along with your normal diaper goop routine. Give it a few days to a week to clear up.



answers from Honolulu on

Sounds like what happened to my sister as a baby. She is highly allergic to milk (can't even have milk chocolate or bread that has milk in it). I would cut the milk for now and think about trying goats milk (soy is high in estorgen... or mimics it... and has shown to be problematic for boys...).



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.,
Sounds like it could be a lactose thing. Try taking him off all dairy (including the formula if it is milk based...switch to soy or something else) for a week and see if it makes a difference. My son (who is now 15) would get ear infections when I used regular soy. The Dr. would not acknowledge it could be the milk and wanted to put him on maintenance antibiotics and tubes in his ears (I switched Dr.s). Cleared up as soon as I put him on soy formula.

Good luck!



answers from Reno on

It might be yeast or a fungus - yes, even boys get yeast infections, and babies can get the equivalent of jock itch. Have your dr. check for either of those; there are easy treatments for both.



answers from Los Angeles on

The most common reasons for recurrent diaper rash are foold allergies/intolerances and yeast. You are just trying to treat symptoms but the root cause is still there so the rash won't go away. I would suspect the milk first. He should have IGg and Ige testing for allergies.


answers from Los Angeles on

My son had a diaper rash that turned out to be a yeast rash. His rash was not clearing up, and we were trying everything. My sister happened to be visiting, and my niece gets chronic yeast rashes and she gave me a tube of Nystatin cream. The rash cleared up within a day.

I don't think they sell it over the counter, but I'm sure your ped can call some in for you.

Hope it helps!



answers from Los Angeles on

Triple Paste worked wonders for us when nothing else would. Available at CVS, Target etc.



answers from Los Angeles on

If the milk is hurting his belly, he is probably allergic to it. He obviously has trouble digesting it. I would try switching to soy or better yet rice milk.

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Definitely give him some time without a diaper on to dry out. I love aquaphor. Good luck!



answers from Reno on

In my experience in childcare, when I have seen a rash that lasts for more than a few days, it could actually be a yeast infection too. This has happened in many boys in our center, especially when they have a change in diet. Unfortunately, diaper creams only make it worse. A yeast infection thrives on moist and dark environments so that's why they don't go away. A trip to the doctors office will help, as they can prescribe a antibiotic powder that can clear it up in a few days...
That may not be your case, but it is just a thought. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Ask your ped about Acid Mantle. Strange name but it was the only cream that worked when my son had a stubborn diaper rash. A pediatric dermatologist prescribed it.



answers from Reno on

I haven't read all your responses, but sounds like the same type of rash my daughter got. We had switched her to milk and I couldn't find the diapers that I normally bought in her size at two stores and got desperate, so i bought her another brand. Not sure which one gave her the rash. I tried every type of cream, someone suggested Triple Paste to me... have you tried that one? It zapped her bumpy irritating rash to just a mild pink one in two days! She still has a slight rash though, her doctor checked her yesterday and assured me that it wasn't yeast, but also suggested a lotramine type diaper cream. Still take him to the doctor though to make sure that it isn't a yeast type rash. If your son is constipated from the milk as well, my doctor just suggested to me to put a tablespoon of DARK KARO SYRUP in a bottle or cup twice a day for 4 to 6 weeks, and it should help regulate :) My daughter was one of the lucky that fall in the 20% that gets constipation from the calcium in the milk! Sorry I went off subject! I hope your son's rash gets better soon, and hope I helped you some!



answers from Santa Barbara on

Hi A., I just went through this too. My 13 month old daughter had a rash for a solid month. I'm talking this ugly raw welted looking rash. Pedi gave a Nyastatin with a steroid which just made it worse. A ped dermatologist suggested Domebaro powder compresses. Which work by drying out the rash and helping it heal over faster. Try that and airing out the diaper area.

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